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The Kraig

The Donators
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Status Updates posted by The Kraig

  1. Did someone say something about a regal fracas?

  2. How's EWB been? I've been exploring the world and shit. Sorry for my absence.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rocky


      Oh viperlike. They don't mimic your name to be funny. They just don't like you.

    3. Rocky
    4. The Kraig

      The Kraig

      Calm yer trousersnake, it's spitting in my eye!

  3. Learning Gaelic is fucking hard.

    1. LL!


      More like gay lick! Thought you were a pro already! OOOOH SHIIIIT!

    2. Hobo


      Scots? Or our version? Cause we had that shit drummed into us at school. Ugh, I hated it.

    3. The Kraig

      The Kraig

      Scottish Gaelic, aka Gàidhlig. Was never taught it at school.

      And it's pronounced Gah-lick, foo'!

  4. Or get one of those sausage-shaped draft excluders.

  5. We're gonna need a bigger goat

  6. :( R.I.P. Scott McFly
  7. I hate your new name, Doc. :(

  8. Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na, KRAIGMAN~!

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