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Everything posted by lanky316

  1. I lost by game last night thing kept crashing going into June 2008 Started a new one @ Stevenage. So far only three games with one win, one loss and a draw. Letting in a lot of goals and the press have commented on it. The thing is most of those goals were conceded in money makers against Premiership opposition...
  2. I believe Kerrang! radio is available online somewhere. Check Kerrang.com out to see for certain.
  3. It makes you laugh really. The French are ridiculed having never surrendered following 112 years of constant warfare while Italians surrender on a daily basis during six years under Mussolini. Nothing.
  4. At the landing paert don't worry about the marker, all you need to do is be on the runway and you should beat the 70% which is a pass.
  5. Another lucky result for you lot, Neville got away with a blatant handball in the box. It's a shame howe the mighty have fallen, United reserves used to be able to get to league cup quarter/semi finals. Now they can't beat a conference side.
  6. Thats odd, I was watching it live and never saw anything :\ Fact is he could kill his career for the third time if it is true though...
  7. Weekend update. The Brazilian has been granted a workpermit and will be comiung for just 50k compensation, which I'd doubled by selling the man he's replacing. Tried to sign another Brazilian kid to play at the back but they said no chance after appealing Final league poss was 14th, not bad just need to score more away.
  8. At least we didn't lose because of it... Just wondered if given Fergies track record with goalkeepers who feck up like that. Do you think Carroll will be dropped from starter now?
  9. Anelka to Arsenal happens regularly, in mine, my dads and brothers he went there each time AI controlled.
  10. I am glad it isnt happening now, not all clubs can afford it y'know. Sitting up there in your ivory tower it is easy to say 'Oh, just introduce it already!'. It wouldn't be fair to lower league teams if they couldn't have it because they can't afford it. The things that some people have suggested are too much. Scoreboards for instance, at Orient I doubt if we could afford it right now what with the building work going on, hell we only have two stands at the moment! ←
  11. Best Band/Artist: Rammstein. Album of the Year: Nightwish - Once Song of the Year: Rammstein - Amerika (Satire at its best) Best New Band/Artist: McFly Best Live Band/Artist: Rammstein Man of the Year: Urs Meier Woman of the Year: Princess Diana (How much attention does a fountain need?) Movie of the Year: Farenheit 9/11 Worst Movie Of The Year: Catwoman Worst Band/Artist of the Year: Busted Favourite Actress: Christian Slater - One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest Favourite Actor: Eddie Murphy - Daddy Day Care Worst Actress: Halle Barry - Catwoman Best Game: Rome - Total War Best Sports Team: London Wasps Worst Sports Team: Northwich Victoria - Bankruptcy and relegation, couldn't get much worse...
  12. Good idea Ravey having missed the September EWB Rock Awards I get to have my say now! Well tommorow I'll fill it in during my lunchbreak tommorow *looks over shoulder in case of supervisor*
  13. Sorry, but no. England still could have (and should have) won the game -- penalties were still forthcoming. That's not even close to equivalent. The officials in '72 basically kept re-running the game until the USSR won, like some kid shooting hoops in his backyard. Not good enough. ←
  14. Update, played another couple of months with Southend. Doing great at home scoring plenty and yet to concede but away we're too inconsistant. After all this we're still in the same place as yesterday (15th). Part and parcel seems to be a striker with poor finishing and low work rate. Obviously lifted by the home croud so for the time being I've got Lee Barnard on loan from Spurs as a stop-gap for the rest of the season and am in talks with a 16 year old Brazilian wonderkid from some non-league side over there (CENE I think), it doesn't matter though as I doubt he'll get his permit at that age...
  15. Spurs played a typical continental away game. Keep it tight and try and pick up the points on the break. That said they played poorly. Rohan Rickets let the team down on the right wing. In the end a draw is probably a fair result even if in the end Spurs had the game won. Keep going lads and don't forget to "park the bus" against Chelsea.
  16. My careers been a bit up and down really I'm four years in, spent the first year at Cambridge City in the Conference South and built them into a fairly solid side. My main striker being Stuart Darby, a free agent at the start of the game with 20 finishing, also seemed to be a natural inspiration for the rest of the team. Half way through the second season I took over at Gretna and took them to the Scottish Second Division and a big third round Scottish FA cup tie home to Rangers, tragically the pressure was to big to get up to the first in the next two years. I have just taken over at Southend Unit still in the Third Division and have so far gone 4 undefeated (2 home wins and 2 away draws) so I'm hoping to build us up and least make the playoffs, we'll have to see how it goes...
  17. Wait for the "Mendez from the 'alf way line" next week when Chelsea visit the lane... Travesty, I suppose the only reason we're being so polite over it is that we're Spurs and at least got the point at Old Trafford...
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