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Posts posted by Mancuerda

  1. Raise Roman Reigns' brawl to 73, speed to 49, technical to 55, and charisma to 70.

    Raise Dean Ambrose's brawl to 83, speed to 53, technical to 73, and charisma to 92.

    Raise Seth Rollins' brawl to 75, speed to 90, technical to 82, and charisma to 78.

    As big a fan as I am of the guys in the Shield, almost all those stats seem inflated, except for Seth Rollins' charisma which should be a tad higher if anything and possibly his brawl. The rest all seem a little too high.

    • Like 1
  2. It's tough territory. Fortunately there's almost a full month to gauge, but right now you could ask random wrestling fans or even WWE fans, "Do you know Seth Rollins/Dean Ambrose/Roman Reigns?" and they'd probably say "no, who's that". But if you asked about The Shield (or something like 'those guys wearing black SWAT outfits attacking people on RAW') they might know. The group/characters/whatever are over right now, but the individuals themselves haven't been on TV enough to really be known. It's kinda like when the Nexus first started out. Each time they showed up, you knew someone was getting jumped, so of course people reacted. But nobody knew who Michael Tarver or Heath Slater or Skip Sheffield were outside of the group.

    • Like 2
  3. Minor Update: I'm roughly halfway done with going through and adding relationships for all the workers. I know this might not seem like much, but I have 1686 workers in the game, so it takes a while to look for relationships for everybody. I currently have 2358 relationships in the game, so I'm pleased with the progress thus far. While I know some might not really care as much, and the effort can be taxing, I'm still positive in the end it'll be worth it to make the game that much better. I hope to finish relationships within the coming couple weeks and then focus on alter egos. With any luck, I'll still be able to release a bigger and better version of the scenario by the end of the year. Tag Teams still need to be completed and staff needs overhauled, but I've been sporadically adding some of each in between doing relationships. The final steps will be overhauling the rosters.

    EDIT: 2417.

    • Like 1
  4. If he isn't already, put Todd Keneley in TNA as an announcer. Additionally, he seems really underrated. He's really good as an announcer - last night during the PPV, Taz was making all sorts of weird comments, and Keneley didn't have any problems, adjusting on the fly and responding to whatever... he calls all the moves, knows what they are, and actually has a good sports-entertainment feel on top of that so he's not too boring. I'd give him a boost to around 79.

  5. This is an issue that's been around for ages and hasn't been changed.

    The unrealistic height of ratings! WWE get ratings of 2s and 3s for Raw, 1s and 2s for SmackDown, while TNA get 1s and 2s for Impact Wrestling.

    It's unrealistic that Raw and Impact get 6s on EWR, I suggest you lower the potential audience for the networks, as it's just taking the piss now.

    I took a piss earlier, so I should be able to deal with this now:

    During its heyday, WWF Raw got ratings in the 6s and 7s on a regular basis, as well as some segments that were even near 8s. The latest version of EWR was made around the time wrestling was at its peak or shortly after. Networks like Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, ESPN, etc. get much higher ratings than the 8.0 maximum rating that is available for primetime, while that's a phenomenal rating for a network like USA or Spike TV. If wrestling were to be in a boom period again, it's possible Raw and SD! could attain those ratings. It's also not too unlikely that a special on NBC could be a high rating as well.

    There are other mechanics in the game, like the fact WWE is a fairly high Global promotion. Now, it'd be hard to argue they aren't global in real life, so they deserve that status in the game as well. But even a promotion like TNA in the game, which is high national, can still attain near those highs. But it is unrealistic as far as advertising, merchandising, production, money, sponsors, how over its superstars are, etc. to make TNA less than upper level national and WWE upper level global. So for the sake of one area of the game being a bit wonky, the TV networks are skewed. Making them lower is probably not the best solution since in the case of a boom period the shows wouldn't be able to achieve the same ratings that they would in real life.

    • Like 1
  6. Roddy Piper ribbing by Lou Albano and Freddie Blassie - 53 min.

    Don't know where I found the Sammartino/Lou Albano loyalty.

    EDIT :

    2h20 shoot interview of Lou Albano - just watched 30 mins and he called Bret Hart and DDP friends!

    Sammartino loyalty could've been from the fact he convinced Lou to retire from wrestling and become a manager... I made it just a friendship, though. Thanks for the other ones, and let me know if you stumble upon anymore, please!

  7. It's seem that a lot of Japanese wrestlers are underrated sad.gif

    I can only help for NJPW - before I made suggestions, their biggest stars (Tanahashi, Nakamura, Goto, Okada) - how do you rate them in Overness?

    The thing is, this is a North American wrestling simulator, so at least for overness, foreign wrestlers from any country outside of the US, Canada, or Mexico will not be rated as high even if they're huge stars in Japan.

  8. You could just put Larry Legend, Kris.

    Bound For Glory spoilers

    Rob Van Dam is the new TNA X Division Champion.

    Chavo Guerrero Jr. & Hernandez are the new TNA World Tag Team Champions.

    Tara is the new TNA Knockouts Champion.

