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Mr. X

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Everything posted by Mr. X

  1. So, if the Blachawks send Huet down to Rockford and a team would pick him up on waivers, does that mean the Blackhawks only cover 1/2 of his salary for the rest of the year or would it apply to his salary for every year that he is contracted?
  2. Bears cut Jason McKie and Nathan Vasher. And sign Tim Jennings, who I honestly don't know much of so I expect he was more of a safety net for when our secondary continues the injury streak this season. I sorta hope we cut a deal to trade Olsen for a 2nd/3rd round pick as we could really use some picks in a draft this deep. And since Martz will be running the offense, I don't think trading Olsen will hurt us that much if we can use the pick we'd get for him on a future starter for our OL or a safety that would be a steal if they happen to fall.
  3. Did they do a lot of improv, or were the songs generally played closely to what is on the album?
  4. EWB's EASHL team needs 2 more players (either a Defender or Center, Goalie).
  5. Mastodon on May 19th. I'm expecting The Last Baron and most of Crack The Skye, but hopefully they do Sleeping Giant or This Mortal Soil.
  6. Speaking of Ico, I want a copy but refuse to pay 50+ dollars for a used one.
  7. I only spent 25 dollars for the Arkham Asylum SE after trading in a few games I had that I had either already beaten or stopped playing. I still feel ripped off as the Batarang is a poorly made piece of plastic that certainly isn't worth anything more than 10 dollars. And the booklet, while a good idea, could have been printed on paper other than that which is used for graphic novels, as when I think of a diary I assume the paper will be a soft type. The Bully collectors edition was pretty rad, with the comic book and the dodgeball that was pretty stinky at first when you opened the box. Otherwise, Dragsy is dead-on when it comes to 'special editions'.
  8. Just beat the game and came away really enjoying it for the most part. As Cloudy mentioned though, the AI can be dumb as fuck sometimes and the difficulty level really made me excited as it wasn't a breeze to get through by any means. The campaign is pretty short though, got through it in 8 hours, but from what I played online that is where most people will get the most enjoyment/time of the game.
  9. Patrick Kane arrested I'm waiting for all the details, but there is no reason that a 20 year old should go after a cabbie for chump change.
  10. So I picked up Prototype today for 28 dollars (new copy, store had the price marked wrong so tough shit for them). I figure even I don't like it I can trade it to my cousin for InFamous.
  11. Getting Halladay won't solve our real problem, it'll merely be a get that will make others think we have more of a chance to even get to the playoffs than we really have if our bats hit another horrific slump.
  12. So the A's trade Matt Holliday to the Cardinals for Brett Wallace, Shane Peterson, and Clayton Mortensen. I'm pretty sure this means that the Cubs won't be winning the NLC now.
  13. http://beta.easports.com/media/play/video/7689996 Best goal I've ever had so far, or should I say best unexpected goal I've ever had. And it was during the playoffs too.
  14. Modest Mouse - No One's First and You're Next Thrice - Beggars Porcupine Tree - The Incident the Grohl/Homme/Paul Jones project Pearl Jam - Backspacer
  15. Mr. X

    Gold Cup 09!

    Who do you root for now?
  16. I think I'm going to have a hard time picking between EASHL or Be A GM. I don't really even need to hear about the additions to EASHL to say I'm going to pick this up. Also just realized it is being released on my birthday, so I expect a few people to play with me and sing to me .
  17. Last I heard it won't be until probably 2011, as they are touring for the next year or so and won't be able to make it to the studio for recording until late 2010.
  18. I'd say Chelsea would be a good fit for you.
  19. I've only played BioShock on XBox, but I'd recommend it as the non-online game out of the four. Has some really neat design and is a quite different than your typical FPS, especially games like Killzone 2 and COD which are more known for their online gameplay than single player.
  20. If by 'carry' you mean steal goals. I agree.
  21. Too bad our pitching has been admirable while our batting has been a complete fucking mess. And quite frankly, I am terrified as to what the Cubs would offer Martinez when any money we have right now should be used to...oh...find someone that may be able to hit at least .300.
  22. Firing the hitting coach is clearly the only management change the Cubs need.
  23. Bwahaha. Nice! I am actually happy to see Pittsburgh win this time. Last year I was more on the Red Wings side, but its great to see this Penguins team get their Cup win. Now, they can step aside for the Hawks. FIXED.
  24. 2001: A Space Odyssey What a strange piece from Kubrick, one that started off in a way that is interesting and informative to the viewer. The exploration of mankind from life (not only the individual but cultural) to death (which is but another form of life) is one that while isn't a new idea was something I found to be a main piece of this work. The opening segment of the monkeys is something that really caught my intrigue and was the best part of the film, besides HAL. After watching this, I now understand how HAL is always mentioned as being one of the best movie villains of all time. Gran Torino I have been looking forward to this film since I saw the trailer late last year. The character of Walt Kowalski is very intriguing and sets this movie apart from many other action/drama movies. Eastwood comes in and develops a character that is a memorable one in Hollywood. If this is truly the end of Eastwood's acting, I don't know of a much better way from him to go out than this fine piece of work.
  25. The Lost Boys Rented this along with Quarantine, as I don't recall ever watching this. I neither loved it or hated, but instead just accepted the film for what it is, a cheesy horror film from the 80s that is neither mind blowing or incredibly offensive. The fact that you hear "Cry Little Sister" a few times through the film gives it a few bonus points, as for some reason I just love the shit out of the song.
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