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ZJ Penn

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Everything posted by ZJ Penn

  1. He looks like the American Rab C Nesbitt.
  2. Liverpool swapping Remy for Borini and coming out with a £5.5 million profit is incredible.
  3. Are you playing solo or with friends? I can see why you might find it dull or average on your own, but even with just one friend I thought it was a blast. We didn't really even look at levels and grinding. And it is an MMO, but not having to put up with the tank, healer, damage dealer system eradicates a lot of problems.
  4. You say inevitable like it wasn't already announced a long time ago To be fair I've been so disinterested in next gen up till now that the only bundles I'm aware of are inFamous and Killzone...
  5. Am I going blind or is there no Destiny thread? Anyway, the Beta is awesome. Probably sold me on a PS4 when the inevitable bundle hits at launch. It's what I wanted Borderlands to be. Really, really impressed.
  6. Thr best thing about this is that Germany are exactly the team who'll show no mercy and push for double figures.
  7. I don't really see much wrong with Chelseas youth system, at least they actually get game time. Buying players, letting them improve under less pressure than at Chelsea and then selling them on if they still don't make the cut. It's hardly the biggest problem in football.
  8. Saw my first hackers last night. Really weird.
  9. Mainly because it's difficult to get matched if you're 4* or less, but also because I've wanted to play as a lot of the national sides during the World Cup. I don't particularly mind as I find them quite easy to play against and very predictable. It's just nice to have some variety. Also I tried to get a game as Emile Heskey's 2* Australian team yesterday but couldn't get a match.
  10. Keown: Karagounis isn't finished by a long shot. Immediately afterwards he's subbed off for Gekas.
  11. Greece in exciting game shocker. Bony!
  12. To be fair, I thought Chiellini was a type of pasta too :/
  13. Seasons mode has basically become a demo where the only side you can play against is Real Madrid.
  14. Who gives a shit what Andros Townsend thinks? Bloody ITV.
  15. So what about Spain eh? What an embarrassing bag of shit they were! Right? Right?! ...
  16. Poor referee decision, Gerrard gaffe, awful tactics. We just need Hodgson to come and say "I actually thought we played quite well..." and it's business as usual for England. Incredible to believe that's the same team that traded blows with Italy for 90 minutes.
  17. He's given it away about five times, shown some terrible touches and fallen on his arse at least twice. They're so bad the opposition have nearly scored two corners. Not from corners. Actual corner kicks.
  18. I can't believe Sterling has been forced out wide to accomodate Rooney. Terrible. As was the decision to keep Godin on.
  19. But a lot of people don't care about stats, it's only the score that counts. It was a competitive draw until the Scroats had the wind knocked out of them with a goal earned through a dive. Doesn't really bother me, but imagine if that happened to England, people would be livid.
  20. Nope. Isn't the back up Jo? Of Man City, Everton and afro fame.
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