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Protoman Version 2.5

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Everything posted by Protoman Version 2.5

  1. Heading out in a moment but I wanted to point some thing out to Maxx real quick... Spoiler: Click here to viewSM #3 had three, Dark Knight had three. Not every bad guy would need a back story or major screen time. I.E. Some would be used as small fries and not get much more than about fifthteen minutes of air time like the mob and Scarecrow in the DK. It can be done, just has to be handled well. Oh, and teej... Spoiler: Click here to viewDeadshot was in the Gotham Knight DVD. But they could bring in Deathstroke as they are similar and basic M.O., albeit DS has become more of a Teen Titans' baddie in recent years. Or, I suppose revisit Deadshot as I haven't seen the DVD yet, so unsure of what his fate was in it. Might've just been thrown in jail or into the asylum.
  2. Here's the problem with Holiday... Spoiler: Click here to viewIt was three people, one of which is dead in Harvey Dent, one of which was his wife & doesn't exist in this cannon in Gilda Dent, and another was a crime boss' kid. The last of which's daddy got taken out in Begins and is now a mad man at the asylum thanks to Crane. While you could use him, you take some key points out of the story by losing the Dents and losing the mob boss. As that was a big part of that story, the rise & fall of the powers that be in Gotham with the mob & the freaks and the rebirth of Harvey Dent as Two-Face. However, Calendar Man who served in a Hannibal role in that story killed in pretty much the same way, all on holidays (thus why Batman went to him to begin with), and with some minor retweaking he could easily fit into the mold of what's needed. As far as Bane is concerned, yes, he was already in a movie but...his origin and personality were nothing close to what they've ever been in any other media. He played a big muscle bound enforcer in that flick, that's it, nothing more, nothing less to him. When Bane as a character has the potential and as shown can be much more than just a brute. Thus why I brought him up, he had such a minor role that its easy to forget he was involved with the worst Batman film ever. As for those saying the Mad Hatter can't be taken seriously...are you kidding me? A guy dressing himself up as the Mad Hatter, quoting C.K. Lewis' books & trying to theme his murders around them and abducting young girls named Alice isn't demented? If done right, it could be taken to a very dark place, especially if they touch upon a element that the comics have from time to time. The reason as to why Hatter only seems to fancy little girls named Alice that he tends to want to kill the moment they aren't his ideal Alice from the books. But I do understand why some people might not be able to see the potential with Hatter if they've only seen his cartoon self or very little of him in the comics. Likewise I can understand the logic behind implanting a new bad guy but as I said, with the stakes as high as they are now in Gotham...I just can't see Black Mask working. I like the character but he's basically a mobster that saw a little too much Captain America/Red Skull for his own good () & Nolan himself has said that the movies were about the fall of the mobsters & rise of the freaks. Bringing in gang lord, Black Mask would be taking a step back in the evolution of the films. Though there is a scenario that popped into my head that I hadn't considered before which I like about as much as the minor baddies/Bane & Calendar Man murder case ideas. They tweak No Man's Land arc and bring it to the big screen, like, with the police hunting Batman, he's not been able to do his job as well. So, slowly its been building, and you could introduce a varying number of problems depending on how you wanted to go about it, including guys like Black Mask & Hatter & Riddler without trying to make them solely carry the entire flick. Eventually turning Gotham into such a dangerous place that it is declared, like in the story arc, a No Man's Land, leaving Batman & a select few (quite possibly Gordon) to try to clean it back up & save it by themselves (in now a city more or less full of freaks). If done correctly (including a few Joker in the asylum scenes about how a storm is brewing & the weather's changing, ect) it could be a amazing story & one that's Summer Blockbuster friendly with all the action put into it. I think part of the excitement really about if there is a third is that there really is many different ways they could take it from here. Even with the element that the ending gave us, it leaves a lot of things open and a alot of roads for them to walk down if they wanted.
