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AnnIQ Edison

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Everything posted by AnnIQ Edison

  1. @RDT316 I never got mine either :(

  2. That wasn't actually Evans as the scrawny guy right? They did some Benjamin Button thing with his face right?
  3. To The Cool One: It's the [insert] Key. find it next to the backspace key on your keyboard

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Something about a pot and a kettle.

    2. Redefine Sick

      Redefine Sick

      And implied racism.

  4. Limitless Pretty solid film. The narrating by Cooper at times got slightly boring and I felt it was quite monotonous but overall it was a great concept that they excecuted well.
  5. The best reason I can think of for that video is to be like a 2011 version of Thriller. But even that is a flimsy reason. Weird
  6. Too be honest I still thought it was quite good but again, the metaphors were pretty spoon fed and heavy at the end there. I'd still recommend seeing it though. And yes the trailers are terrible
  7. Saw The Adjustment Bureau last night. It started off kinda slow, got really intense there for a minute, and then the ending was like "HERE IS YOUR DAMN METAPHOR!!!" and then ended. It was alright. Could have had a much sweeter ending though. It just seemed like they realised they were running out of minutes and just cut the last bit off the script off.
  8. - Huffington Post A god amongst men.
  9. I can't tell if that was sarcasm or not. Also TGC, it's a phrase. C'mon man. Keep up. Though my joke answer would be "Yes, Australia"
  10. I love finding out that people's accents are Americanized for TV. Lincoln, Yvonne Strahovski from Chuck, Hugh Laurie from House. It's awesome. Also I will be first in line to buy that DVD.
  11. Yeah I think it is the bomber one. I can't do that for the life of me. Also I'm up to the part in the storyline where you have to beat Cheseray?? to a certain point. You are at the very top of the castle and have 5 mintues to get to the point. I got there with like...3 seconds remaining and because there were some guys on my tail it wouldn't accept it. I haven't been able to even get slightly close to that point since.
  12. Fuck "Not Getting Detected" extras. Sure it's the whole point of the game but having to climb the side of a castle with guards everywhere is ridiculous.
  13. I bought the compendium the other day. Pretty Good. When does the next season of Walking Dead start?
  14. Maybe he starts using the helmet at the very end, doesnt suit up until then, like Vader. Hopefully they push the release date a couple weeks and edit it properly. Rather have a decent movie then another Wolverine Origins. Yeah but let's say they are 20 in this movie. The first X-Men movie would put their age at around 60 or 70? If X can raedminds and they are close friends...how do you hide that kind of thing?
  15. Y2Perfection works Numb like a Rock (Get it? Painkiller? No. Fine then) Dragon-Rana
  16. I don't like that Magneto's Helmet is introduced. Doesn't Prof. X have no idea how Magneto is blocking his ability in the first X-men movie? I know Wolverine has already deviated from the first movie but still...Some consistency would be nice.
  17. S&M is a great song. "Sticks and Stones may break my bones but Chains and Whips excite me"? Lyrical Genius. I remember reading a timeline that shows Rhianna's singles releases and their content. They go from girly songs (e.g. Umbrella, Take a Bow) before the Chris Brown incident to sexual video clips and songs (e.g. Disturbia, Rude Boy, S&M) after the incident. Honestly, the change has boosted her career ten fold. I'm just gonna say it. Whip My Hair is one of the greatest unintentionally great, most catchy song of the last few years.
  18. Just watched the first epidoe of this. The dark chick that is one of the friends of Minnie?? looks exactly like Jal from Season 1/2. Also if someone dies in this era (5/6) I'm giving up on this show. There are other ways to create drama then death. Especially every season.
  19. Finished the second season of Dexter. Why I hadn't started watching this show before is beyond me. Glorious.
  20. I have no doubt that this movie will be 3 hours.
  21. This game, if it is any good, should become the game that you play with friends who have a mild interest in Wrestling and video games. SvR is for the realist people who love a good simulation. This game is the NBA Jam to SvR's NBA 2K11
  22. Hustle, Royalty, Reflect? Because you know....Rhodes is always looking in mirrors. Shut Up.
  23. So after reading this thread I have watched the first 3 eps of Season 1. I must say that while the show is good, it took till episode 3 for it to truly gel with me. Maybe it was the raised humour of the main guy with no powers (I haven't got all the names yet. I think it's Nathan?). I'll hopefully be able to catch up fairly quickly since I have some free time. Also, where are they up to atm? Like have they got a full Season 2 or is it still running?
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