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Monkey D. Lars

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Everything posted by Monkey D. Lars

  1. Leonard to Toronto and Derozan to the spurs!?!?!?!?!
  2. That final scene in the first episode of Sharp Objects is so damn disturbing! Really enjoyed the first episode! Also Glow season 2 was fun!
  3. First Super Dragon Ball Heroes episode.
  4. What is it about Benji? Anway, been watching loads of Batman TAS and it's really good.
  5. I have the same problem, I think I will love it. Especially all the different genres it covers and well, correct me if I'm wrong but didn't some drawings of Jojo displayed in a museum?
  6. Anyone here read or watched Jojo's Bizarre adventure?
  7. He's injured till December right? I'll still be cheering on okc and any other team facing golden state
  8. Fuck this. Why, why is everyone doing this....
  9. Okc signed Noel and favours will resign with the jazz
  10. They might sign boogie someway. Anyway what will they do with Lavar?
  11. Warriors want Tyreke Evans, I hope he doesn't go there.
  12. Glad they are both staying now we need Billy to start Grant over Melo. Anyway, that Westbrook party looked epic
  13. Anyway I also just rewatched The Gang Turns Black from Its always sunny, still such an amazing episode.
  14. She is! I don't know if this is mentioned before but Mindy Kaling might have joined it's always sunny.
  16. Anyone else interested in this one?
  17. Another amazing episode of MHA!!!
  18. The emotions in that last MHA episode!!! Such an amazing episode too. One of the best, if not the best episode of the show for me.
  19. I just really liked the collecting in this one. Anyway, this isn't dead, I'm just very busy atm.
  20. This season is so confusing or am I just stupid?
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