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The Dominion
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Everything posted by RPS

  1. Hmm. Forgot about Silas. Guess i was wrong.
  2. I'd be down if they brought back people who weren't bigger names and no 3rd or 4th timers. I'd actually prefer an actual Fans vs. Favorites Redemption theme - bring back 10 contestants who were infamous for strategic mistakes or because they had awful personalities, see how time has changed them and see if they can adapt their strategy.
  3. Chatter is season 24 is another Fans vs. Favorites.
  4. From last.fm... 1. Kanye West 2. Grizzly Bear 3. Das Racist 4. Hercules And Love Affair 5. Twin Shadow 6. James Blake 7. M.I.A. 8. Bon Iver 9. Adele 10. Scissor Sisters 11. Diamond Rings 12. Hot Chip 13. Sleigh Bells 14. Blur 15. The Clash
  5. Heroes vs Villians is a horrendous season, mainly because there is ONE cast that ruins the entire season. Literally. Ruins the entire fucking season. You'll know what I am talking about. It fucking drives me nuts.
  6. Agreed about Palau and that being when dick Jeff Probst emerged. He was unbearable in Cook Islands and RI.
  7. Jesus Christ. That's a joke, right?
  8. I'm sorry, but that's the dumbest thing I've seen posted in this thread yet. If you simply believe drug addiction is as easy as it's her fault, she used drugs and didn't want to go to rehab, than you shouldn't be commenting on the situation. I've personally known close friends and family members who have dealt with addiction. It's not as cut and cry as it's their fault, they need to take responsibility.
  9. The other reason I didn't think she died of a drug overdose was that Amy Winehouse (allegedly, as I don't know her) was susceptible to having seizures.
  10. Weird. I remember reading somewhere police found no drugs at her house and that she died after going for a nap. Maybe I'm wrong.
  11. Everybody is aware that Amy Winehouse, by all reports, didn't die of a drug overdose.
  12. It's true, but I've read some allegations against the producers of Survivor regarding Russell and it never sat well with me. Just because... I mean... it just seems a bit too easy for him. And his shtick gets old quickly.
  13. Wow GoGo you are plowing through those seasons. Not a fan of Samoa. I don't think I watched it when it was on television, just downloaded it later. Wasn't a huge fan of Russell.
  14. Amy Winehouse was amazing: she had an amazing voice, an amazing presence on her songs and an ability to connect with an audience she had never met before. Sad she is gone and that her life ended at 27.
  15. I really loath when people get upset that somebody backtracks on a deal in a game like this. Of course I'm going to backtrack if I am so obviously going to get voted off.
  16. Gabon was a head scratcher of a season in terms of strategy. I mean, I like a good underdog story, but not when the underdogs are so unlikeable. Than again, the alternative alliance was just as unlikeable. I enjoy Gabon for Randy. One of those interesting Shane-like characters were just so unique and complex that they are perfect for a Survivor-like television program. They clearly are sociable and made for television in terms of charisma, but don't really know how to interact with the rest of the world.
  17. The best record on the list so far. Thriller is one of those albums I could listen to for days and days. If I was stuck on a desert island and had to choose one record, it'd probably be Thriller.
  18. No No Hmmm, people are entitled to their opinions, but yours is unfortunately wrong. Christ, even Kurt Cobain, the savior of rock and roll, said ABBA influenced him.
  19. Well except Abba is classic and timeless and blink-182- haven't really aged well in recent year, in my opinion.
  20. Gabon is a clusterfuck of a season. I really enjoy it, but it's quite a head ache at times. On the plus side of it all, Randy is on this season and he is amazing.
  21. Saw Erykah Badu and Neon Indian this past weekend. Both shows were great.
  22. Amanda has no skill in general. To my mind, one of the more overrated Survivors to play the game. I think Heroes and Villians really highlights that perfectly.
  23. I think a lot of it is reputation. People probably push themselves far more physically because they want to win much more the second time around (and get injured) or they don't want to risk looking like they are inferior to the people around them so they find an easy way out (they quit). That's my guess.
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