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Protoman Version 2.5

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Everything posted by Protoman Version 2.5

  1. Yeah, I truly hope she either breaks this into books post-Hogwart years or makes a book that would make the GoF blush. Otherwise it's going to be a lot of cliff note chapters I think. Not to mention even with the last book I noticed it kind of happened, if she made the book about the same size as HBP one of the more charming aspects, the side stories/plots, might get a tad lost. Then again I suppose it was bound to happen that the side plots and side stories would start to takr a back seat in the later years.
  2. Ah...Godzilla, that takes me back to my childhood. Any one else that are Godzilla fans remember when AMC(I believe it was them any ways) once every year had a whole day of Godzilla flicks playing? I remember on more than one time trying to stay up all night watching those things. Perhaps my favorite when I was a kid and the one I remember fondest was the Monster Island ones. Just cause of Baby Godzilla. I also recall watching the old 80s cartoon show of Godzilla too with the renamed Baby Godzilla, Godzooki(sp?). Personally I'm going to try my hardest to get Final War even though like you Ghost I heard it wasn't too good. I'd get it just for the True Godzilla/GINO fight. Man did my hopes get so high up I remember when I was a kid and that Godzilla movie came out....and then I saw it.....and then deep down inside I cried. Crying over what the hell they did to Godzilla. God was that a horrible movie and GOD did they make Godzilla look like an out right pussy in it.....Then again that Godzilla was a female so I guess that's not too far off. *sigh*
  3. Two years?!....God damn it... And I thought I recalled Dumbledore saying in Order of the Phoenix that all of Sirus' and Harry's close relatives had died/been killed. Thus why Sirus and Harry kind of had the bond they did. They were more or less though not related by bloodlines the only family each had left. Granted you could say his cousin but it's kind of obvious they didn't get along too well. And I've never considered cousins "close" relatives. Also the rest of the Black family aside from Sirus seemed rather evil in nature (with the exception maybe being Sirus' brother. But we've never really gotten a whole lot of information on that situation). However with that said it certainly wouldn't surprise me if it was one of the Blacks. Or if it was in fact Sirus' brother who had faked his own death and was now going under a alias. It is rather obvious that SOME THING important is with Sirus' brother and the events surrounding his death. I mean in nearly every book since Sirus has been involved they've mentioned it I believe at the very least twice. Wormtail I too think is going to have the "Golum effect" as I'd like to call it. Whether he intentionally or not in the end he'll aid Harry in some fashion repaying his debt to him. It could possibly be not even when face to face with Voldenmort. Wormtail could save him if he is in fact evil from Snape. It would make sense if by then Harry has destroyed the other pieces of the soul if Voldenmort would send out Snape first to weaken Harry for when he faces him. Or who knows maybe the reason Wormtail hasn't been seen a whole lot lately in the books aside from seamingly becoming Snape's slave. Is cause he is guarding one of the pieces of the soul. But once Harry tries to destroy it and it tries to kill him Wormtail saves him from it. In any case I could see the Fordo/Golum situation happening in Book 7. Where Harry less and less hates Wormtail and more and more feels pity for the pathetic thing Wormtail has become. Maybe even have Wormtail travel with them for a while and have a Sam/Golum situation with Ron and Wormtail. Then again considering Wormtail slept in Ron's bed with him for 13 years or so of Ron's life I imagine Ron would be tempted to strangle him the next time they saw each other.
  4. ***Spoilers ahead*** I finished the book the week I got it a few weeks back. Personally for me I thought this helped make up for the underwhelming book that was the Order of the Phoenix. There were quite a few nice things in the book though also there were quite a few sad things. Like most I don't think/am in denial that Snape is evil. Dumbledore dying was a shame but I suppose it was truly needed to be done. As it shows at the end of the book, now really Harry has no one to protect him. Also for some reason though I knew more than likely it was going to happen I wanted Harry not to break it off with Ginny. Might be doubtful that they'll ever get back together even after/if he finishes off Voldenmort but I always liked the pairing. The ending left me in a kind of saddened happiness, it is difficult to explain. Even with Harry's life seamingly being rather shitty I still felt some what good and had hope for him. Annoyingly it made me want to read the next book right away though. Some thing tells me Harry isn't going to be leaving Hogwarts or will end up there some how in the next book. Still going to be interesting when Ron/Herm/Harry go on their misadventures for the remaining pieces of Vold's soul.
