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Posts posted by Mancuerda

  1. Not sure if I'll get an update posted. Had to babysit my sick niece most of the weekend. I'll try to get something posted soon. Meanwhile, if people could reach a consensus on the risk ratings for TBS, TNT, and WCW in general, that would be good. I gave the networks moderate increases in the meantime after looking at these two threads:



  2. A potential hole I've noticed: WCW's risk, along with the risk levels for TBS and TNT, need to be at bare minimum 66. WCW still ran the War Games match in 1998, and this was the last year it was ran if I recall. To get the War Games match, you need a bare minimum of about 66 Risk.

    I'd suggest about 66 Risk for WCW and TBS, and 72-ish for TNT.

    True, but War Games was never done on TV as far as I know. It was a PPV-exclusive, done on Fall Brawl for the most part... There is no risk limit for PPV, and only sponsors would be effected by raising the risk for a PPV event. As long as the player returns the risk to the TV-appropriate levels before the next show, there wouldn't be a problem.

    That said, what does everybody think? WCW wasn't really afforded many risky angles, characters, or match types... Things were kept PG in the primetime slots. I don't really remember enough about other programming on TNT at this time, besides NBA basketball, and on TBS it was mostly comedy blocks.

  3. A few minor TNA changes

    Raise Samoa Joe's overness to 83

    Raise Christopher Daniels's overness to 82 Brawl to 61

    Raise James Storm's overness to 85

    Raise Magnus's Brawl to 72

    Raise Samoa Joe's Speed to 66

    Lower Kurt Angle's overness to 91

    Lower Jeff Hardy's overness to 91 Raise Technical to 62

    Raise Wes Brisco's overness to 55

    Raise Garrett Bischoff's overness to 58

    Raise Brooke Hogan's overness to 71

    Raise Bobby Roode's Brawl to 80

    Raise Christian York's overness to 64

    Lower Devon's overness to 80

    Edit Jeff Hardy's contract Dixie Carter said he has signed a new long term deal with TNA, don't know the exact amount of years though.

    Edit : Raise all of TNA's road agents talent or make them non workers, because they deserve late 60's - early 70's and its pointless them being road agents with their current talent.

    Why lower Jeff's overness?

    Jeff Hardy is my favourite wrestler but I don't believe he is as over as Sting, and I don't believe he should be so far off of Bobby Roode.

    I guess to me, and Jeff Hardy isn't my favorite wrestler - and Sting is my all-time favorite wrestler - I think Jeff and Sting should be equal.

    Sting is probably more over with the TNA fans and a lot of older/former wrestling fans know him from the WCW and NWA days. That said, Jeff Hardy has been a main eventer in WWE semi-recently and was on their flagship shows and stuff off and on for the last 10 years. I think a combination of those factors evens their over out. That said, I'm not even gonna complain if Sting is a point higher, but that's just how I see them kind of leveling off and being equal.

    I may have already stated some of these but oh well.

    Raise Kaitlyn's overness to 70

    Lower Layla's overness to 68

    Lower Rey Mysterio's overness to 86

    Raise Paul Heyman's overness to 90

    Raise Mark Henry's overness to 89

    Lower Randy Orton's overness to 94, he's getting a lot of boos as I think people hate him being Face, if he turned heel he could easily get back to 96

    Raise Jack Swagger's overness to 86

    Lower Undertaker's overness to 99 or 98, he doesn't deserve 100 tbh

    Raise Dolph Ziggler's overness to 93

    Raise Kevin Nash's overness to 90, if he came back he would be a main eventer

    I don't think Nash is more over than Rey Mysterio... that guy sells so much merch and could be put in a WWE Title match at any point and not be out of place. I mean, he was one of the two guys WWE put in a title match when Punk "left" WWE.

    I think Rey should still be around 91 or 92.

  4. Are you sure on the Kane-Dean Malenko friendship? The Dean Malenko that trained Kane isn't the one in the data, and that's the only link I can find.

    Paul Bearer and Sunny should have a hate relationship. Both have them have said tons of times that they hate one another, and Paul himself talked about how bad it was at this period of time in a shoot with Cornette.

    Those are the main two I see so far.

    I didn't realize that. I saw Dean Malenko trained Kane and added it. I'll remove the relationship, thanks.

    I didn't know that about Bearer and Sunny. I'll add a hate relationship.

    I'm gonna try to post an updated data by next weekend. Please keep posting, everyone - this is a huge help!

  5. Are you sure? Maybe he should have 93. I can't decide between 92 and 93. God, I wish we could have him 92.5.

    I'd give him 92.8675309 but not a ten-millionth higher.

    I know how silly it looks when I'm arguing about whether he gets 91, 92, or 93, but point being he should be higher than Miz, and when Miz is 91, then IMHO Hardy shouldn't be lower than 92... again, I know it's arbitrary arguing about stats that are based on perception and opinion, but that's mine.

