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Everything posted by -A-

  1. MOTHERFUCKING MICROSOFT! I reconnected my 360 to Xbox Live and it's fucking WIPED OUT all the achievements I got since it was last online. What the fuck? All my Bioshock, Mass Effect, Halo, Assassin's Creed, THPG and GH3 achievements, lost. I'm LIVID enough that they sell '12 month subscriptions' that are, in fact, eternal subscriptions. Why are they sold as '12 month' subscriptions when they renew themselves automatically when you use the ONLY method of payment available on the platform? That can't be fair advertising. I'm going to call the OFT now I'm so fucking furious.
  2. The game probably keeps getting delayed because they have to constantly adjust the roster because of high-profile additions and losses.
  3. Bought GH3 yesterday and having great fun. I definitely think there's a LOT more leeway with hitting the notes, with the notecharts themselves being harder in comparison. Overall though, I think the game (on Expert, at least) is much easier until the final tier, where the metal I dread reared its ugly head. Beating both of the battles so far have been jump-out-of-my-seat moments, they're a really good addition. I've had a bit of slow-down a few times when activating star power though, I'm hoping it's something that can be fixed in a patch, if it hasn't already. I also managed to get the Number of the Beast whammy achievement when I wasn't even playing that song, which was odd. This has given me a kick in the arse to get my internet hooked up again, need to play those co-op songs and I don't know anyone in RL that plays the game (or that has a guitar, anyway.) EDIT: VICTORY! Anyone who wants to play, add me.
  4. FM is the easiest game imaginable to cheat at! You can't crowbar world-class players into vastly inferior teams, but you can give yourself as much money as you can spend and replay every game until you win (if you so desire.)
  5. I'll be getting GH3 shortly, how do people think it compares in difficulty to the second? I played it to death and completed it on Expert, if the game's easier on that difficulty it'll be incredibly unsatisfying.
  6. I'll have it! I need to wait and see whether I get one of course. but I'm definitely interested.
  7. My uncle works for ICE. He used to work for homeland security but post 9/11 some divisions of homeland security that were working on immigration were merged into another division separate from homeland security that focuses on drug smuggling. The idea behind ICE according to my uncle was that most smuggling efforts are directly connected to immigration. I'll ask him next time I see him when and if they routinely bust technology smugglers :blink:
  8. Surely Six on Expert is harder than that? No solo there so can't tell completely, though.
  9. £5 million please, Randy.
  10. Kif, we have a conundrum.
  11. Yeah, this is basically the same kind of thing that happened when The Sims first destroyed all sales records. As Bleszinski the elder says, the people that buy Wii Sports and The Sims (or particularly, the 'casual' gamers that buy them) don't go on to but other kinds of games. You can continually churn out new content in Sims fashion; you can build an entire piece of hardware around attracting that new audience, but they're still only a fraction of the games market and they're inherently fickle. More than likely, a few publishers will take the audience by the scruff of its neck, and others will enjoy some easy money on cheaper-to-produce games, but GTAs and Halos will still sell.
  12. Good, finally. From an on-field perspective he was perfect for our team, but he clearly didn't want to play for us and had to be moved on.
  13. On the 360, you just click in the right (I think) thumbstick.
  14. September-time, I believe. No doubt it'll be around the time of Halo 3.
  15. This is very true, and I usually manage to vary the players I buy. Soooooo hard to stop myself buying Enyeama though
  16. I just hope direct downloads take hold to a significant extent before HD-DVD disappears completely. I don't even have an HD TV yet, but I can't really see myself getting massively into either format given how slow I was with DVD. It'll be interesting to see whether the physical media can keep a strong presence through bonus features and so on - releasing those via downloads would completely cill the format I reckon.
  17. Yeah, what I've read puts the bid at somewhere between £1M - £3M and even at the top extreme it would be incredibly good business for Liverpool. I mean, fucking incredibly good business. Benayoun's very suited to playing on the wings, even if he's not the out-and-out winger that some people seem to prize so highly. Obviously he'll be happy sitting on the bench and definitely seems like the type of player that would be invaluable as a super sub. Someone like Kewell might have more raw ability, but Yossi's been relatively injury-free and has, despite what someone said in the thread, really been putting in the effort this year. I'll be gutted if he leaves, and even more gutted if it's for £3M.
  18. Zero is right. What fooled me for a while was thinking that whammying really quickly gave you more points than whammying slowly, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I swear the score meter goes up faster, but it doesn't seem to make a difference once the note ends - it's still always the same if you're whammying all the way. EDIT: I have defeated Guitar Hero 2! Christ this is a sweet moment. Onto those bonus tracks I can't complete I suppose. What are everyone's favourites? I really enjoy playing Gemini and Less Talk More Rokk, which is a truly strange inclusion but damn good practice.
  19. Well, Psychobilly Freakout on Expert was definitely holding me up for a while, nightmare of a song. Managed to tenuously progress through the next 4 songs, so I'm left with Hangar 18 to pass and then Freebird. Can't quite get the hang of the former at the moment, but I definitely think I'll get past it soon-ish, then the fun of Freebird. The game's obviously incredibly difficult, but at least it gives you quite a lot of scope for finding your level. I'm never going to five star plenty of these songs, but I'll be pretty happy with just limping my way through all the way to Freebird. Got a few of the bonus songs too, it's such an immense amount of gameplay.
  21. McCann should have gone to Man City to keep the Premiership centre-midfield swap alive. Barton --> Newcastle, Parker --> West Ham, Reo-Coker --> Villa, McCann --> City
  22. We're bidding for everyone. I've seen some sly pictures on Hammers forums that have Curbs meeting with someone that looks like Joao Moutinho. That would be amusing
  23. Fuck Expert Freya, fuck it up the arse. Also, the closing song for the next version should be Voodoo Child.
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