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AnnIQ Edison

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Everything posted by AnnIQ Edison

  1. I didn't even realise that Santana could sing so well. Dear god was she amazing. Also the Kurt/Burt/Finn scene was amazing. They really upped the ante with these last three episodes. Hopefully it will keep this strong till Regionals
  2. Yeah thats not really what I'm looking for. I can't seem to find anything for TV that would be a blatant dubbing of their "Most Dangerous Band in the World" title. I'm also looking for posters or advertising of any sort.
  3. I'm doing an assignment on Guns N Roses for University and I've collected a heap of articles and about three good documentaries but what I'm really looking for is some great advertising of the band or TV Spots that show the image that GNR had at that time (and still do from a marketing POV). I've looked around the net for some stuff but can't find anything solid. Any help on random GNR stuff would be great.
  4. Honestly I don't think it'll be that big a deal. These marvel movies haven't exactly been "Dark Knight" grounded in reality so once they think of a plausible reason for him to be "magical" then I'm sure it'll be fine. He'll prob end up being something along an X-Man type deal where he has this power....or a Hulk type deal where somehow his physiology has changed giving him a power of some sort.
  5. yeah there's no link so it should be fine. I like it. As said the shading on Michaels should be lightened a bit and it'd be all good.
  6. Hasn't the underlying plot been this friction between Rory and the Doctor over Amy anyway? And the whole Dreamlord persona was not "The Doctor" in that it was his dreams and his actions pushing this thing across; it was his dark side personified. It's a little unfair to say that they underplayed that when it wasn't really the point of the episode
  7. The poisoning was really kinda irrelevanto anything except as a small key to find a new heart thingo. It could have easily been done another way. The fact that for half the movie he's dying then SHIELD just give him a shot to fix it for a while totally negates the whole previous story development. I think it almost suffered a similar situation to Spiderman 3 in that there was just too much going on for the movie to come across as great as it should have. It was still a great ball of fun though.
  8. I took it to be The Doctor seeing his dark half creeping in again and being more worried than confused. Overall I thought it was a great episode for pure character development, it didn't seem to move along any stories like the "Silent Menace" (though I wouldn't be surprised if it does play in somewhat later in ways that aren't yet clear) but it certainly put across Amy's role between the two guys, how dedicated she is to Rory and how The Doctor is continuing to slip into the darker half of his psyche and how much more he needs the companions. The reveal I personally thought was pretty obvious but it was subtle enough that I was second guessing myself throughout, and the journey to get there was thoroughly fun so I had no complaints. Yeah thats what I meant. got confused between the two after trying to get it all the sink in. The whole looking old thing is a really great touch that Smith seems to be able to portay to great effect. I thinks it's his abnormal features and his ability to wrinkle his giant forhead that does it. Even Tennant, who was visibly older couldnt do that. This new Doctor is just so fun while also keeping to the whole personlaity that Tennant left with. Its a great mix that still gets me excited when thinking about it.
  9. Is there a way to rotate a single layer without having to copy it, rotate it, and then bring it back into the image?
  10. Sounds like the equivalent to what Brutal Legend was to Guitar Hero.
  11. So I just got the free Portal and my god is it awesome. So much fun.
  12. York. Is York the original one or the guy they replaced with?
  13. Loved this weeks episode. Some absolutely great one liners that had me burst out in a giggle or two. Next weeks seems like a cool little mind trip. Should be fun.
  14. AnnIQ Edison

    Batman 3

    I always took it as he was in public and therefore had to keep the voice up. He doesn't use it when they're alone.....at least I dont think he does. If he does I'll take it to staying in character
  15. AnnIQ Edison

    Batman 3

    It was slightly OTT in TDK but the best scene for the voice was when he find the guys tied up and blindfolded in the building and he talks in the voice without his mask on. That was great.
  16. Well to be fair The Doctor did say that the turning to stone was a defence mechanism. So if they think they are being watched then why not turn to stone. I felt a bit of a cop out when you started to see them turn. I always felt that the best part was that the viewer never saw the angels move and it added to the experience
  17. The very first "video game" (so not educational....or chess ) would have been a boxing game on the SNES at my cousins house. I would have only been 3 or 4 at the time. I do remember watching someone play Super Mario Bros. and someone else playing Doom but I didnt play them. First console I owned was N64 with Banjo-Twooie. It took a while for my parents to get me a video game anything really.
  18. AnnIQ Edison

    Batman 3

    I would rather not see Scarecrow again. I mean in TDK he was reduced to the lowest form of thug that was beaten by Batman in one scene. Enough is enough.
  19. AnnIQ Edison

    Batman 3

    I understand both those points. I'm just saying that the last movie was very much about the mob and how The Joker just took it over and made them look like crap. I think this movie now has to move away from the mob and focus on something else.
  20. AnnIQ Edison

    Batman 3

    I'm a big Depp fan and would love to see him take the role of The Riddler if that is the direction Nolan is heading. To say he was terrible as Sparrow in the last Pirates film is totally ignoring the magic he had for the first and even second film of the trilogy. I honestly havent seen CATCF but as was pointed out, it's a Burton film. Even Alice in Wonderland was a good portrayal of the Hatter. Just saying. To bring this more on topic, I hope that Nolan doesn't go for The Penguin. We already had the major crime boss with Maroni and I dont think another mob battle would be good.
  21. Catch Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus. Quite a strange movie but the dream sequences are visually stunning.
  22. I've had isntances like that all the time especially since I normally walk around with music in my ears. The best one I think was I was walking through the city and a guy was sprinting away from some guys and he nudged me in teh shoulder enough to take me back a few steps but as he did my music changed to the next song and started with.....er...some speed metal song with a giant crash at the very beginning. He then ran away almost exactly to the beat of my song. It was pretty cool.
  23. So is there going to be and ending to that episode or are we just left on that really annoying cliffhanger?
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