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Everything posted by Alex.

  1. The pieces are beginning to come together. I am just waiting for Cooper's reawakening!
  2. I feel the same way about HoC tbh. I haven't liked it since S2 and stopped midway this season and i've fully given up. Meanwhile Twin Peaks...what the fuck
  3. Crusader Kings II thread is in the Coin Op thread
  4. I always loved the kids version of the theme song its my favorite out of all of them. I was just watching the Chess scene the other night. It never gets old. This show never gets old.
  5. Season 2 picks up and shoots all cannons last half of the season. First half was a drag, but the penultimate episode I am telling you right now, is some of the best television I watched since the penultimate episode S3 of The Wire..which I consider the greatest episode of television I ever witnessed. I like Billions a lot, but there are certain things I don't like about it. Not a fan of Axe's wife at all..and not a fan of the forced pop culture references to past films and tv shows..its just messy. But Giamatti and Damien Lewis are gems in the show and Wags is the fucking man!
  6. We have come to a point where an actual survivor twist would be a season with no shake up for tribes and no idols.
  7. Okay, please stop showing Cochrane. They used to do this with Boston Rob, but at least he is no longer shoved in our faces. Just fucking stop Probst.
  8. I just need production to tone done the twists and idols its become so much that they want to manufacture moments instead of letting things play out instead.
  9. This is awful. I'm sorry but that was the legit worst fucking thing ive ever seen in survivor.
  10. Somebody needs to get Ridley Scott away from the Alien franchise now.
  11. I've watched all four episodes. Its so fucked..yet so good..yet so confusing..yet i cant look away
  12. There were literally only 2 people that did not make it that I would love to see again which were Shane and T-Bird. Everyone else could fuck off lol.
  13. Weren't Culpepper and Troyzan on the ballot for second chances...like they werent voted in, who in production thought to themselves, hey lets cast troyzan despite our audience not wanting him
  14. I am not a fan of making every vote a blindside and I think that maybe explains why their terrible editing at tribals. If you make every single vote a blindside, you kill the impact a blindside has..at least for me it does.
  15. I dunno if it is a down season or I am just outgrowing the show I hope it is the former and not the latter.
  16. I was on r/survivor and sucks earlier, seems like some aren't happy with the editing of this episode? Idk who went home, but one thing I agree on is that the editing is atrocious
  17. Derek Jeter was the last player to retire from my childhood. That walkoff base hit at his final game in Yankee Stadium will forever be one of my favorite baseball memories. Up there with the Aaron Boone homer and when McGwire broke the record. (Yes I know he used roids, but as a 5/6 year old, watching that with my dad was a great moment)
  18. Yeah sorry guys I tapped out of this season. I really just can't find myself to root or care for anyone left and I've tried so hard to, but I just can't get into it.
  19. ...and it would still be better than Season 5.
  20. Rewatched The Last Samurai. Such an underrated film.
  21. Editing this season has been ATROCIOUS. Purple Aubry anyone? Why were people voting for Tai? Where did that come from?
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