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Daniel Bryan

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Everything posted by Daniel Bryan

  1. For the record, there was an episode of Happy Days where a dude literally jumped over a shark, and it was the best one.
  2. Yeah, no, it's really not. At all. I can see why people might think that, but Glee is achingly sincere.
  3. Glee's a victim of its own popularity. It started off as a quirky, kinda dark musical comedy about underdogs, but then it got huge, and the hype started to feed into the writing. The show is really just about the show itself now - stuff like the Rocky Horror episode, or the numerous tributes, or the original songs. It's lost almost all semblance of character-based stories or logical plotting and is now basically nothing but "Hey, look, we're Glee! And we're doing stuff!'
  4. Not true. The first four seasons, at the least, form a chain of events that's clearly moving him along the path to meeting the mother, and every season is an important link in the chain. That's why it was so disappointing when Season 5 came and went without him making any progress. Thankfully, Season 6 got it back on track, and Season 7 looks to make some serious progress already.
  5. HIMYM's jumping point was probably season 5, because it was the first one that had no impact on the larger story of how Ted met the mother. People who complain that he hasn't met the mother yet baffle me - I honestly can't see the logic behind it, other than complaining for the sake of complaining. If that's the only reason you're watching, here's how it ends: He meets the mother. That's been obvious from the start; the real story is about how he gets there. Still, that sense of an overarching story and seeing things fall into place is the best thing about the show, and every season in some way pushes Ted closer towards the ending - except Season 5, when he fell by the wayside, events seemed to have no significant effect on his life story, and it turned into essentially just another generic sitcom that happens to have a voiceover.
  6. Buffy jumped the shark after Season Three. The second they left high school, the whole point of the series disintegrated, and it became just a mediocre fantasy/horror show. Season 4 and 5 has some watchable stuff, but the last two seasons are woeful.
  7. Pfft, 36 years? Try 2000 years and being made of plastic, ya big whiner.
  8. The Daleks weren't whiny and misunderstood, the lone Dalek became infected by human DNA and emotions, went insane and committed suicide rather than change, which is a damn sight more interesting than a Dalek simply killing a bunch of people then getting killed and probably the best way of re-introducing the Dalek concept while keeping a single Dalek interesting. It was six episodes in and the Doctor's behaviour was completely consistent with what we'd seen and would go on to see of his character, taunting the Dalek's appearance was to increase the shock value when it started murdering everyone, chiding a character in a story for not understanding the theme of the work is retarded, and the Doctor wasn't even there when people who had never seen a Dalek before thought it couldn't climb stairs. More to the point, the scene with the Dalek and the Doctor in the cage is an amazing performance by Eccleston. I could watch it every day and never get tired of it. He's so good.
  9. It's Eccleston, people! No 'e' at the end! Gah! Anyway, Eccleston is severely underrated, because he was fantastic. Seriously amazing in some episodes (Dalek springs to mind) and the strength of his performance helped carry the show through the revival. I actually stopped watching partway through Series 2 because I just couldn't take to the show without him. Thankfully, I later gave it another try and got to witness the awesome that is Tennant. I find I can't really compare Eccleston to Tennant or Smith, though, because he was such a different character and the show was just so different in Series 1. For example: there's a point in the penultimate episode of the Ninth Doctor's tenure where he and Jack are being arrested. The guards turn their backs, and the Doctor just looks at Jack and says, "Let's do it," and they hop the guards, trounce them and escape. You'd never get a scene like that with Eleven or especially Ten, whose general pacifism was taken to ridiculous levels at some points. Tennant is probably my favourite just because he was the Doctor for longer and turned in so many incredible performances, but you cant compare his Doctor to Eccleston's Doctor; they might as well have been on two different shows.
  10. Any of Brian Eno's ambient music is good. I tend to favour Discreet Music myself.
  11. Eminem isn't better than Kanye? What? Yeezy has no real technical proficiency, it's all down to his lyrics and innovative production. Eminem's so much better than him technically that they can't even be compared. He's also better than Tupac and Jay-Z, though both are clearly better lyricists. Em gets a lot of backlash because people who don't normally like rap put him on a pedestal, but whether or not you like his style and subject matter, the fact is that under it all, the dude's insanely skilled.
  12. I don't get where the Eminem hate comes from. He might be the most technically skilled rapper in history.
  13. Can't see them bringing Captain Jack in as long as his second-rate female counterpart is hanging around. The show would be much better if Jack Harkness was in River Song's role instead.
  14. Well that's because it goes without saying that they're doing it all over the TARDIS. Why do you think she really told the Doctor and not Rory, eh?
  15. Sure, but the mono thing was after the asskicking, and I took it as a reaction to that. Besides, she only did it because Quinn and Finn were cheating. Her only other crime is being snarky with people, and that hardly deserved the beating where Lauren just kept going after her. It'd be like if Kurt made another of his bitchy comments to a football player, and they suddenly started kicking the shit out of him, and we were expected to laugh at it.
  16. Did the Lauren/Santana thing make anyone else uncomfortable? I mean, she's like three times Santana's size and was just beating the shit out of her. It would have been funny if she'd tossed her into the lockers once, but it went on waaaay too long. It's not like she even deserved it, because while she's always kind of a bitch, I can't really think of anything that bad she's ever done to anyone.
  17. Man, don't get me started on that. Spike was talking about when Angel was evil, anyway.
  18. I always thought that was a dumb line. When Angel was evil and hanging with Spike, he never shut the fuck up.
  19. Where is Bart, anyway? His dinner's getting all cold and eaten.
  20. Season Four is probably my favorite; I love that kind of serialized storytelling. Season 3 is close, but what started as an awesome Holtz arc completely fell apart in the middle (though it picked up again in the last two or three episodes). Also, I cannot stand the pure and radiant saint that is season 3 Cordelia. Regardless of the hate the character gets, I think a big part of why Season 3 and 4 are my favorites is Kartheiser's turn as Connor. Dude did a fucking awesome job.
  21. Yep. The idea was scrapped when they found a much handsomer man.
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