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Posts posted by Mancuerda

  1. Here are some of the Australians with 10 or less in over: Blade Mathews, Carlo Cannon, Chris Cryptic, Cletus Blood, Daisy Chayne, Dementor, Harley Wonderland, Heath Fury, Imogen Jane, John Howarth, Laser, Limit, Lowzen, Lynch, Mad Rock, Mark Silva, Mercury, Miami, Michael Diablo, Michelle K. Hasluck, Mike Burr, Miss Tenille, Nikita Naridian, Penni Lane, Scyther, Siren Monroe, Slex, The Crocodile Kid, Wild Boar, and Wolf Kallous.

    Keep in mind this data is from a game I started a couple months ago. I also didn't check to see if any of those were generated by EWR.

  2. Yeah I did..just didn't feel like editing posts constantly to update them with newer things. Jaykus Plisken was Bio-hazard at one point. As for the Nicky girl, maybe not that high in charisma. Probably could be lowered to about 65 but no lower. As for her wage, its the same as everybody else in the promotion she's in. Michael Diablo, Chris Cryptic, and Scyther.

    Okay, why are all the people in whichever promotion in there with a wage of $0? That doesn't make any sense. Are they working for free?

  3. Everybody that's currently in the tag team division in Anarchy Wrestling deserves a significant increase in stats. That would include Derrick Driver, Steven Walters, JT Talent, and Andrew Pendleton III, Dany Only, Stryknyne, Anthony Henry, and Dustin Knight. I'd say increase all of their stats(except for behavior, over, and attitude), by 10.

    This is REALLY frowned upon, man.

    You can't just take a group of a bunch of wrestlers and say "increase all their stats by 10!" At least provide specific examples of WHY and then give actual numerical suggestions so Bill knows what to change them to, if they even deserve it.

  4. Jeff Hardy's speed shouldn't be higher than like 76. In his matches against Aries, Bully Ray, Angle, RVD, etc. he tends to mess up at least one spot, and a lot of his moves just aren't crisp - he either misses the mark or they just look awkward.

    The Rock doesn't really need an increase in stats. The guy's getting ready to wrestle his second real match in seven years. While he did have a good performance with Cena, it's nowhere near good enough to deserve speed in the 50s and tech in the 60s.

    • Like 2
  5. I know for sure the Shane Twins are in. I want to say Jet Jaguar is in but I might be wrong. I'll check those other two (Jaguar and Mike Sullivan) tonight.

    EDIT: The Shane Twins are in as Biff and Chaz Wentworth.

    It doesn't appear that Jet Jaguar or Mike Sullivan are in the game. Do you have suggestions for stats (relative to the other wrestlers in the game)?

  6. Please add these wrestlers:

    - Drake Destroyer (from Switzerland - SCW) / (6' 2") / (253 lbs) 28 years old / Finisher: D-End, Sleeping Destruction -> Photo

    - Jay Skillet (from Germany - wXw) / (5' 10") / (178 lbs) / 21 years old -> Photo

    You'll have better luck if you can suggest stats (brawling, speed, technical, etc.) Otherwise, Bill isn't going to be able to put them in the game. If you REALLY want to be helpful, you can suggest other things like alter egos, relationships, tag teams, etc. they may have, but at the very least you need all their stats and bio info.

  7. I'd like to help with getting this done. I've been tinkering with the original '98 scenario. I didn't see this until now, or else I wouldn't of wasted my time. dry.gif

    So if there is anything I can help with. Just let me know.

    I need all the help I can get with this.

    I have 'finished' the relationships for now (went through adding in relationships for every worker in the game, at least the ones I could find).

    I have 1687 workers (with more I could add in if I have the info/interest), 2851 relationships, and I'd like to have 24 promotions if I can get proper info on all of them for workers, staff, etc.

    I'm done for now on workers, TV networks, and relationships - that's not to say I won't edit/fix/change anything. I just don't really want to add any extra stuff in those categories until after I do some major work on other areas - namely alter egos, promotions, tag teams, staff, titles, events, additional TV shows, sponsors, etc.

    I'm going to focus on alter egos next, as it should be the easiest thing to get done. After that is probably either tag teams, sponsors, or staff. Then I'm gonna get to work on the promotions (as well as their titles, shows, and events).

    EDIT: I also have pics for all the workers I have in the game. I haven't included them in the download link below, though.

    Anyway, here is a link to what I have done so far, if anybody wants to look through the three main areas I've finished (workers, tv networks, and relationships) and see if anything looks out of whack or needs fixed, I'd greatly appreciate that.

    EDIT: Just ran the database maintenance program and my relationships went down to 2739. Not sure how that happened.

  8. When Michaels appeared on Austin's Redneck Island thing, Austin said in an interview that, while they were both wrestling full-time, he barely spent any time with Shawn. So no relationship at all is fine.

    Sunny I would give a dislike with Waltman and Michaels, definitely - I don't think there's any need for a relationship with the rest of the Kliq.

    Well, I heard Hall and Nash were in on the "shit sandwich" and that Nash supposedly supplied it.

  9. Thanks for the help, guys. I'm almost done with all the relationships but I have one situation that I need resolved, and I'm hoping people who know more about the situation can help:

    What should the relationships between Sunny and the Kliq members be? I had them as dislike but I've heard conflicting stories (just skimming the net). Some say the Kliq's problems were with Candido and others but NOT Sunny, but I also remember the infamous "shit sandwich" story.

    Should Sunny have friendships with Nash, Syxx, Hall, Triple H, and HBK, or should they be dislikes? Or neither?

    And while I'm at it, should HBK and Steve Austin have a friendship (they're friends now), dislike (read rumors that HBK didn't want to put Austin over), or neither?

  10. I didn't give up on this, but it's going way slower than I figured. I'm almost done with the relationships but have some I couldn't fill in.

    One of the main ones is Sgt. Slaughter. I just don't know what relationships he should have. If someone could PLEASE help me out here, it would make it faster to get these relationships done and get working on other parts.

    The holidays and my work schedule and family commitments haven't made it too easy to get a lot of work done, but I do have around 2668 relationships right now. I'm finishing up on the S's and will hopefully get the rest done over the next few days.

    After that, it's onto the other aforementioned areas. The original goal of finishing this by the end of 2012 is not going to happen, but it won't stop me from getting as much done as I can and releasing SOME update soon.

    Thanks for those who are still interested and have contributed. I'll keep plugging away.

    This whole project over the last many years has really made me appreciate how much work is involved in updating scenarios, especially by Bill1996. He deserves a huge thanks from the users here.

  11. Just after seeing the Smackdown's divas match, that was just awful, I think that Aksana's stat are super overrated. She literally just use a headlock for 5 minutes.

    Lower her brawl to 27, speed to 21 and technique to 16

    Lower Kaitlyn technique to 38

    Raise Jessie Godderz speed to 32 and technique to 18

    Aksana is just going to that vintage Rick Rude style.

    Anyway, I don't know if the Usos really deserve that high of overness (76). I know they got a loud pop and all but let's see how they do week-to-week because they aren't on television all the time.

    • Like 1
  12. - Dolph Ziggler's overness should be 92 MINIMUM, as for his brawl and speed I remember reading somewhere that if a worker has the same stat number for 2 of the main 3 stats, it messes up with their match quality, by only using the stats for the third. I'd raise his brawl to 76, but bring his speed up to 78.

    They fixed that glitch in 4.2. I don't think Ziggler deserves a 78 in speed. The guy doesn't really do dives or high flying moves much. He takes sick bumps and is fast in general and can keep up a good pace, but I think low 70s is fine.

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