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Posts posted by Mancuerda

  1. Anything under 230, I think.

    It depends. When WCW was around, I think the cutoff was 220lbs. WWE's light heavyweight title was, I think, 230lbs

    Funnily enough, I was watching some old WCW Nitros from 1997, and they said the Cruiserweight limit was 230 pounds. I know for a fact later on it was 225 pounds (and in WWF the Light Heavyweight division was 225... remember Christian trying to lose weight by wearing the chicken suit?). Then when Lance Storm won the WCW Cruiserweight Title, he made it the "100 kilos and under title", which is 220 pounds. So yeah... it's fluctuated.

    I believe in Japan the limit is 230 pounds, though, and that's the one I generally use when making suggestions or doing scenarios or what have you.

  2. Long overdue update: I've added some workers, and Y2Jfan111 sent me the tag team info, which I edited to my version of the update. By the time we're both done, maybe we can release two versions, as we differed on a few things (like whether to include certain people as workers or staff, and some of the stats).

    Anyway... a big thanks to Y2Jfan111 for the vast majority of the tag team info (probably 70% of it at least).

    Here is an updated version of the data, though it still needs a lot of work that I'm hoping to get done relatively soon:

    Folder: http://www.mediafire.com/?57gs7w2qbidlb

    Uploads: http://www.mediafire.com/?f2dts1ghc6k0oy5,s9zb3zzzggfgqco,nkt5cu5265kbhwf,l2c9nn6u425liof,8pr4fd5fx3q2v7n,xy040p8pifc3buy,n7rv1q3ukdsy554,a82nc70nsoqjbzg,7tmbce3x4j1spz3,dbb30a7ir3164vd,4bpsdln9stdstr1,c5rrb3fg7k9cew2

  3. I'm really sorry to post in here again, especially after you made such awesome graphics. I got struck by a random idea and wound up messing with it. This is what I have so far:


    If it's possible, could you or someone put GLOBAL PRO WRESTLING below the GPW in the logo, so it's on the world, maybe in a silver kind of font that pops out? Also if possible, could it be put on a transparent background?

    Sorry for the additional request. Trying to get this just right. Thanks so much for all your help.

  4. I made this crappy little logo in MS Paint:


    I was hoping someone would be able to put it on a transparent background, and if at all possible, make it look a little less... plain? bland? Not sure what word to use, but the lines in the globe and the whole image has no real pop to it, so if there is a way to make it look more 3D or something, that would be great.

    If not, just putting it on a transparent BG is more than I can do and would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  5. Hello, everyone. I was hoping that someone would be able to make some minor tweaks to the following picture:


    If you could replace the people in the eye of the gas mask with an image of the World Heavyweight Title (without a nameplate preferably), but still keep the greenish hue, that would be amazing.

    The name of the PPV is Last Man Standing, but I can add that and the rest of the details. I just don't have a way to do the WHT bit.

    If you need any other info or anything, please let me know, and thank you!

  6. I will add this it is insanely annoying having to go through and lower every MMA fighter overness to under 50 besides maybe a handful.

    I looked and only found like half a dozen or so who were 50 or over. It didn't seem like very many. I might have missed some - can you list the ones that are in severe need of lowering?

    I haven't received the tag info from Y2Jfan yet, but just as well as I haven't had any real time to work on it. Still shooting for the end of summer, but we'll see...

  7. The celebrities are needed in the scenario. Anyone can remove them before playing, just like how I have to fix certain things to suite my own preferences.

    For what reason are they needed?

    I get that PRIDE is in the game and some of them were fighting there, but the whole PRIDE roster isn't in the game either. It's designed for PRIDE to have the true wrestling crossovers, which some of the guys in here are not. They're certainly easy enough to delete, but it's a pro wrestling game, and they detract from the realism of the pro wrestling world in North America (where the playable portion of the game takes place). It's pretty easy to add them, too, if you really want them in your game world.

    Perhaps, as a compromise, you could provide a readme that has the celebrities/MMA fighters in the data listed so that at least if/when people want to delete them there aren't any that slip through the cracks when they start their game.

    I've thought about accompanying a readme file with the game, and that's definitely something I could put in there. I don't want to just remove them because I don't really agree with your assessment that it's just as easy to put them back in. It's the same reason why Bill prefers to leave people in the game even if they're not regular wrestlers. To add someone back in, you have to do stats, commitments, relationships, alter egos, etc. To remove them you just have to hit the delete button.

  8. I would be willing to help out but I just started coming around the forum again so I am not sure where you're at and what needs doing. I've been playing with the scenario for an upcoming diary and I have got to recommend removing some of the useless celebrities and MMA stars from the data. It really hurts the realism of the game world when guys like Tito Ortiz and Randy Couture become big names in other promotions. Keep the ones who appeared in wrestling within say, a year timespan from 1998. The rest are pretty silly.

    I'll go ahead and listen to popular opinion on this, but I put them in there because they were actively fighting at the time and Pride FC is in the game, and most of them are in the current updates or recent stats updates.

  9. hey, would it possible for someone to re-up the pic pack? really enjoying this scenario the pics would make it that lil bit better. thanks very much!

    Sorry about the delayed reply. Been pretty busy. I've reuploaded the pics for the scenario:


    As for everyone inquiring about updates, I really do want to finish this scenario. Y2JFan111 was going to send me the tag team work he had done, but the rapidshare link didn't work and I haven't received any replies from him lately, so hopefully he'll be in touch soon. Outside of that, I've been rather busy with some charitable work I've been doing as well as other obligations. I'm still hoping to complete this scenario by the end of this summer. If anybody wants to help out or anything, please drop a comment here and I'll try to organize stuff a little better.