  5. Out of curiosity Thug why do you keep saying Bruce can't come into Smallville due to Batman Returns? I mean what does a movie from the 90s have to do with this? Or did you mean Batman Begins? If so easy mistake, god knows they've used nearly every cliche' title for the Batman franchise when it comes to the movies. (Batman Begins, Batman Forever, Batman Returns, ect)
  6. I've been watching Smallville the last couple seasons on and off but still have managed to catch most of the episodes, and it is still a pretty good series. I too would love to see a young Bruce Wayne (perhaps coming to Smallville after one of Batsy's villians' early incarinations shows up) and interacts with Clark. But I suppose AM will have to do. Also woo for Brainiac finally showing his face on Smallville. He was one of the few villians I've been expecting for a while now. And perhaps if they go the whole Lois/Lex way like a lot of the comics' storylines (and the cartoon series) went the mayor campaign thing is where it starts. As it would get Lois close to Lex for them to interact a bit more and all. Also I'm suspecting either 1.)Chloe is gonna get axed or 2.)Chloe is going to join the darkside and betray Clark. Forcing him to don the blue and red....or maybe she'll just be his wacky sidekick >_>
  7. No, I believe it was Nice Guy Eddie who when told no one knew what happened to Blue assumed Blue was dead. Though he did talk or at least pass on some messages to Joe so Joe could've easily assumed that too. Or didn't know Eddie was assuming Blue was in fact dead.
  8. Yeah the first few times I tried to figure that out as it bothered me. Then I finally noticed how Mr. White fires off two shots and apparently we aren't the only ones who have thought this. Since on one of the versions of the DVD set on the full screen disc it has as the main menu a image of those three but it looks like a picture and has plans and such scribbled on it. Including which fired what bullet and their intended target. One thing I always wondered about though was what happened to Mr. Pink as you see him run. Then while Orange and White are talking you can faintly hear the cops come and fire off some shots. Which makes me believe Pink was either 1.)Shot down as soon as he exited or 2.)He just barely escaped and their shots missed. Not to mention they never really SAY Blue is dead, just that he is MIA. And some have said how Blonde wasn't dead and that if (and more than likely they would for the trial that would come afterwards) the cops treated Blonde's wounds he'd live. Then again Pulp Fiction has had similar theories and urban myths. Kind of funny Jackie Brown and Kill Bill really haven't though. Guess it's cause he gave us all the information we needed in those two. I mean Jackie Brown is a pretty straight forward movie. And Kill Bill is a relatively simple plot.
  9. Same with me, some thing is just so appealing watching the first two Ninja Turtles movies over and over again. Same with Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow and Batman. Don't get me started with how many times I've watched Kevin Smith's movies. I think I've done it since I was a kid as I know I use to watch "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" at least three times a week when I was 3 through 5 years old. Also I think the reason why I watch my DVDs so much is my collection is relatively small as I buy DVDs/movies I know I enjoy or will mainly. Well that and my money status doesn't exactly have my wallet overflowing with cash on a daily basis.
  10. Its....Its......Its.....SUPERMAN! BUM BUM BUM! But in seriousness I wonder what the hell that is. Though perhaps we'll find out that next season. The season finale I recorded but haven't watched yet, from what I heard its pretty good.
  11. If you wanted to go in a more clean setting for a high school i'd go in more of a comedy route. Dragon ball( when edited or even uncut aside from a few nude scenes scattered here and there in it ) would be a good choice as well as Fruits Basket, Kikaider, Cyborg 009, Yu Yu Hakusho( aside from some mild swearing ), Excel Saga, Guyver, trigun, cowboy bebop and love hina. Probably could think of a few others but whatever you do don't air Hellsing. That anime will get your club shut down in just in the first few minutes of the anime.
  12. Yeah i saw about it being out of order, which rather annoyed me as growing up that was one of my top cartoons that i loved to watch. Right up there with ninja turtles and transformers. Though my pockets aren't lined with money at the moment i will be keeping my eyes on them and some time i'll probably at least pick up one set. By the by was i the only one where with the originals( before Batman & Superman combo thing ) i enjoyed how in each ones with the joker he seemed to be killed off and then seemingly reappeared fine next time he showed up?
  13. PSP > DS Though more then likely when i get enough money and if it has any games that interest me i might get DS. But then again there is still plenty of Advanced games that i am interested in getting. But i think PSP is a must buy, and i am curious as to how exactly the metal gear game will work. Inshort i believe Gameboy may get overthrown for once in it's existence.
