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Cadet Ember McLain

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Everything posted by Cadet Ember McLain

  1. I always stay until the absolute end of movies. It used to be so I could see what the soundtrack was, but as I said in the Iron Man thread, it seems more movies these days are adding extra bits...
  2. I've taken a liking to the Hellfury. If only because I imagine Niko's head catching fire, ala Ghost Rider.
  3. The best goalie is Jumal, at the Killika docks. He starts out with the Super Goalie ability... And by shut-out, I mean get the ref to call off the game because you score too much...
  4. I don't get why people don't stay to the end of the credits for every movie. It seems more movies are putting in extra scenes, from what I can see. Unless you're in a hurry, like you're a paramedic at a drive-in, but then remembered you've still got a guy in the back...
  5. Fair enough. The post-credits scene is basicallySpoiler: Click here to viewStark comes home, and sees a guy in the shadows. The guy approaches, revealing himself to be Nick Fury (the black version). He says (something to the effect of) Stark's not alone in a world of heroes. He wants to talk to Stark about the "Avenger Initiative".---End post-credits---
  6. I was going to invite you yesterday, but you were playing Rock Band... =\ HELP ME HELP YOU!
  7. Two words: AWE, and SOME. Strangely, out of a theater full of people, I was the only one willing to stick around past the credits. I was a little disappointed that "Iron Man" (the song) didn't make an appearance in the actual movie at all. All in all, Tony Stark has some good taste in music.
  8. WKTT. If the Russian station had the Kazakhstan National Anthem on it, it'd be my favourite, but since it doesn't...
  9. Spoiler: Click here to view468-555-0100 - Change weather 486-555-0150 - Get a different selection of weapons 486-555-0100 - Get a selection of weapons 267-555-0150 - Raise wanted level 267-555-0100 - Remove wanted level 362-555-0100 - Restore armour 482-555-0100 - Restore health 227-555-0142 - Spawn a Cognoscenti 227-555-0175 - Spawn a Comet 938-555-0100 - Spawn a Jetmax 625-555-0150 - Spawn a Sanchez 227-555-0168 - Spawn a SuperGT 227-555-0147 - Spawn a Turismo 359-555-0100 - Spawn an Annihiliator 227-555-0100 - Spawn a Buffalo 625-555-0100 - Spawn an NRG-900 Unfortunately, these disable achievements and affect missions. Also, for some info, go to an internet cafe and visit www.whattheydonotwantyoutoknow.com. It gives you the maps for hidden packages, random pedestrians, jumps, etc... All without affecting the game.
  10. Well, to be fair, they weren't good games... The best game out of the lot was Backyard Wrestling 2...
  11. In addition to the lack of good radio stations, I miss the "auto-tuning" feature... Also, since when does a small thing like accidentally scraping a cop's car (due to the "improved" driving system) warrant enough cops that when I try to run around the cops without escaping (which I can't do, because the "capture" window seems to be ridiculously huge), I get shot down in a rain of bullets that could best be described as "warfare"? Seriously. Do cops all have superpowers, and fly around the city looking for the slightest hint of crime? It seems 3 or 4 cops pop up out of nowhere the second you hit 2 stars (which you never intended to get).
  12. While messing around with driving, and getting hopelessly lost, I jumped a car over a barricade towards some water. I bailed out, only to have the side of the guy's head smash against a rock with lethal force. He left a nice bloodstain, and floated facedown.
  13. Went to GameTraders in the morning, and they had copies just laying around. So I had to go back later, and trade 6 MegaDrive/Genesis games, 2 XBOX games, and 15 PSX games. All that, and I was still $10 short. But luckily, the guy serving me was the same guy who was at the counter when I ordered FF9 in November, so he just wrote off the extra $10... I'll get on LIVE tomorrow, I can't today...
  14. How worth it are the "Stuff" packs? Are they on par with the Family Fun Stuff, or do some give more items?
  15. The monsters walk around on the screen, and when you get close enough, a free(ish) battle initiates. You can control your character, and move them to strategic locations. The difference between KH and FF, is that FF still has a time bar for each character, so you have to wait for it to fill up before you can attack again, whereas KH is much more active and involved. I think the KH system would work better, then you could incorporate evasive maneuvers, and have it feel more realistic. I mean, if you were in a fight, would you say to your opponent: "Listen, I'll hit you once, then you hit me once, and we'll just repeat that"?
  16. Ruki, if you like dragoons, how can you look past 6? Sure, there's no dedicated Dragoon class/character, but Dragon Horn + Master's Scroll/Offering = 4x Jump, and therefore 4x Dragoon! And definitely, keep the stock music on, for three reasons: 1) Kefka 2) "Dancing Mad" 3) Gogo
  17. Something like Kingdom Hearts, or Final Fantasy 12?
  18. Atari 2600 - Mine (Originally my sister's, but she moved out) DS - Mine DS - My brother's MegaDrive/Genesis - Shared GameBoy - Mine GameBoy Colour - Mine (Originally my brother's, but he dropped a box on mine, and the screen broke) PC - My brother's (Can't play any recent games, but has 20Gb of emulators and roms) PC - Family (Can't have too much on this one, but it does have a few games) PSOne - Mine PS2 - Shared XBOX 360 - Mine (ALL MINE!)
  19. 159,191 Bah, only the first try, but it's too cold this morning...
  20. I played too much Frogger, now I run out into traffic...
  21. On a scale of 1-10, (1 being "Nah, don't bother", and 10 being "OMG RUN RIGHT NOW, SELL EVERYTHING YOU OWN, YOU MUST HAVE THIS!") how would each of the expansion packs rate? I enjoy my stock-standard Sims 2 game, but it does feel a little lacking.
  22. I take it you something specific in mind?

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