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Mr. X

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Everything posted by Mr. X

  1. Mr. X

    Quit using Spotify links on your top 100 list, dickwad. >_>

  2. I figured spending the $10 on the DLC was better than having to go out and buy Gold Edition, which is something like $26 used around here. Ended up getting Lair of the Shadow Broker too, so I'm a happy camper right now.
  3. Marvel Ultimate Alliance packs are back up on XBL, though I can't verify if they work or not. EDIT @ 3:57: Downloading the Hero/Villian pack as I type this, so I think it is safe to say Ellis will have this by tonight. Amirite?
  4. With that hair I'm not the least bit surprised your name is Vickie. >_>

  5. Fuck me. Why do I even bother rooting for Illinois when we're clearly just a joke of a team? We can't hire a HC for the life of us and most of the fans around here are content with us being a bottom of the Big 10 team.
  6. Mr. X

    I'm still gay for you?

  7. Would you trade back Versteeg for Stalberg?
  8. Had the same problem as well. But yeah, I probably had to zoom in (which I just figured out how to do). Also, how the hell do you use nukes? I wanna nuke some bitches! How do you zoom in?
  9. I hope we get a HD upgrade for Parasite Eve 1&2 soon, though I suspect they'll be released on the PSN Store rather than get a disc based re-release.
  10. Picked up the Splinter Cell: Conviction DLC, Creedence Clearwater Revival pack, and Monkey Island 2. Probably will grab Splosion Man and TMNT with the 400 points I still have left.
  11. http://www.engadget.com/2010/08/14/george-lucas-officially-announces-star-wars-on-blu-ray-in-2011/ Initially I was really happy, until I read the bit about him not including the original cuts. If I'm good to spend good money on all 6 films, I'd like to be able to also watch the original cuts in hi-def.
  12. Or: hit the guide button hit the left stick two times to the right Go down the menu 4 times Go down the menu 2 times Find English (which should be the the very first option)
  13. That was a pretty lame "brawl". In other news, the Cubs seem to be looking at 15 candidates to replace Lou for next season. That number frustrates me, we shouldn't have to be looking at that many guys when we clearly either can take Sandberg or gauge the interest of Girardi, who is a bit of a long shot. As long as Hendry is still around I can't get too thrilled about off season moves or staff changes. Hopefully he sees the door soon.
  14. Hockey is easily number one now, two years I'd have said American Football.
  15. Ahem... How the fuck do you forget to mention Facelift?
  16. Any of you have the Towers of LOL for Halo 3? I have the gametype but somehow forgot to grab the actual map.
  17. So it's understandable for an American to not understand Ellis? Good news.
  18. If you want to do some of the co-op missions sometime, I'd be down.
  19. Tonight was an example of why I hate playing multi-player with people I don't know. A guy who was a general on Gears of War 2 was on the losing side 2/3 times we played against him. He insisted on talking shit about how everyone else sucked and how we were host, and that hammer of dawn is a cheat weapon. Most of the people online are somewhat easy to get along with, but these dickheads who seem to want to believe they are pros at (insert video game title here) really make me stay away from gaming online with anyone who is friend/acquaintance.
  20. Jesus, I haven't heard from you for a while. Still living it up in Las Vegas?

  21. I'll probably play some Gears this weekend, seeing as I need to get a few of the online achievements.
  22. Mr. X


    But we can recruit better NHL players, mate. EDIT: The main reason that I really like Raptr is that it simply gives you an easy way to find other gamers and is a nice source of information for other players Steam/Wii/PSN/X-Box accounts... instead of having to run around trying to figure out all the information.
  23. Mr. X


    I'm sure some of EWB knows of Raptr, considering I have 3 of you lot on my friends list. For those of you who don't know what the hell it is, Raptr is a social media forum for videogamers, which I really like and wish more people would use as it is a nice way to keep up to date with what games other people are playing. Hopefully some more people sign up as I'd like to have a better roster of people to play with online. http://raptr.com My profile: http://raptr.com/Revealer24?src=hdr
  24. So Lou Piniella says he is going to retire at the end of this season. As a Cubs fan, I can't say that I'm really sad to see him go. But, I hope the Ricketts grow a pair and drop Hendry for making some terrible decisions and bring in the ex-Arizona GM and see which managers are available.
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