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Everything posted by Alex.

  1. Im honestly rooting for the white walkers already. if they have a blue eyes white dragon card in their deck its all over
  2. Hey guys we are looking at this the wrong way. Let this be a lesson to aspiring filmmakers and producers that if someone is able to get this green lit almost anything can get green lit.
  3. Hybrid Theory and Meteora >>>>>>> RIP Chester.
  4. Alex.

    Twin Peaks

    I am trying to muscle thru this week by week but this episode this past week really aggravated me. Maybe because I chose to watch this at 9 instead of GoT I have no idea
  5. Alex.

    Twin Peaks

    Bobby as a deputy has been a great and fulfilling surprise in this reboot.
  6. Aaron Judge is Summer 2002 Brock Lesnar
  7. I'd rather see the alphabet strategy any day over gamebots like zeke.
  8. I'm guessing the lack of variety in challenges is due to the budget cuts in the show? It is literally the same thing every time now. It gives you the feeling the show is on auto pilot and I hate that. I know budget cuts are one of the reasons why they keep filming in Fiji. Hell they keep using the same beaches for tribes now over and over. Maybe I am just outgrowing the show.
  9. I actually preferred the character base direction of the show. This past season I hated because it was just about strategy and there were other reasons why I hated it which I won't get into.
  10. RUMORED: Paul George traded to the Oklahoma City Thunder.
  11. Alex.

    Twin Peaks

    I was like wtf while watching the episode but twin peaks reddit with people posting theories and such helped put the pieces together for me and I can truly appreciate this episode as a peaks fan and as a student of film.
  12. Don't worry now that D-Rose is out of NY he will return to MVP form lol
  13. I read up on a lot of theories and such about last nights episode I think I have began to put the pieces together about it. I suggest you guys take a read on the Twin Peaks reddit if you are interested. Its a lot.
  14. Bump. Doing my 4th rewatch of the series first in 3 years. On episode 9 now started last week. I swear with every viewing this show gets better and better.
  15. House of Cards. Its gotten to the point I regret watching it after Season 2.
  16. Phil Jackson has got to go lmao.
  17. Weeds. Enjoyed first 2 or 3 seasons I forget but whenever they move..the show takes a huge nosedive.
  18. Welp at least the Nets flipped Lopez's expiring contract. yay I guess?
  19. Was really rooting hard for the Cavs cause they were the underdog, but congrats to Golden State. Still not happy about super teams in the NBA in all honesty. I had more fun watching hockey playoffs (and i dont even watch hockey) than the nba playoffs this year.
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