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ZJ Penn

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Everything posted by ZJ Penn

  1. Boooooooooooo. Busy kits are wicked for Pro Clubs because no one uses them. It's all a bunch of obnoxious asshats with Barca/Man U kits. Might as well combat that with some unique, lesser known teams. At the very least, I would also propose cycling through kits every few weeks/every month or so. [/proclubshipster] I'd be all for a lesser known one (my own suggestion was from the K-League), but some of those take it a bit far. ..
  2. I object to it. Too busy.
  3. ZJ Penn


    Yeah I've had a blast as part of a group but if I was solo'ing it I'd have had my fill days ago. Especially with the lack of matchmaking.
  4. Jeonbuk FC caught my eye earlier actually. The green strip though, not the pink one.
  5. I should be in from launch. PSN's Hurricane_Frank and I'm GMT. Mostly be able to play 9 till 1ish. I like the name as it is. If you want to stick with orange there's a few other kits that would do the job. Or if we want to differentiate from the other team I like some of the green/black jerseys or there's some decent blue strips if you want to reflect the boards mobile skin. Don't mind venue, although I suggest the new Manchester United 2-3-5 formation for tactics.
  6. Yeah I'll be on PS4. A lot too by the look of the next gen gaming catalogue up to now. Someone needs to propose a team name too.
  7. ZJ Penn


    Man no matchmaking on the raid? What a crock of shit.
  8. Yeah he's awful. I'm around 1970 in my read through and the Avengers is pretty shitty at the moment with Ant Man, Goliath, Yellowjacket and Goliath II. That said Ultron is great and I was surprised the character was that old. Also Marvel Unlimited stops running Daredevil from #56 for a good few years worth of issues. Just in time to avoid showing you his unmasking
  9. I hope Jeremy wins and breaks out the Champagne.
  10. Pardew did well to get them where they were at one point but seemed to have no idea how to take them forward from there and it devolved into "buy all the French players!". They probably should have done a Southampton and sacked him when the going was good and brought in someone with more ability.
  11. ZJ Penn


    I hate you! Where they drops or purchases?
  12. ZJ Penn


    Got my first legendary item! A kickass rocket launcher with 14 upgrade slots and homing missiles! Story ending sucked ass though.
  13. With that return he really didn't Costa lot of money whatsoever.
  14. ZJ Penn


    I haven't really had a chance to really bump the difficulty up on the end game as some of my party are further behind, but crucible marks certainly seem easier to earn than vanguard ones. Have you found any purple gear yet? I have had zero drops from strikes since putting them on heroic.
  15. ZJ Penn

    The Sims

    And how was the game going? Hahahaha. Magnificent.
  16. ZJ Penn


    Anyone get the first expansion? It launched in the store yesterday and was wondering if it's worth it?
  17. Allam said that the club has been for sale for months so part of me thinks its just him publically not wanting to go back on his word. Saying that I can see him selling up if the moneys right. Although I think he's equally happy to stay seeing as they're coming off a debut in Europe and an on paper impressive transfer window.
  18. ZJ Penn


    I'm not sure how accurate this is but I think if you all hide in that corridor ultras will repeatedly spawn. Whereas if at least one person jumps into the pit the minions will eventually die off, making the boss a grind.
  19. ZJ Penn


    I like the scout rifle over the auto rifle. The Hunters super is way overpowered though it seems.
  20. ZJ Penn

    FIFA 15

    Why is this demo taking so long to load? Lionel Messi's stare is freaking me out.
  21. ZJ Penn

    FIFA 15

    That seems to be posted every time the FIFA demo comes out I look forward to the inevitable discussion about how overpowered finesse shots/headers are.
  22. ZJ Penn

    FIFA 15

    Demo is up now. Anyone know if its just single player?
  23. ZJ Penn


    Some of the balancing is kind of off. Like we breezed all the moon levels on normal but upping to hard is insane sometimes. I must admit I was a bit worried about five hours in when nothing new seemed to be happening but thankfully it seems to be opening up again. Going to attempt the strike on the moon tomorrow and hopefully complete some side mission stuff too.
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