  3. It was amazing, I was in simple awe and still am over a day later after seeing it. Some people have coined it and I think it truly fits when people call it the "Empire Strikes Back" of our generation. As far as baddies... Spoiler: Click here to viewTo all the people talking about Black Mask as a potential bad guy, I don't know. Nolan at one point said that if he were to revive the Riddler, he'd make him a cyber terrorist. Which could be interesting to take the third installment in a completely different direction like each of them have gone in so far. Though he's since retracked the statement about ever using the Riddler in the movies, or in the near future at least. I'll get back to the whole Riddler thing in a moment though... The reason why I don't think Black Mask would honestly work in the third installment is the subtle under tone of the movie. A theme that drives itself STRAIGHT from the pages of the Long Halloween & the Dark Victory, and it was done so friggin' well...most never even realized it. This movie beyond every thing else was showing the fall of the mafia, mobs and gangs that poluted Gotham City and the RISE of the freaks like the Joker & Two-Face & Scarecrow. I think from here on out to have any of it become a main threat again would be taking a step back in the franchise that they steadily took forward in the first two. So, where does that leave us? Ra's, no body shown but his story was told and why bother revisiting it. Crane, unless he comes up with some thing drastic he's a few steps above a common thug and can't carry a entire movie...as shown by the fact he was used by both Ra's & Joker. The Joker, it would be a extremely risky move to recast though some one mentioned Johnny Depp and I could actually see that working. If nothing else as a temp voice for asylum scenes with Quinzel in the third to potentially carry on what they had in mind (which I immediately thought of and I think Zero mentioned, Joker being in a Hannibal role). Harvey Dent, no, the body wasn't shown but truthfully Dent's story has been told and to revisit it I think would taint the tragic tale told in this. I feel even more strongly about that than I do the Joker recasting oddly enough, despite me probably preferring Joker to Two-Face in the movie. However, AMH was rumored to be playing Edward Nygma for some time in the flick and it turned out he was a news reporter but I don't believe they ever gave his name. Regardless as I was watching the movie I realized he didn't really have much of Nygma's look to him at this time. I did note that the Joker took him hostage and the thought had popped into my head that Joker might have decided to experiment after Dent. To try to convert more towards "his side", to make the freaks bigger in numbers and to test out what would happen with others. As its hard to believe the chaos Joker wanted for Gotham in that night could be done solely by him, the boats were meant to be a intro to it, not the main course. Any ways, what he DID look like to me...was an ideal Mad Hatter. You take the cyber terrorist and blend it possibly with toxic gases like Crane's, and you could have yourself a more realistic version of the Hatter. Though I wouldn't expect him to solely be the man meant to co-carry the film with Batman, Crane could be revived once more & Hatter could be a minor role as well. Maybe throw in a few more inspired or converted by the Joker along the way, bringing in a few lesser known of the rogue gallery like the Talley Man & Deathstrike. With them playing back drop to Batman versus the police, making it so the entire city is against him while Joker uses Quinzel as a informant after some smooth talking to keep updated on what's happening on the outside. Using him in such a way that you wouldn't have to show him much, making it ideal to ease the viewers into a recast or stall to give them time to figure some thing out. In the midst of Batman trying to take care of the Hatters & Cranes of the world and the emotional struggle between Gordon & him as Gordon is forced to hunt him, enter the third main & top baddie. Some one that is realistic enough to be played off and some one that quite frankly, needs redemption in this friggin' franchise. After all these fights, after all the toll Batman's put through, you bring Bane into the picture more fully and he explains how he's been watching Bat (possibly using key flash backs to certain scenes where a shadowy figure was watching, ect) & waiting. Waiting till it all caught up to him and in a mixture of the Dark Knight Returns & the storyline that made Bane famous, they do battle. Quite possibly leading to the truth of sorts being exposed, and Gotham coming to terms with what Batman is, maybe by saving those caught in the cross fire between the carnage of police vs. freaks vs. Batman. While leaving the door open for a part 4 if they wanted to do one, with the Joker still lurking in the asylum and the seed planted of Quinzel being attached to him & lending herself to his break out. Course, I also really liked the idea of some thing similar to the Holiday murders or just using Calendar Man. Sure he's far from the greatest bad guy but if used correctly, he wouldn't need to be. As well as it could take the Batman franchise in a different direction than its honestly been in before & show more of Bruce's detective chops. A murder flick of Batman trying to stop these holiday themed murders as the police try to catch both men would be interesting. Least to me. Heh, figures my first post back on here after my comp issues would be about this flick...
