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AnnIQ Edison

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Everything posted by AnnIQ Edison

  1. Apart from the overuse of canned laughter in BBT it is a very good show to just sit and watch. I don't understand the hate and personally this thread is the first time I have heard people say they don't like the show.
  2. When I downloaded everything I had to restart my xbox before anything showed up.
  3. Anyone got the DLC yet? I just finished going through it all. The Legends are nice but god is Luger's theme bad. Also Barrett doesn't look good at all. The NXT arena is alright. Old School HBK is the best of the lot though. Full List: - Luger - British Bulldog - NXT Arena - Layla - Old School HBK - Wade Barrett - David Otunga - Justin Gabriel (Haven't tried him out yet) - Alt. Attire for Shad - I haven't seen him since this new look so it was a surprise for me to see it
  4. Ah yes the Ultimate series. I'll check those out. And I'm not familiar with the X-men in the sense that I've never read a whole lot of their comics. I'm not really an X-Men comic fan.
  5. Can anyone list some relatively cheap X-Men comics, hopefully based around either Wolverine, Rogue and/or Jean Grey? My girlfriend only likes X-Men comics but I'm not very familiar with the title.
  6. Finally a date. Hopefully a patch will come with it.
  7. Yeah the trick is to get one pull out then jump off the ladder and deal with your opponents again, rinse, repeat.
  8. I have a problem with my storyline creator. I have my CAW returning but I made a copy so that when it comes up before the match it says "Win Condition: ????: Win" The problem is that he enters at #30 and then when you win, after the match it says that I havent completed the Win Condition. How do I fix this?
  9. I loved that Christmas episode. It was exactly what it needed to be and more. Sweet and nice. The Grinch sub plot was awesome as well as Beaste truly showing her vulnerability. She is slowly becoming my favourite side character. The ending was great as well. From the moment they enter the choir room.
  10. Saw Muse last night. They were incredible. Their set was fantastic and the set list was great. Nothing else could be said really. Except maybe that Matt was wearing a really, really shiny suit.
  11. For the challenges you have to do specific things backstage whether it be talk to someone or find something. I had to find walkthroughs to get them all. Its best to do Christian's RTWM first because you get a Time Machine which lets you go back to re-do weeks you missed a challenge and it can be used in all the RTWM's once unlocked.
  12. Why not use the tie and paint on the suspenders? That would look better than vice versa
  13. So recently I have had some time to kill so I've been delving into the Story Creator. It's pretty great once you get the hang of the smaller things like taking out cast memebers and reducing a scene down to one section so that it looks like someone is talking to the crowd but you can still loop the text to provide variation between scenes. At the moment I've created one month leading from the first Raw of the month to TLC. I've basically resurrected the KOTR and had the qualifiers and such throughout the month. Had my CAW (who was originally going to be Daniel Bryan but since you can't use Downloaded Creations if you want to upload it later I replaced him with my own CAW) and The Miz end up in the finals at TLC. I then added two branches where the player can choose who they want to win. If they choose the CAW then there is a pre-match meeting between the two where they mouth off and then Miz loses by count out in the match (The WIN condition is to have the CAW win by count out). If they choose The Miz to win then the same pre-match meeting occurs but Miz wins by pinfall and the CAW is knocked out and stretchered out of the arena. The main aim is to have this build to Royal Rumble. CAW Wins: The Miz is so determined to prove himself after a shotty loss that he continues on a winning streak that leads him to win the Royal Rumble the next month (or just win a #1 Contenders match. I'm not 100% sure yet). My CAW will either win the championship at RR or sometime before Miz gets his shot and the fued can be reignited from there. Miz Wins: The CAW is not seen for a while and Miz gloats about how he put him out of action. He also begins his hunt for the WWE Championship. CAW has a surprise return at the RR and ends up winning the match. Cue fued continuer from there. It's been awesome fun at the moment (pun 100% intended).
  14. I don't know what is wrong with the Servers but I didn't pay for a month of Xbox Live just to be told that the game can't connect to the server. This is bullcrap. I was able to pull a Daniel Bryan, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, Hulk Hogan and AJ Styles CAW before the server wouldnt let me do anything else. I couldnt even get it to hold long enough for me to be able to download a story.
  15. PSD Dreams That's the best one I've found.
  16. I'm pretty sure you can change the time limit in the Match Creator part just before you start the match. The same way you would to edit the time limit in an Ironman match.
  17. 2-5 was the best set there. All of them are hot beyond belief and would fall into my top 5. Kristen Bell though...She would not be in my Top 10 netherlone my number one.
  18. So I was originally planning to have Ezekiel Jackson win my Royal Rumble but somehow I got Finisher eliminated by Cody Rhodes so I picked another random number. Who comes out? Chris Masters. Good enough for me. Masters wins RR and then I ahve a nice feud with Swagger (the World Champ) till Wrestlemania where Masters wins the title. Also Goldust won the MITB match and cashed in on the same night to beat John Cena! So my title picture is all kinds of crazy now.
  19. So I was FINALLY able to slowly unlock the RTWM Wrestlemania challenges with instructions. They don't make it easy to do, do they? At the moment I have Vince, SCSA, Rock and I'm going to be going for Terry Funk and Steamboat some other time.
  20. Primo ended up in my World Title Elimination Chamber match at Elimination Chamber. No idea how he got there but Shad and JTG were also in it. I may have to do a draft soon.
  21. Alright so these challenge matches in RTWM are annoying me now as I always seem to miss one and therefore can't unlock the person at the end. Does anyone have a list of where or who I have to talk to in each RTWM to get the first Challange Match?
  22. My theory is that the game does this so that there isn't a continual series of matches between two people forever.
  23. Okay, so how do you do a prematch attack? I don't see any prompts and I just can't figure it out. I'm on Xbox360.
  24. Is there a way to get a CAW onto the WWE Championship contenders list. My guy is US champ atm and I can't seem to get him onto the WWE list no matter how many matches, against anyone already on the list, I win. Hell I've beaten the #1 Contender and even the champ already.
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