  6. I just want to say again, thank you for making this, it is pretty awesome and I'm really excited to use it in the future.

    My thoughts in regards to relationships is how it effects the game. In terms of friendship, I'd wonder, if Y was released should X's morale drop? Or is X was signed would Y's morale increase etc.?

    I am aware of Taker/Kama/Yoko/Crush etc.

    Kane I figured.

    I tried to keep that in mind but probably went overboard between combining 3-4 different sources' worth of relationships.

    So looking through, here's what I would change

    Relationship Change to None


    Austin/Ric Flair, currently as dislike, both seem to have nothing for

    respect for one another which is displayed in Austin's book, Flair's

    book and one of Austin's DVDs.

    I thought Austin wasn't fond of Flair because of WCW politics, which would've only been a few years before that. I know Austin didn't like Hogan or Bischoff much around then, and for some reason I thought Flair was included.

    Steve Austin/Undertaker, currently as friends.

    I'll remove Austin/Taker, though I thought they were friends at this point.

    Bam Bam/HHH, currently hate. I understand the whole Kliq vs. Bigelow in

    1995, but feels odd as HHH was new and a lot of people didn't like the

    Kliq. Maybe it is something I don't know.

    I'll bump this down to a dislike, but in a shoot interview with Bigelow, he trashed the shit out of HHH. This interview was from like, 1997 I think, even before HHH made it big.

    Cactus Jack/Billy Gunn, Bradshaw, Faarooq, Jarrett, Kane, Miavia, Syxx. Maybe

    Undertaker as well. Taker is tough as everyone seemed to respect him

    even then.

    Some of them might have been too early, I don't know. I forget if there were any sources for these or I was just copying the relationships for Foley from the other scenarios.

    The Canadians are tricky (as are a lot ofthe Mexicans). Christian/Benoit, Christian/Jericho, Edge/Jericho,

    Edge/Benoit I don't think existed yet (although for Jericho did know

    Edge and Christian at that point.) Same for Christian/Storm and

    Edge/Storm. Adittedlt not sure on these, but they seem too early.

    I'll leave the Jericho/Storm and Edge/Christian ones in but take the rest out, like for Benoit and Edge/Christian.

    Kane/Bearer, Austin, Taker.

    Pretty sure Paul Bearer was good friends with Undertaker and Kane outside of the ring... As for Austin and Kane/Bearer, I don't remember if that was part of that group I mentioned earlier or not. I'll have to go find the source again.

    Rock/Austin, Cactus, Vince.

    Probably too early for Rocky to have those relationships, though I might keep the Austin one since they'd worked together several times and Austin helped his career a lot in the early going during the NoD days...

    HBK/Taker, currently dislike. HBK's book seems to show nothing but respect between

    the two in late 97, especially when working with one another. Other

    than the Mania 14 rumor of Taker taping his fists (which I don't

    believe) and some Bret comments, nothing indicates a dislike.

    It does relate a lot to Bret and the screwjob and the attitude problems HBK had around this time. Taker seemed to dislike Shawn and they didn't repair their relationship for several years from my sources.

    HBK/Flair: Flair and HBK had a lot of respect for the other, but I wouldn't say they were friends at this point.

    Good point. They probably didn't have any contact, so it was just respect.

    HBK/Sid: Friendship. Nothing indicates this.

    I removed this one.

    Vince/Lawler: Currently loyalty. Don't think this is the case at this point.

    I think they should at least have friendship.

    Chavo/Jericho: Currently friends.

    Benoit/Rey Jr.: Currently friends.

    I can remove these two. I think they might be unneeded, since they were friends of friends and not necessarily direct friends.

    Jericho/Zbyszko: No indication of this at the time.

    Jericho/RVD: Currently dislike.

    Jericho/Saturn: Currently friends.

    I can remove these. I wasn't sure when the stuff between Jericho and Zbyszko started.

    Relationship Adds


    Dislike. Austin talks a bit about the check comment in his book. Austin

    also was said to not want to work with Jarrett in 1998 at all.

    I don't think Jarrett and Austin disliked each other yet. I don't think they spent much time if any working in the same promotion... Jarrett had just rejoined WWF a month or two before this scenario and I think most of the problems were because of Debra? I don't even remember what the check comment is, so yeah. If you can provide a source from '97, that'd be good, as this is January 1st 1998 and I don't think they had any real interaction yet.

    Jim Cornette/Cactus Jack: Friendship. Got to know each other in WCW, got close in SMW.


    Dislike. Eddie wrote in his book that throughout his time in WCW (and

    afterwards) he thought Nash was genuinely evil.

    Heenan/Monsoon: I'd up this to loyalty. Heenan absolutely loved Monsoon.

