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Everything posted by triplexpac

  1. Yep, it's free. You can also sign up as many bands as you want, as far as I know. I have two signed up right now anyways
  2. Well, I just kept playing, and eventually I started making money (although I'm not making tons). I just kept a regular routine of 7 day tours, and splitting the rest of my time between Practice and Rest. Eventually my costs and income levelled off. Right now my expenses are $100, and my income is somewhere around $150-200.
  3. As far as I know, it's assumed you have crappy instruments. And yeah, I'd wait until the full version comes out until we worry about labels, the label system isn't all worked out yet in the Beta
  4. Yeah, I really wasn't blown away by Firefly, which is why I didn't watch it. I guess I should give it another chance though, since it has such a devoted following and all. I guess it's like Angel... one episode doesn't really do it justice, you have to watch the whole season, since the plot is so great from episode to episode.
  5. Ohhh... so, the episode I watched wasn't really the proper pilot eh. Well, that could be why I couldn't get into it. I might check out the DVD set sometime, I Think there is one...
  6. Firefly eh... I should probably give that show another chance. I tried watching it when it first came out, but it just didn't click with me. Personally I'd prefer Joss to get some work going on an Angel movie...
  7. I think Agony might have meant that in this game you can clip right through the ropes. It's been a problem with pretty much every wrestling game I've played, and it's always taken away from the realism for me too. Not a huge deal, but it would be nice to see a game to find a way to fix this problem.
  8. I like Dariush - Ira (Pascal F.E.O.S. Treatment) The Pascal remix is shorter, and more to the point, so I like it more
  9. Well, hopefully V3 will keep me occupied longer than V2. It does seem more difficult... right now my band is losing lots of money. I should try to get more gigs, I guess. I'm just using the time now to figure out the best way to start a band, so when the game is reset in July I'll have a leg up on the rest of the n00bs.
  10. So, does anyone here play Music Maven? I played v2 for a few months, but then went off to college and forgot about it... now the version 3 beta is out, so I've signed up for that. I'm not seeing too many dramatic changes from the 2nd version, but I'm still going to give it a chance, since I'm in summer boredom mode. I'll probably forget about it again once I go back to college in the fall.
  11. Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy VII Earthbound WCW/NWO Revenge Chrono Trigger WWF Wrestlemania 2000 Star Wars KOTOR And that's all the games I can think of right now that I really really liked...
  12. Syphon Filter is pretty cool. Since you said you liked Stealth, I'd check that out.
  13. triplexpac


    Here's some metal suggestions from me: Blind Guardian - I like these guys. They have a funky, fantasy feel to them. Try out "Mirror, Mirror" though, it may have the 'epic' feel you like. Cacophany - "Speed Metal Symphony". This is just crazy guitar work, it may not be for you. I like it though, as a guitar player. Children of Bodom - Kind of like Cradle of Filth, just not as extreme. Some nice guitar solos. Gamma Ray - Guitars sound like Blind Guardian, just different vocals. Then if you want a general overview of some metal, just get a Headbanger's Ball compilation. I think MTV2 put one out, with some newer stuff on it.
  14. I just finished reading 'Omerta' by Mario Puzo (Godfather author). It was a good book, I'd check it out.
  15. Haha this is awesome. I love the badgers, and the Weebl cartoons in general
  16. Well, my google search turned up this: Lindsey Lohan Countdown
  17. My friend just sent me this link... time flies, doesn't it? Olsen Countdown 4 minutes!
  18. I've heard the new Syphon Filter is pretty crappy... I'd get Splinter Cell instead, that game seemed really cool when I was watching my brother play it.
  19. NHL 2005 screens Gamespot Preview IGN X-Box preview Anyone hear any news on NHL 2005 yet? I'm kind of impatient for a new hockey game, so I've been looking around. I'm hoping this next installment will be a big improvement over 2004. I had quite a few complaints about 2004, from the horrible announcing to the crappy defence. I'm liking the 'subtle touches' they're planning on adding, such as players tapping their sticks on the ice. The changing of playing styles sounds good too. Hopefully they don't get too bogged down in the subtle stuff though, and make a game that's just not realistic and fun to play.
  20. I liked him at the awards... he came off as a good-natured, fairly charismatic guy. The awards were a decent show, if only for the awkward jokes.
  21. Well, I Have a controller to avoid... the wingman rumblepad. Personally, I really don't like this thing. The buttons are awkword, the analog sticks are pretty breakable, and, the most dissapointing part, I haven't had a game yet that is compatible with the rumble feature. Like, games have Rumble in the options, but even when set to 'Yes', the controller doesn't rumble at all. Overall, the Wingman Rumblepad sucks. Don't get it.
  22. I think we're all pretty in favour of a Spike spinoff... I just hope it may actually happen someday. I need *something* from the Buffyverse anyways, I'm going through withdrawls! At least I have my Angel Season 3 dvd
  23. Well, I don't know all of the bands there... but a lot of it just seems to be the generic "punk" (or whatever) music that's around nowadays. I do like Thrice and Billy Talent though.
  24. What about the Archie vs Punisher showdown?
  25. Riiiight. I haven't read my ol' marvel vs dc comics in years... I wonder if I still have them somewhere. I have piles of comics all over.
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