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Everything posted by Bigal

  1. The most obvious has to be Bob Dylan when he went electric. Although he sort of shunned his acoustic stuff for a while, I think once he started to mix the two, that was when his really great stuff started.
  2. Does that have any connection to the AC/DC song?
  3. Owen's scan said he isn't injured, but that most likely means the problem is lack of match fitness, something almost impossible to correct by the World Cup.
  4. Bigal

    Primal Scream

    Loaded Movin' On Up Get Your Rocks Off That's about all I know, sadly.
  5. Ricky Gervais did a series of podcasts a while ago. It was supposed to be good, though I haven't heard it myself.
  6. Dylan Moran - Monster And at that, get Black Books.
  7. Three? I thought they were only doing six, but whatever. I'm happy because 24 is one of my favourite shows, but at the same time I don't want it to go the way of many other TV shows and hang around too long. That said it looks like they're going for a clean slate next season, what with all the staple characters being killed off. Iit'll give them a few series to develop a new cast, which might turn out good in the end.
  8. Clearly the best Pulp songs are Son of a Preacher Man, Jungle Boogie and the main theme.
  9. I'm really hoping the new AC/DC album will materialise this year.
  10. Oh, get "Eve of Destruction" by I think Barry McGuire. Great protest song, despite his inability to sing.
  11. Bigal

    Advent Children

    The reason Vincent didn't do much in the game is because he was an optional character though. Anyway, I think making Cloud and Sephiroth equals is a mistake. After all, wasn't the point that Seph was vastly more powerful than Cloud due to his sort of superhuman abilities?
  12. A lot of early Bob Dylan stuff, from the Freewheelin' and Times They Are A-Changin' albums.
  13. Even so, don't you think it crossed a line? The guy's dead, for christ's sake.
  14. God, those guys really are cunts.
  15. Bigal

    Advent Children

    Thanks, stok (Y)
  16. Bigal

    Advent Children

    Wikipedia is my friend:
  17. Bigal

    Advent Children

    Did he die? I can't remember. Oh, and where's Elena as of AC?
  18. Racist. Just because I'm Filippino.
  19. Too late, I just turned it down >_<
  20. Well, their finances are listed as "Rich".
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