  14. I love you, that is one of the greatest shows of ALL time. It and daria was one of the few reasons i actually watched " The N/Noggin " when they were replaying the episodes. Shame they stopped as that series is beyond words greatness. If only they had come out with boxsets of DVDs for the seasons...* sighs * Well...we can always hope i suppose...* hums the theme song and does artie's pose *
  15. Two that by asking just people i generally know and them giving me blank stares i would consider micheal madsen( most likely known by board members as Mr.blonde in reservoir dogs and Budd in Kill Bill ) and steve buscemi. Another one that comes to mind is jason lee as he normally seems to get bashed in reviews and more so when in a kevin smith movie, but i find nearly every thing i've seen him in to be a great performance by him.
  16. Tim, i think your being a bit hard on the game overall. Challenge mode is in shopzone in the main menu, it tells you all the goals. So yeah....ya know...Don't bitch about shit unless you've actually figured every thing out. And the reason why the roster is smaller as THQ has said is cause they tried to enhance the look of the wrestlers in the game and their graphics as well as give them their own type of moveset that is custom and different then others. And thus they couldn't add as many as before. Though i do find it laughable you are saying SD! #2 is better then this. Grranted this isn't too good compared to HCTP but to say the second SD! was better then this is not only foolish but shows you don't know what in the world your rambling about. Maybe it was your friend's game too on the CPU note as i've never found it when playing it to be slow or do jack shit. Oh also the submission system was made to be more of a challenge and i love how you say it's so easy to beat and yet you complain that you can't tap people out in the tougher modes. That's the point of them to make it HARDER for you to do things and to give you a CHALLENGE. Sounds like to me you just want to bitch about it. As you claim it doesn't give you a challenge you want, then one thing in the game does you bitch it's stupid and too hard.
  17. " When Worlds Collide ", " Riot Night " , " Last night on Earth " if i recall are three of the Powerman 5000 songs on it. I know there are a few others on it but it does say near the back of the booklet and in the game's credits what songs it has. So ye may want to check there.
  18. Damn you tristy....You beat me to the joke...Though yeah i'm surprised the bitter lil' troll they call a drummer in metallica a.k.a. lars hasn't taken legal action on Jay-z yet.
  19. I Ran-Flock of Seagulls I'm Fat-Weird Al I'm an Asshole-Denis Leary Amish Paradise-Weird Al Tribute-Tenacious D Wonderboy-Tenacious D Lee-Tenacious D The Night Santa Went Crazy-Weird Al EDITED: Thought of a few more...
  20. No, where do you get that from? Sorry about all the questions too.
  21. Alright all the river pieces are connected, i did go see the tree and he gave me the sword. I just double checked every thing just to make sure. When i go to stage/level 9 of the wise owl cave with it equipped and go to the cave and hit X it says... ( Smells like a Snake [use an item by pressing /shows the square button/ ] ) So unless my game is glitchy there must have been some thing else you needed to do or give to it to get the snake to come out. EDITED NOTE: Meat? No, where do i get meat from?
  22. Oh sorry i forgot to mention which one, the first one. Yeah never got a chance to play the second as there didn't seem to be that big of a supply of 'em in america and i had wanted to wait to play it after i finished #1 just in case there were spoilers in it. And you bet your ass they are good games, while i was replaying just the first town of #1 i realized how advanced it truly was for when it was made. Some of the graphics and ideas in it are still pretty taboo in games today and rpgs. EDITED NOTE: J.V i've tried that and i thought that's all i needed. But when i go to it it does nothing and keeps giving me the option of presenting the cave( which is where the snake is ) with an item from my normal item bag.
  23. So any who i'm not sure if this is the right forum to ask this, if not sorry staff. I got this game way back when PS2 came out and long story short a bit afterwards i borrowed it to a friend and he lost it and i recently got another copy. So i've been playing it an' all and i'm kinda stuck and need guidence and/or help. How do i get past the 9th level of the wise owl forest? Obviously you need fudoh(sp?)'s kid to hit the lever for the one door but i'm talking about what do you do with the cave that " Smells like a snake " and it needs a item to trigger whatever it is it triggers. Also how do you get fudoh(sp?)'s kid goro to join up with you. I assumed it is once you do whatever it is with that cave but i wasn't certain so i figured i'd ask that as well. Thanks in advanced for any help that can be given.
  24. There's a duck? Didn't see that one....Do you mean the yellow thing with wings on it's head and the huge orange nose?
  25. Out of curiousity does any one know what all the characters are spoofs of? Foxxy Love = A member of josie and the pussy cats( ? I only connected her to that as she brought up being a music artist and the ears ) Princess Clara = Random Disney Princess Captain Hero = Superman Toot = Betty Boot Xandir = Link/any other RPG hero The lil' rat thing = Pokemon The others are what exactly?
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