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The Dominion
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Everything posted by RPS

  1. Oh wait till you see what happens to Jason...
  2. That can't be the idol. Why? It's a fucking stick. Truer words have never been spoken during Survivor.
  3. collieflech I play TFC 2 and L4D2. That's about it.
  4. If you like pre-merge FvF, wait till post-merge. It's episode after episode with huge blind sides, so much comedy and about 3 or 4 of the dumbest moves ever on Survivor. It's pretty freaking unbelievable. Every episode is unpredictable.
  5. Edited and included 20 in my list.
  6. Yeah I've rewatched China 1 or 2 times. It's a great season simply because they focus so much on the characters and everybody to an extent is likeable. Even Jean Robert, who is a complete tool, is enjoyable at times. We know a bit about everybody and everybody seems to have a great storyline throughout the whole season. They cast the season perfectly and whoever edited did a great job of cramming everybody in. And the final 3? Probably the best final 3 the show has had in terms of anybody could possibly walk away the winner.
  7. 1. "London Calling" - The Clash 2. "Thriller" - Michael Jackson 3. "Veckatimest" - Grizzly Bear 4. "Homework" - Daft Punk 5. "Boy in Da Corner" - Dizzee Rascal 6. "Parklife" - Blur 7. "Faith" - George Michael 8. "Shape of Punk to Come" - Refused 9. "College Dropout" - Kanye West 10. "Scissor Sisters" - Scissor Sisters 11. "13" - Blur 12. "Yellow House" - Grizzly Bear 13. "Arular" - M.I.A. 14. "Veni Vidi Vicious" - The Hives 15. "Stankonia" - Outkast 16. "Licensed to Ill" - Beastie Boys 17. "White Blood Cells" - The White Stripes 18. "The Woods" - Sleater Kinney 19. "Nevermind the Bullocks" - The Sex Pistols 20. "Play" by Moby
  8. Hey, you are allowed to disagree. Cook Islands is not fondly looked at by the Survivor nerd community. I never liked it when it came out and have never re-watched it. Maybe I'll give it another try. And as much shit as I give Fiji, there are some great moments. The have and have not twists though is pretty awful. However, the last 2-3 episodes pretty much set up a pretty epic Survivor moment that culminates in the finale. Like, I'd say it's on par with the Johnny Fairplay lying about his dead grandma in terms of how awful it makes the person look. Nobody comes out looking good, that's for sure.
  9. Ugh, the bottle twist. It could work post-merge, but should never be done pre-merge. Just seems unfair to arbitrarily make one Immunity challenge more important than the rest without informing anybody.
  10. It is an island, yeah, but the water conditions aren't really well suited for swimming. Very very choppy waters with huge waves. Samoa and HvV, both filmed in Samoa, had no water challenges that I can remember.
  11. On EI: strategy wise, not the best season. But entertainment wise? I'd say it's up there. I think it could have been MUCH better if there was no Hidden Immunity Idol with super human powers. On Cook: Parvati is alright in Cook, but she really shines in Fans vs. Favorites. I do agree that the racial twist, if anything, gave us a diverse cast which is always a welcomed change.
  12. The racial twist was pretty gimmicky and a lot of tom foolery happens mid season to keep certain story lines progressing and certain people in the game. When you reach the ill-fated bottle twist, GoGo, you'll know what I mean. Hands down, the most bullshit twist in Survivor.
  13. Enjoy 12 while it lasts... 13 and 14 are pretty miserable and probably came close to killing the series. Thank god for seasons 15 and 16.
  14. I don't know if you saw Gabon, but him and Randy are very similar, so all hope is not lost for raving lunatics who seem ready to murder members of their tribe (oh, just wait for that episode ...)
  15. I think the post-merge shenanigans and backstabbing for Vanuatu make it a must see. Can't knock it for being predictable, that's for sure.
  16. Two do return in FvF, yes. I like Vanuatu: pre-merge sucks, but post-merge is interesting. Bear in mind though, the cast is not that likeable. Even the most likeable person near the end still comes across like a douche bag.
  17. RPS

    South Park

    Spoilers if you don't want to watch what happens but I strongly recommend watching it, it's a great episode. I think it was amazing. Meta as fuck, but amazing.
  18. Oh, the Casaya alliance is probably the best alliance to ever exist in Survivor, with Shane being the shining star.
  19. I bet if you looked around a bit you'd find the whole internet doing the same thing. Forgot that nerds exist elsewhere.
  20. Only on EWB will you find people complaining about how hard it is to hold a controller when they only saw it 5 seconds earlier and have never seen it in person or actually laid a finger on it. Zero (like always) nailed it on the head. People critiqued the Wii when it came out for being gimmicky and it saved the Nintendo brand from irrelevance. Once again Nintendo was wise, sensed where the direction of gaming was headed and came out with something very interesting and with the potential for success.
  21. Rafe actually did have a strategy in taking Danni over Lydia or Cindy. I read an interivew he did a long time back where he said he was taking Danni because the way the endurance challenges were usually structured were usually challenges that older women did well at. Rafe, knowing his only real sure-fire victory was against Stephanie, decided to take Lydia and Cindy out before Danni thinking they could beat her in the final endurance. And EI is my favorite season. Prepare for the insanity that is Shane.
  22. Clay is the personification of a goat.
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