  10. Does anyone have a May/June 2007 update for EWR?

    I'm not sure one exists. I think that was before Bill took over but after the previous people quit making them. Your best bet is to probably take the March one found on the EWWarehouse website and 'update' it by looking at who the champions and main eventers and such were a few months later. There wouldn't be a TON of big changes other than TNA quit using the NWA World Titles and started using their own titles by mid-May, but depending on what time frame you're looking at, you might keep the NWA Titles.

    My first update was January 2007... So, I have both May 2007 and June 2007...

    Could've swore that I sent them both to be uploaded to EW Warehouse, but don't see them posted there. Either way, if you wanna shoot me a PM letting me know which one you want (or, I guess if you want both) I can reupload them... Might take a couple days, though.


    You may want to take some time to go through your past updates and "fill in the blanks" on EWWarehouse. I would really appreciate it!

  11. Does anyone have a May/June 2007 update for EWR?

    I'm not sure one exists. I think that was before Bill took over but after the previous people quit making them. Your best bet is to probably take the March one found on the EWWarehouse website and 'update' it by looking at who the champions and main eventers and such were a few months later. There wouldn't be a TON of big changes other than TNA quit using the NWA World Titles and started using their own titles by mid-May, but depending on what time frame you're looking at, you might keep the NWA Titles.

  12. In Hogan's case he might be including merchandising, his likeness being used in the video games, endorsements, the Shadow Warriors movies, possibly Thunder in Paradise, and other sources outside of his actual salary. Not saying his salary wasn't ridiculously high and probably outside the scope we have in the game, but I doubt they were giving him that much plus everything else.

    I would still make his salary a lot higher, like close to the $300,000 per month.

  13. Bill, have you thought of adding more sponsors? Like RF Video, SmartMarkVideo, Highspots etc? Those could be realistic options for companies like CZW, CHIKARA etc.

    More sponsors? To be honest, no I haven't thought about it... Also, to be honest, probably won't be adding any, either. Let me explain:

    Currently, the game has 280 sponsors. Each promotion can have a max of 4 sponsors. So, even with 34 promotions in the game (I always leave at least one promotions slot open for anyone wanting to do "Backyard to Global") that's a max of 136 sponsors needed. There's already more than double that amount in the game.

    I really don't think the game needs anymore sponsors... Now, renaming some of the current ingame sponsors to some of the ones you've suggested? That's certainly a possibility. The only thing is, it's hard to put sponsors in a specific slot to match up specifically to promotions.

    If you look through the current sponsors list, I have in fact, subbed some sponsors in that deal with independent promotions. Death Grip Clothing, One Hour Tees and even Direct for TNA... Again, the prroblem is, matching it up so that TNA actually uses Direct as a sponsor.

    No promises for the May update, but I'll look into it and see what I can do about swapping some of those in in the future.


    It isn't so much purely the number of sponsors vs number of feds, though, because you could have 6-7 feds around the same level, competing for the same sponsors, and you'd need to have enough to accommodate all of them. Just because you have so many sponsors it doesn't guarantee there will be enough at each level for all the feds.

  14. That sounds good. I think the wages are severely inflated. Ms. Jones was getting paid 80K for an open contract that is absurd. What I was going to do was change the pay scale to 1,000 per each point of overness. Using this model, someone like The Rock who would have an overness of 100 would be paid 100,000 a month which would equate to 1.2 Million a year, which I think is fair. The only problem is figuring out what each persons overness should be.

    On a side note, I have added 3 federations so far- Maryland Championship Wrestling, AAA, and CMLL. MCW has 10 people in the game already, CMLL has 3, and AAA has 0. I'm not sure what more I will add to MCW (except adding a couple people who are champions that aren't in the game), but I want to add more to AAA and CMLL. I get distracted easily so when I start something within 15 minutes, I have ventured into something entirely different. I won't be making daily updates, maybe not even weekly, but once I get to a point where I have made enough changes to warrant file to be uploaded, I will. I think my current need if anyone wants to help, is help with CMLL and AAA. I also would like a possible Canadian fed or two. I'll be looking into Border City Wrestling in a bit, does anyone know any big Canadian Feds?

    Ill send you my wage scale and overseas scale via PM today. Keep in mind there is an overseas scale to go off of in the FAQ thread, which is the exact same as the overseas scale I used for my MASTERS and Wrestling at WAR mods. When you're having a hard time determining what push to give a wrestler, just look at how they were booked on cars in the months leading to the start of your mod. If they were mostly used in matches at the beginning of the show, they'd be lower midcarders right? And if they are always facing main eventers but lose a lot, they should probably still be upper midcarders. Use logic like that, it will help. Using this method and thought process Id say I came up with pretty accurate rosters for my MASTERS mod.

    I really like that you have a scale/table worked out, but keep in mind not everyone gets paid what they're "supposed to" on paper. For example, Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan were the two biggest icons of the 80s, and Hogan made WAY more.

    That sounds good. I think the wages are severely inflated. Ms. Jones was getting paid 80K for an open contract that is absurd. What I was going to do was change the pay scale to 1,000 per each point of overness. Using this model, someone like The Rock who would have an overness of 100 would be paid 100,000 a month which would equate to 1.2 Million a year, which I think is fair. The only problem is figuring out what each persons overness should be.

    Pretty sure guys like The Rock, Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, and possibly a few others, were making 8 digits at this point, though. I remember a shoot interview where Hogan said he was making 14 million a year in WCW around 2000.

  15. There is no way Billy K (ECWA announcer) is only 36. He's probably closer to 56 or even older.

    Bob Bowman is not on WWE's Board of Directors or involved with WWE anymore as far as I can tell:


    Apparently after the Benoit murder-suicide, he made some derogatory comments about WWE's drug-testing policies, which resulted in him leaving/being removed.

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