  4. Red Dwarf, Simpsons and a few movies like Tim Burton's Batman, Batman Begins, House of 1k Corpses, the Devil's Rejects, Sin City, Dogma, Number 23 are pretty much my current rotation. Though I think I'm getting addicted to watching WSX's season 1 boxset.
  5. So....I'm broke as sin and I've been wanting to play Diamond/Pearl for a while now but lack a DS (let alone the games). If some one would be so kind as to PM me where I could get them via "another method", that'd be gravy. Though I do plan to eventually save up and hand over the cash for a DS and Platinum.
  6. Yeah, like Stok said, I've met several people with decent taste that ended up liking Inuyasha. Though I also echo his thoughts when it came to watching episodes of it. It feels like Ranma 1/2 with all of the things that actually made that anime stripped of it. Least 1/2 had a few redeeming qualities to it, even if it went on forever. Not that huge of a shocker, seeing as it's made by the same person and that creator is known for liking to recycle things. Oh, and Cloudy, you think that "ending" is bad? You should listen to my one friend that is a Inu fangirl who told me some thing interesting ages ago. Seems in pumping out that season and the movies, Adult Swim slipped past the fans the fact that there is one more season of the anime. By the sounds of it, the real ending isn't much better... Spoiler: Click here to viewMore or less this is it. There is some epic battle between Naraku & Inuyasha. Just as it is about to reach a climax and see who wins....Kagome wakes up in her bed. She blinks and looks around, and goes "Was it all...a dream?!" SCENE. ....Yeah...if I was a fan of that show and got that ending...I'd be pissed. Though I couldn't and still can't help but laugh at the poor suckers that invested so much time of their life into the series and got THAT as their pay off.
  7. It's okay Momo, the rest of us still realize the difference between Ruki and you.
  8. Yeah, Negima's manga version isn't so bad but still far from the greatest piece Japan has ever spawned. The anime starts to get a lil' better later on though it still is dull and is easy to get distracted by some thing else & stop watching. Main reason I've stuck it out and watched as much as I have is because one of the anime clubs my spouse & I go to airs it. And, yes Norro, we mock it too, much to the dismay of all the otakus in there that worship it.
  9. Both those posters and the new "trailer" of sorts are brilliant. Though a thought had struck me while watching the trailer. We know Nolan & Bale plan to do these for some time to come if the money keeps being brought in by them. And, we all know that Nolan isn't afraid to recast people that are unable to be apart of the picture for whatever reason. It might right now be a touchy subject but by the time they'd get to this, it probably would no longer be. What I'm getting at is... Do you think we very well could see eventually Frank Miller's work translated to the big screen? I know there was a thread about this a bit ago on here but I think it would be amazing and I think Nolan's one of the few I'd trust to do it justice (beyond Frank himself). In a way, if they keep the Joker & Dent as characters that pop up a lot in the franchise it'd mean all the more. As it would be taking the trio full circle with it being the finale to the tale, if they want to give it an ending. Course, with us several movies away from even the first Robin...this might just be a pipe dream of mine. Either way, July can't come soon enough.
  10. Oddly enough, I forget which song it was but one of Angelspit's songs made me think I had shuffled onto a Manson track without realizing it. Creature Feature has a few tracks I've listened to that remind me of the Cure, for some reason. Powerman 5000 and Rob Zombie sound same-ish though that's probably because Zombie's kid bro is PM5k's lead singer. Oh, and Murderdolls and Frankenstein Drag Queens from Planet 13 sound strangely similar.
  11. Yeah, after I found that out I pretty much decided there's no way MCR can have any right to be any thing resembling "emo" any more. Or, least their leader singer doesn't have any right to be emo... Well... Maybe for that shitty hair cut he has but beyond that, yeah, lucky bastard.
  12. Wow, there's actually a few games for the PS3 that I might want to play that I can't play for cheaper on a 360 or Wii... Damn it... Looks like it's time to start saving up insane amounts of money again to buy one in the near future. Or....just buy a used one for a moderately insane price.
