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Everything posted by Pepsi

  1. Well I just qualified for a seat in the Hold Em' tournament, November 30th to December 18th. I get a free buy in and entry fee of 2,080 dollars. Plus, it's a World Poker Tour Event. So if I win I get 30,000 plus entry in the 2005 WPT. How fucking sweet is that?
  2. It would be The Ten Commandments. Now I know your going to say how is that a remake? Well, I looked the other day and Cecil B. DeMile made an original version in the 1920's the silent version. But then he did it again with Charlton Heston and it's one of the greatest movies ever done. ←
  3. Early screenings of the movie say it's awful however, so she probably should I chosen a better role to try and "grow up" in.
  4. Pepsi

    Joey Sucks

    Is Arrested Development considered a SitCom? If so then that is the best show on TV right now.
  5. Pepsi

    Joey Sucks

    It has a sniker every now and then but it really just isn't as good as it should be. Joey was my favorite character on Friends but only when he was with Chandler (pre-Monica). If it was Joey & Chandler, the show would be golden. As it is now though...it's just not very funny.
  6. Eh..dunno bout you guys but I thought it looked fucking sweet. Kinda got a little chill when they showed Anakin all evil.
  7. Worse remake ever has to belong to "Rollerball". Ok, granted the original is not James Caan's finest hour....but the remake it just the biggest peice of garbage this side of Battlefield Earth..which gets the worse Novel Adaptation of all-time by the way.
  8. It at least would have been more realistic.
  9. I just got a girlfriend. Damn gender bias' games.
  10. Dave Grohl also recorded live drums for the album.
  11. on the PS2? It works for us.
  12. Pepsi


    I think giving you answers isn't always cheap if it's done right. But Vanilla Sky just laid it all out for you. Like Matzat said, it felt like it didn't trust it's audience.
  13. Well it's definatly fun. I didn't get to play it much as my boyfriend took the night off work just so he could play it. But it's really great so far.
  14. my boyfriend just called and he said he got it, so about 20 more minutes and i'll be playing.
  15. Well i'll be playing it in.....2 1/2 hours.
  16. Wow, I was just gonna post about my boyfriend getting a call from EB that he can get his copy today. And he has to work tonight which means it's all mine!
  17. wow..if you stare at that long enough it kinda becomes 3-D. :blink:
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