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Status Replies posted by Rich

  1. If someone makes me a VIP. I will love you forever. No Homo


  3. Anyone see "In Time"? I like the concept and I love Futuristic anything, but JT as a star worries me. Any opinions?

  4. Just saw a sign for "DUI classes". That seems like an easy class.

  5. GA can choke on my balls. Discuss.

  6. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night

  7. Get a job, raise a family, join the PTA! Get some sensible shoes and a Chevrolet! Then party 'til you're broke and they drag you away! It's okay!

  8. Who will be the first to challenge Carlito for the Carlito Championship? a) Carlito, b) Carlito, c) Carlito, d) Carlito, e) All of the above

  9. Who here wants to be my friend?

  10. For the love of god please everyone stop.

  11. Shut up JBH. You too Oscy. Pair of muppets.

  12. Its my 30th Birthday! Its also pmiriancunnighamr and tgradylevyx's 30th, uwosashley's 28th and Emperor DC's 22nd. Hope you all have great b-days

  13. Every time JukeboxHero comes to the defense of someone against the Evil EWB Bullies (especially when it's for stuff that the mods frown upon like star ratings), I'm going to add that person to my Ignore List of Death.

  14. So tomorrow I get my wisdom tooth pulled-- at a rather expensive cost-- and I've got so much else stressing me that I'm basically on the verge of shutting down. What a fantastic fucking day off.

  15. So tomorrow I get my wisdom tooth pulled-- at a rather expensive cost-- and I've got so much else stressing me that I'm basically on the verge of shutting down. What a fantastic fucking day off.

  16. I never realized I could be such a perfect combination of stressed, worried, angry and annoyed all at once to the point that I'd get a headache from the mental overload. Fucking awesome, just fucking awesome.

  17. I never realized I could be such a perfect combination of stressed, worried, angry and annoyed all at once to the point that I'd get a headache from the mental overload. Fucking awesome, just fucking awesome.

  18. Seattle Superhero arrested by Kirkland?

  19. Why did I get hung up on a Zombie game? I know Zombie stuff terrifies me and makes me paranoid for days.

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