    I'll add/change these.

  7. I definitely agree I probably have too many relationships. I took them from PhilaHItman and the current scenarios and went through both Wikipedia and Cagematch to do my best to validate/verify them... But I agree I probably have too many. That said, there are a few I just want to clarify:

    This scenario IS for January 1998, so you are correct.

    That said, I didn't put Kane speaking as No because I believe he was speaking by the end of the year with the assistance of the voice box. Plus if he gets signed by another organization, it's not like he CAN'T speak, he just chooses not to. It's really tough in those situations.

    I have trouble telling if Taz/Sabu was strictly in character or not. It seems inconsistent through a lot of the records, whether their relationship was actually bad or if they just played up their kayfabe rivalry. It's tough because I don't know if it should be friendship, dislike, or just nothing...

    I'll change most of the other stuff you suggested. I'm not sure about Nash/Hall and Hogan, though. That's another situation where depending on that specific point, it's tough to tell if they were friends or not. I put them down as friends because the Outsiders talked about how much money Hogan made for them and how he's the one guy everybody should want to work with at that time because he made the most money, more than Flair or anybody else... So, I don't know if that's friendship or strictly business.

    If you can, please give me more examples of relationships to remove. Just as a warning though, all the Undertaker/Kama Mustafa/Yokozuna etc. relationships (I forget who all was in that big group) are based on a group of guys who hung out regularly backstage and were sort of a clique of their own. It was pretty legit from what I could find.

  8. Is there anything I can possibly help on? I'd love to help this scenerio finish as soon as possible. 1998 is an era I love.. And since I can't get into TEW10, and I dislike the RaveX updates, I'd love to help a good new 1998 come out.

    Sorry for not replying sooner, but anyway, as tedious as it is, there are a lot of errors - I imagine anyway - with the data. I'd love it if someone could at least skim through the wrestlers and see if anything sticks out that needs fixing, stuff like incorrect nationalities, speak yes/no, missing stats, missing pics, etc. That would be one of the first things; if you have the time and interest in doing it, I'd appreciate it.

  9. Just an update - Coming along very slowly but I'm still working on it. I'll hopefully release another update some time soon-ish. I haven't heard anything from Disturbed since the board switch, so I'm hoping he's still able to work on those sponsors, but if not I'll get those done eventually. This isn't exactly my top priority, as between work and life and weather issues, there's other stuff that takes prominence, but I still want to get this finished sooner rather than later.

  10. That's right, that's who that was. Speaking of him, I believe he needs a charisma boost. I'd say take him to about 83-85. Up for discussion.

    Dude, not to come across as a dick myself, but you've got to quit saying shit like "up for discussion", "end of discussion", or "hopefully that stops discussion." You come across as a major tool. This is a DISCUSSION board. The whole point of this thread, in particular, is to DISCUSS the stats of the game. Bill is the one doing the stats update, so unless he comes in and says "no more disussion on this topic", then EVERYTHING is going to be up for debate and discussion. Just say your piece and hope enough people agree with you that the change you want gets made, but don't get pushy or controlling about it, or you'll come across as an asshole and wind up getting flamed or constantly have people troll you by asking for proof of your suggestions.

    • Like 4
  11. Kim Winslow should never referee a fight again, dude drops 35 significant strikes in 2 minutes and gets stood up? Absolute joke. Then she let Maia sit on Fitch's back for a minute and a half whilst Fitch has double wrist control?

    Maia is an absolute weapon at welterweight.

    Overreem learnt a combat lesson: You underestimate your opponent, you will lose. The heavyweight title picture is absolutely fucked now. Reem was out cold but still standing for the last three shots. Silva's freak out was awesome. I cannot even tell you how stereotypical it was for a Dutch guy to walk out to techno...

    Rashad not turning up has fucked the light heavyweight picture too, I bet Chris Weidman is happy though.

    Aldo did enough to win, surprised he stopped with the leg kicks, even with the threat of being taken down.

    Pretty much all of this tbh.

    For the Light Heavy division, I'd guess that after Jones beats Sonnen, he gets the winner of Hendo vs Machida. After that, the winner should get the winner of Gustafsson vs Mousasi.

    I never thought that Rashad should get a title shot honestly, but only because the only fight of his that I saw was the Jon Jones fight. I guess it will be Weidman next, followed by the winner of Okami vs Lombard.

    I wanted to see Rashad versus Silva because of Evans' wrestling pedigree, but if he couldn't get Antonio Nogueira down - even after wrestlers like Phil Davis and Ryan Bader, inferior wrestlers IMO to Rashad, were able to implement that strategy - Rashad would have been mauled by the Spider.

