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ZJ Penn

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Everything posted by ZJ Penn

  1. How wide are you going? I did my X-Men one then went back to Spider-Man, but I'm thinking of going full hardcore, within reason. Tempted to stick to the core titles (FF, Avengers and their separate books), but I could be tempted by Doc Strange and whatever else...I'm just slowly working through the Travis Starnes reading order for 616. It covers all the main characters (Spiderman, X-Men, Avengers, Captain Marvel etc) and throws in the more important issues of stuff like Guardians of the Galaxy debuting in Marvel Super Heroes. I am noticing gaps appearing more often though, mainly in smaller titles like Daredevil, Sub Mariner and Nick Fury.
  2. That sounds like the most boring comic of all time. I've been carrying on my Marvel read through, about to hit the 70's. It's still clear to see how much more they care about Spiderman than every other magazine, but the new artists on Daredevil, Doctor Strange etc means the quality gap is nowhere near what it was in 66/67.
  3. "Things for Louis van Gaal (me) to spend his (my) severance pay on."
  4. Ho-ly shit. I assumed they must be playing kids but I've seen BBC mention Hernandez, Welbeck and Evans. I know lol Moyes/lol van Gaal is the in thing but Ferguson left an absolute shit sack of a team behind.
  5. It hit Xbox Live as well I think.
  6. Can't wait to see his face when he scores his first Old Trafford hat trick... ...and they still lose 4-3.
  7. I know! Bloody Sony, wasting my bank holiday.
  8. It'll be Lukaku/Eto'o for Everton if the BBC are accurate. Another kick in the nuts for Moyes.
  9. As a neutral, I like watching Johnson. Bombs forward all the time and can't defend, plus he occasionally scores a cracker. Can see why Liverpool fans would rather have anyone else though.
  10. Went to plug mine in for the first time today at 5.30, only to find out the network was going down at 5.40 till 1 in the morning for maintenance. So I'll probably put it off till next Saturday now and have a final week messing about on GTAV online.
  11. I know its successors are on the list but for me the most important game of the modern era would be GTA 3. And that's not there either. :/ And as an aside I found the whole Bioshock trilogy to be very average and underwhelming.
  12. Argos are selling the Knack bundle as clearance stock, combined with an in-laws discount. The voucher book came free when I bought the console.
  13. I'd have preferred inFamous but not really too bothered at that price. Plus I got a book of vouchers with it which means I probably won't pay more than £35-£40 for a game till 2015.
  14. I am now a PS4 owner! Had to get the Knack bundle but still a bargain at £239.99 brand new.
  15. ZJ Penn


    Confirmed that beta characters won't be carrying over. Which is good because I'm going PS3 to PS4 and didn't want to be disadvantaged from the get go.
  16. ZJ Penn

    FIFA 15

    Winston Bogarde as part of a Chelsea legends eleven alongside Babayaro and Sam Dalla Bonna.
  17. I'll be PS4. Hopefully they get the balance right for online this time around.
  18. The schedule doesn't really mean anything when the only announced film just got moved
  19. They could improve that film infinitely by replacing the pan shots with Bottom style pan shots performed by Ade Edmondson. Amazing Spiderman 2 is an abomination.
  20. Assuming I can find the Destiny bundle from one of the few places I get discount, I will be a PS4 owner in just over a month! I've had the cash for it sat around since May but nothing has grabbed my attention for either console till now. Which gives me a month to finish South Park, Beyond Two Souls, Metro Last Light and Remember Me. Haven't decided what console to pick up AC4 and watch_dogs on yet. Be sad to see my fat PS3 join all my previous consoles in the loft. It's been a faithful servant all these years. Had it practically since launch.
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