  13. Yeah, they're a catchy lil' band that is kinda like Gir (or, most of the more dumb humor in Invader Zim/JtHM/Ect) if made into a band. But they are far from the greatest thing to ever grace the Earth. As well as I think they are starting to suffer from the over hype machine. Which tells me there will be a backlash machine in a matter of a year, tops. And, I always saw Jimmy getting love as the same reason most ass holes in all medias get love.
  14. Well...I can't speak for all animes but in that case Cloudy it is because...they are yuri/lesbians. It's a lot more obvious that is what they are going for in the Japanese version from what I've seen. Edited Note: Least on Soi's half of the relationship, they kinda leave it more up in the air on Yoruichi's half.
  15. I'll echo the Dark Knight Returns. I think DC & Frank Miller fanboys would have a collective orgasm over it (well...if done right).
  16. Oh, and the commentary tracks on all of his flicks' DVDs...pretty friggin' ace. They can be quoted nearly as easily as the movies themselves and are about as funny.
  17. Ah, Kevin Smith...He's a odd topic for me. There are at least some aspects of his movies that I really adore and for the most part, I love each of them. The only ones I'd say I was slightly in the middle about and/or neutral over was Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back & Jersey Girl. Though that might be because in the case of J&SBSB, it felt like a giant "Hey! Let's throw in as many cameos from my previous movies as we can!" and left me feeling let down at the time when it was going to be the "last" Jay & Silent Bob related movie. That said, J&SBSB might also be the case of the ever revolving door on my tastes when it comes to his movies. Some days I'll prefer Clerks or Chasing Amy (where the duo have limited roles, especially in the latter), other days it'll be Mallrats or Dogma or Clerks II(where the duo are more apart of the main cast, in my opinion). Each of them have their own quirks to them and messages/views, some of them are a little more clear than other ones (like, Chasing Amy's message is far more clear than Clerks' to me). Plus, Dogma aside all of them involve the hopeless romantic loser, and I've been there, done that (thus can relate to it). Jersey Girl on the other hand, I had wanted to see at the movies but it never got any where near me. By the time it was out on video, every one had already condemned it as a piece of crap. Granted, his other movies have been bashed about just as hard but never by his own fanbase. Eventually I saw it and went "This? This is the thing that people threw their arms up over?" and shrugged, and moved on. But I'm well aware of the limits Kevin Smith has too, and realize he's not the be all, end all of directors despite my own liking of him. And, can see why some people don't like him, especially with his strong views & at times harsh (albeit witty) lines in his movies. Not to mention that much like video games, we are moving more & more towards a society that bases their enjoyment of a flick on the visuals rather than the plot. So, for those folks (that want C.G.I. up the yin yang, too many huge explosions to count, dramatic and innovative sweeping massive camera angles, ect)...Kevin Smith films aren't for them.
  18. 1.) Nightcrawler 2.) Beast 3.) Spider-Man 4.) Wolverine 5.) Iron Man
  19. I've done that for years too, Ruki. Oddly enough it does seem to do the trick as I burn through anime the quickest when I watch it that way.
  20. Well...if the person is Yusuke or Gokou or ....ect, ect, ect, ect. Then yeah, you kinda do actually.
  21. If you mean Shinji by "the kid"...then yeah, you got the real dub more than likely. As his voice is annoying as all sin in it.
  22. Pretty much "Lonely Road of Faith" (I BELIEVE that's the one, might've been "Only God Knows Why" or one of his other slower songs...) by Kid Rock is "Freebird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd note for note with different lyrics (and a rap interlude) slapped on.
  23. While I don't care for them, I have to at least give Breaking Benjamin's lead singer props for having been with Becky Bayless. Though yeah, Seether's the only one out of that lot I listen to. None the less, glad you enjoyed the concert.
  24. Excel Saga? Pfft, FLCL & Poemi were better.
  25. Like many music fans, I go through "phases" in what I get the itch to listen to. Right now it seems like I'm really into listening to female singers & female rappers for one reason or another. Because of that it made me think of this topic, what are some of your favorites of the opposite gender (or, same if you are one of the few on EWB that is female)? Any certain songs or albums by them that mean some thing to you, ect?
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