    Evans' best wins are over Forrest Griffin (he was actually tailing the scorecards), Tito Ortiz (the rematch), Rampage Jackson, Thiago Silva (during both of which he got hurt), and of course the infamous knockout of Chuck Liddell. He is a great wrestler and I'd put him among the top 10 LHW's even after the loss to Nog. He was #3 on my list heading into this fight, and make no mistake, this was an upset. That said, Nogueira's always a game opponent and he must have been working on his takedown defense.

    But yeah, last night was a big night for the Brazilians on the main card. Maia, Bigfoot, Nogueira, and Aldo all getting wins. That's huge.

    I hope Overeem comes back from this and realizes why he can't underestimate a 280 pound muay thai practitioner who has wins over the likes of Emelianenko and Arlovski.

  12. Thanks


    I strongly disagree with CM Punk having 99 overness, I don't think he matches the popularity that John Cena has and that's coming from a HUGE HUGE CM Punk mark. I think 97-98 would be more realistic. Jericho is presently 97 and I think Punk is more over than him, so he should be around 98

    Lower Christian's over to 86 This seems a little much... I'd keep him at 88

    Move Sandow to Upper Midcard and second finisher should be Elbow of Disdain Cubito Aequiet IS the Elbow of Disdain

    Daniel Bryan to Upper Midcard His over is 93, which means this might cause some problems - Maybe lower his over to 91 so he's a fringe main eventer?

    Lower Otunga's over to 73 This could be lowered even more, perhaps to 70 to match Justin Gabriel

    I think Shield's over should be way higher. I think about 77-78. If you mean the individuals in the group, I've mentioned this before and it's a difficult situation to properly evaluate... They are over as a group but aren't really as individuals. In fact, I don't think they've ever done ANYTHING as individuals, and while they do say their names in those promo segments, casual fans wouldn't know who they are independently - just as a group called "The Shield." It's like when the Nexus was over as a group but guys like Michael Tarver and Heath Slater weren't known at all. I don't know if their over should be raised beyond 73-74 at this point.

    Raise Slater's over to 75 Why? The guy gets X-Pac heat if I've ever seen it. He's not really over... 3MB isn't really over...

    Raise Mahal's over to 63 This I could agree with. I didn't realize his was so low.

    Lower Kane's over to 89 Kane is still pretty damn over, and I don't know if he should be 4 points lower than Daniel Bryan. I would put Kane at 90, as he's capable of being a main eventer at any point.

    Lower Miz over to 87-88 Really? REALLY? Ahem. I don't know. I'd keep his over around 90-91, as he could main event a show without seeming out of place.

    Raise Vickie's over to 93, she's one of the top heels in the company in my opinion I'll get shit for this, but she doesn't deserve anything above the high 80s. Her over isn't equivalent to main eventers. She gets heat for being obnoxious and annoying, but she isn't that over in the total wrestling landscape. A lot of the heat is just people not wanting to see her.

    Added my thoughts and comments on yours. The rest of the stuff I agree with or don't care about.

    • Like 2
  13. Bump Titus O'Neil charisma to 78

    Lower Randy Orton's charisma to 84. I understand he has the facial expressions etc. down, but c'mon this man is just so robotic and bland on the microphone.

    Maybe lower Vince McMahon's charisma a couple of points and raise Heyman's.

    Also lower Mahal's charisma to about 72 and raise Slater's to about 80.

    Raise Big E's charisma to 70ish

    Raise Cesaro's brawling to 72.

    Also maybe untick Big E's menacing. Yeah he's got muscle, but he doesn't look like an imposing figure at all. I believe he's maybe 6'0 or so.

    Turn Tensai babyface or tweener and turn him to a comedy character or dancing gimmick. He was dancing on Main Event tapings with Brodus Clay and is now feuding with the Prime Time Players according to Meltzer.

    Lower Tensai's brawling to 72, raise charisma to 67 and maybe raise stiffness a bit.

    Also don't know if this was ever suggested, but maybe guys in the WHC picture (ADR, Ziggler, Big Show, Sheamus etc.) need to be dropped down to Upper Midcard and their overness lowered a bit. Also maybe move guys like Cody Rhodes, Kofi down to midcard. If the Main Eventer push means people who Main Event PPV's and/or are the main drawing points that would be more realistic. I don't know if it makes any sense whatsoever so please educate me.

    No way in hell does Titus deserve 78 in charisma. Closer to 58 in my opinion. All the guy has going for him is his look and his bark. He can't cut a decent promo outside of a few words.

    Anyway, I think Cesaro's brawling should be higher... like 78 or 79.

  14. I like games that have varying levels of difficulties that affect gameplay as well as rewards/awards/trophies/add-ons/etc. the best. I'm talking about games where you can unlock extras for playing on other difficulties or even other "modes" with different characters or story arcs or other shifts in the game's dynamic. It increases replay value and enjoyment in the game for me.

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