    Jeff Hardy is the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

    Add Devon to TNA as a heel, upper midcard.

    Add Jessie Godderz to TNA as a heel, lower midcard.

    Turn Bully Ray to tweener.

    Devon's gimmick should be changed as well. Not sure to what, though.

  9. -Raise BROCK LESNAR's brawl to 83, stiffness to 86, selling to 88, and charisma to 80. Check High Spots. Lower his behavior to 81.

    -Raise John Cena's selling to 81 and his overness to 99.

    -Raise CM Punk's charisma to 100.

    -Check Fonz Factor for Hulk Hogan. Raise his charisma to 96.

    -Raise Dusty Rhodes' overness to 81 and charisma to 96. Raise his wages to 70,000. Change his gimmick to Unique.

    I wouldn't raise Cena's overness. He still gets a lot of boos despite being a face. I know WWE plays it off as him being controversial, but he's not doing anything to garner the boos; they happen naturally because a lot of people dislike him, and since he's a babyface, that's not exactly a testament to him being over with 99% of the wrestling fans.

    Anyway, I agree with Hogan getting fonz factor. Not sure about raising his charisma to 96. Same goes for Dusty. Those guys' best promo days are clearly behind them.

    As for Brock, why do you think he deserves 88 in selling? I could maybe see around 80, but 88 seems awfully high for a guy who still has this aura as a monster and bad ass. He flat-out no-sold a Pedigree right before latching on the match-ending kimura against HHH. Even if it's part of his character, he's no-selling moves and I don't think even when he DOES sell he deserves an 88.

    Regardless of if he is getting the desired reaction or not, he is still getting a reaction, what overness is all about. EVERYONE in wrestling knows who he is, as well as people outside of wrestling, he's transcended that cultural barrier.

    As for Brock, it is based off of his match with Cena. No selling a move for character purposes isn't the same as being incapable of being a good seller (See: Undertaker). His selling was near perfect at Extreme Rules.

    -Raise Kaitlyn's brawl to 51, stiffness to 41, and selling to 73.

    -Raise Eve Torres' brawl to 49.

    -Raise Mr. McMahon's overness to 98. I feel like his brawl should be raised to 61, as well. Tremendous psychology and emotion put into his brawls.

    Cena isn't getting the desired reaction, though. When Rocky Maivia was getting "Rocky sucks" chants, it wasn't because he was "over." It was because the fans didn't buy into his act. The same thing is going on with Cena, granted on a much larger scale. I know we're only talking about a point or two here, but 99 puts him in a special class that I don't feel like Cena is in.

  10. Punk's charisma 100? DAFUQ! his mic work is overrated and he's only considered a top guy now on the mic because he's compared to the rest of the current roster. Jericho, Kennedy, JBL, etc. destroy him on the mic and they have charisma at 92, 98. Punk only shines on the mic when he is cutting a worked shoot, which exposes him as a one trick pony on the mic, he fails at comedy, acting, intensity(most of the times), versatility etc.

    Comedy: look at his work with Colt Cabana in Ring of Honor, or his work in the Jericho feud where he pretended to be drunk or even some of the zanier Pipe Bomb stuff (like the WWE Ice Cream bar thing) he has done

    Acting: Granted he's never starred in a movie, but he's shown a wide range of emotion (guess this also ties into versatility) from being angry, sad, cocky, ecstatic, whatever... He's never had difficulty expressing his emotions.

    Intensity: How the hell can you say he fails at intensity? I'd say this is his strong suit, but really he's so damn well rounded. But lately he's been bitter, angry, and driven, and he always comes off as intense and determined.

    I agree Jericho and JBL are great. Kennedy is pretty good, too. But Punk is a cut above all those guys right now, although Jericho is close.

    • Like 4
  11. -Raise BROCK LESNAR's brawl to 83, stiffness to 86, selling to 88, and charisma to 80. Check High Spots. Lower his behavior to 81.

    -Raise John Cena's selling to 81 and his overness to 99.

    -Raise CM Punk's charisma to 100.

    -Check Fonz Factor for Hulk Hogan. Raise his charisma to 96.

    -Raise Dusty Rhodes' overness to 81 and charisma to 96. Raise his wages to 70,000. Change his gimmick to Unique.

    I wouldn't raise Cena's overness. He still gets a lot of boos despite being a face. I know WWE plays it off as him being controversial, but he's not doing anything to garner the boos; they happen naturally because a lot of people dislike him, and since he's a babyface, that's not exactly a testament to him being over with 99% of the wrestling fans.

    Anyway, I agree with Hogan getting fonz factor. Not sure about raising his charisma to 96. Same goes for Dusty. Those guys' best promo days are clearly behind them.

    As for Brock, why do you think he deserves 88 in selling? I could maybe see around 80, but 88 seems awfully high for a guy who still has this aura as a monster and bad ass. He flat-out no-sold a Pedigree right before latching on the match-ending kimura against HHH. Even if it's part of his character, he's no-selling moves and I don't think even when he DOES sell he deserves an 88.

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