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Everything posted by FLiam

  1. Is it just me or is anything above £4m way to much for Distin. £6m sounds like a joke tbh.
  2. Yes because the posts I have seen you make are all anti-Arsenal.
  3. Got that from ArseBlog, couldn't have put it any better myself.
  4. Oh yeh, I am a fucking spoon. Can't believe I didn't remember that. :\
  5. Big Brother is fucking awesome this year. The counting game = genius. Vannessa!! BOO!!! LMAO, that was priceless. I now dislike Science, I lost all my respect for him now. Maxwell still owns and Roberto is really growing on me. Saskia is a clone of Jessica Simpson just with brown hair. Sam has zero personality, does she ever do anything? And lastly.. SPOILERS Bwahahahaha. As part of Saskia's task she got to choose to get Maxwell his underwear that he has been wanting, or something for Roberto, can't remember what. She chose for Maxwell to get some new underwear and they gave him some Tottenham thongs, so he burnt them. Bwahahaha. END SPOILERS
  6. Great final, really was. Nadal is fucking awesome. I have never seen him on grass though, at least I don't think I have, I wonder if he is any good, if he is, he has a certain chance of winning Wimbledon but I'll still go with Federer. Just for the record, has anyone ever won 3 Wimbledons in a row?
  7. I have made up my mind. I didn't want to believe it, but now I do. Ashley Cole can fuck off. He has now bashed us saying that he felt Chelsea's team spirit was better than ours. And that we are run by the French. Him and his scum agent can fuck off. Piss off to Spain you cunt.
  8. Yeh, and if one person is to blame. Peter fucking Kenyon. I hate that bloke so fucking much.
  9. People said that Chelsea having this money is good for football. Fuck off is it, they just run around like they own fucking everything. They need to dock them points and ban them from transfers for at least 6 months imo. Adding to that, Chelsea charging fans up to £30 to have their picture taken with the Premiership trophy. I got mine with the Premiership, Charity Shiled and season unbeaten trohpy for free.
  10. That site is exactly the same layout as sortitout si. But it runs faster than SortitOutSI.
  11. To be honest, I think Kirkland could be a really quality keeper, it is just that injuries aren't helping him at all. If he was injury free he would be fighting for England's number 1 jersey and could even be the number 1 imo.
  12. New Arsenal kit. Meh, doesn't look too bad.
  13. Which is the updated version of Blood Gulch? Because that one sucks badly. I miss the old Blood Gulch.
  14. She better not get evicted eerly either, otherwise I'll become very angry. This goddess needs to grace our screens for longer, LONGER I TELLS YOU!
  15. I don't care what people say. Sam > Shell.
  16. What? You didn't know that Owen was joining Villa? ¬_¬ And that we are getting Kaka for £15m. Instead of £40m.
  17. You watched the second half of a film first, then the start? You watched it backwards? :blink:
  18. Maxwell still has to win. His opinions on everything is always just fucking hilarious. He is quality. If he doesn't win, I will cry like I have never cried before.
  19. Yeh, imagine the amount of penalties we could win. ¬_¬
  20. Just remembered another. Lion King, the hyenas kill Scar, that is a swerve isn't it?
  21. I love it, not their best but it still fucking rocks. I love Lyla, that song just owns, it really does. If you haven't bought it, you must, or I will hunt you down.
  22. So, we have seen a good few players linked recently: Wright-Phillips Torres Robinho Hleb Nasri Dixon de Ridder But who do you actually want us to sign? I find it kind of worrying that we are just linked with attackers because our main concern should be another center back and then maybe a striker or defender. I just want a young goalie who is going to be good enough to take over as number 1 the season after next, an experienced center back about 27 years old who won't mind sitting on the bench and another Wiltord who can player up front or on the right wing. de Ridder fits that catergory, I think he is quality and there has been rumours of Wenger wanting to loan him for a season with an option to buy. And in other news, van Persie scored a hattrick for Holland the other day and made one assist as they hammered some shit team 7-0. His goals were quite good, one was a 30 yard free kick which was stunning, Van Basten has said he could be in the starting eleven against Romania at the weekend, hope he is. I think he is going to play a big part next season, he is really looking good lately.
  23. I thought Coleman said he wouldn't sell Diop and that Diop said he wanted to stay? That would be even more suicide than selling Saha imo.
  24. I am hoping for a Nadal/Federer vs. Davydenko final. I can't decide who I want to win between Nadal and Federer, they both fucking rock. On the women's side I am supporting Justin though. But she knocked Maria out.
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