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The Donators
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Everything posted by TMM

  1. Are you talking about the one you gotta talk to to get i contact with that crime lord(A hutt, I think)? She hits on you even if your character is female . And while I'm thinking about it, the forced romance angle in KOTOR 1 between you and Bastilla pissed me off. I thought she was annoying and bitchy, I treated her as poorly as possible throught the game, then at the end she's still all like "Do you love me?" They shoulda let you choose between her, or that cute twi'lek chick in the game. I am not sure... she's on the right in the booth beside the guy that the Exchange people want to come out. All she does is hit on you and such. Also in that same place, I am ashamed to say that I thought the female protocol droid's voice was sexy. And I agree on the first game's twi'lek choice... although I always thought she was jailbait age. Because I paid to much attention to stuff regarding this game, Mission is suppose to be 14.
  2. Yeah, and then I'm 99.9% sure you can continue the game once you buy it. Yeah you could with the last one. Not a chance I'd continue the demo on with the full game though, rather pointless because it's only a quickstart. And time for a shameless plug. I was bored the other day so I started making face packs. I've got about 12 done already and I'm planning on at least doing the whole Premiership. Because it's an effort, just wondering if anyone would wanna help me out by making config files for me? Mainly because it's boring, time consuming and I don't really want to. Face Packs
  3. Because I'm to lazy to go through the thread or find out, how long does the demo run? Is it until the end of December or something?
  4. I've got four, but I only know where two are. Actually, I know for sure where one is but, not quite sure where the other is. Big Show - Got it at Hamleys after he had knee surgery. And being huge, you can imagine how many people wanted him to stand up and take pictures with him. Francis Rossi and Rick Parfitt of Status Quo - My dad drove them a few times and he got their autographs. It pisses me off that I don't know where they are though. Freddie Ljungberg - Got his autograph the other week when he was in House of Fraser in London. Problem being is 95% of the people there were screaming girls, and because it was for Calvin Klein, we were all given big posters of Freddie in nothing but his boxers. We didn't look gay at all.
  5. TMM

    Clerks 2

    So apparently I'm the only one who thought this film was just "ok"? Fair enough then.
  6. That's putting it nicely. I swear there is no way to play that game without screaming "what the fuck" about 10 times an hour before throwing your computer out the window.
  7. I found it to be very good. The campaigns are somewhat short I think, but long enough. Then you've got the free-play "Galaxy conquering" part of the game, but for some reason you can't include all the planets. The gameplay is very very good, 100 times better than any Star Wars strategy game they ever released before. Think Force Commander...only good. They're bringing out an expansion pack soon as well.
  8. Henry using his head...in two games...in a row! It doesn't work, it's wrong. We barely even score two headed goals A SEASON...I'm so very confused. But if these past three games have shown anything, it shows that when teams actually try to play football against us they will always fail miserably. When teams throw 11 players behind the ball, we have a problem, but any time a team tries against us, they won't win.
  9. *respect for Biggz just fucking shoots up for being the only person I know of who even knows about Rudy, let alone likes it* That scene is awesome. I'd never heard of it either, but my brother likes it and he was watching it one day, and I just joined him watching and the whole film is very good. If it wasn't based on a true story it'd be so damned cliche'd. One scene that is probably my favourite scene in film or TV ever; Mal's motivational speech to the crew of Serenity when he's basically telling them that they're gonna get the signal out, no matter what happens. It's easily the greatest motivational speech I've ever heard or read. It's just purely awesome, the lighting, the acting, everything is perfect. Another obvious one..."No, I'm your father". What explaination is needed here? If it wasn't the first film to do it, it would probably be so stupid, but it's Empire Strikes Back, and it's awesome The whole Darth Vader/Luke Skywalker fight in the Return of the Jedi. Not so much for about how it looks or how it's acted, but for the whole music. Another composer would've used some sort of triumphant music in that scene, but not John Williams. It so utterly captures the spirit of the scene, which is the father and son fighting each other, both reluctantly on their part, but they both have to.
  10. TMM


    Can someone explain exactly the thing with Frank Arneson? Because I was watching something else at the time and flicked back to this where they mentioned that if Chelsea were found to be tapping up another player they'd be docked three points and it then went onto Arneson talking about signing a Middlesbrough player.
  11. When I saw it the first time, I thought it was fantastic, just purely brilliant looking and everything. However, I saw it a second time a week or two later with another friend, and it was boring, I didn't like it. It's one of those films I'll probably not watch for another five years in full because apart from the way it's shot, and how it looks, there's nothing redeeming about it. The acting is really, really bad in some parts (bar Rourke). I can see why people love it because it is very well adapted, but still, way way over-rated.
  12. I know there's a lot of fans of Runaways here, so here's some news. I was upset when I heard that Whedon was finishing on Astonishing X-Men soon, but thank god he's still going to be writing Marvel comics. I've been meaning to read Runaways comics, and this just made up my mind straight up.
  13. After Arsenal, it's my local team which is Crystal Palace because Selhurst Park is about a 10 minute drive from me. Outside of England I follow Barcelona, Ajax and Inter Milan. Barca and Ajax because they play good football, and Inter because...well, yeah, I don't actually know why.
  14. Game was a good yesterday. Brilliant goal from Rosicky in the second-half and my god he actually speaks English. He's been here about 3 months and he seems pretty fluent, whereas fucking Reyes was here over 2 years and couldn't speak a bloody word! Wow, we get the Queen! Bollocks. On the plus side it means we'll have Gallas at centre-back finally, but the downside is Hoyte at left-back again, and even though I'm a huge Hoyte fan, it's clear he's not comfortable there.
  15. Firefly, Angel and one nobody has mentioned or probably will: Threshold. This thing got SOOO much build up on Sky One. In almost every adbreak on the channel, there'd be a two-second flash advert for Threshold about two months before it debuted. If you watched Sky One at all during that period, you'd know it was coming. But of course, by the time it finally aired it's first episode in England, it had been axed in America (or was just about to be), so that made it kinda difficult to watch. It started off pretty decently, nothing special (except for Brent Spiner's brilliance) and then about 3/4 of the way through it's run, it really started to get very good. Then of course, boom, cancelled.
  16. I just dump it into Paint and cut around it. Easy.
  17. Made a few changes, took out Fowler and Vagner Love for Crouch and Solskjaer:
  18. http://en.uclfantasy.uefa.com/M/home.mc I made an EWB league for anyone who wanted to join. The code you need is: 52576-9002 I'm "The MM"...a shockingly original name I know. Players I've got are: Victor Valdes - Barcelona Fabio Canavaro - Real Madrid Gabriel Heinze - Man Utd Carles Puyol - Barcelona William Gallas - Arsenal Kim Kallstron - Lyon Claude Makelele - Chelsea Michael Essien - Chelsea Mahamoudou Diarra - Real Madrid Thierry Henry - Arsenal Robbie Fowler - Liverpool David Marshall - Celtic Valerian Ismael - Bayern Munich Jaoa Moutinho - Sporting Lisbon Vagner Love - CSKA Moscow
  19. Oh Chelsea, please just go away. Bendtner has said that he wants to be playing first team football, and at the moment he's got it at Birmingham and might have it when he comes back. But there's no way he'll be starting at Chelsea, so it begs the question as to why they have suddenly "declared their interest" in him.
  20. My first memory of Queen is just sitting watching the concert at Wembley Stadium in 1986 which my dad went to. I just remember being....young, dunno how young and sitting there using video cases as a drumset. Same as what Benji said, they're easily the most important band ever to me.
  21. The video for Move Along is pretty good, so I'm happy with that. And to be fair I don't care about the majority of the rest.
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