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Everything posted by Bobfoc

  1. But there's a chance (albeit probably a small one) that people in this thread looking for general PC games discussion might not have read the books or seen the show yet. I haven't seen The Wire yet and intend to, so I wouldn't want to see a plot detail thrown around in an unrelated thread.
  2. This is a strong entry in the "Sentences from a Chelsea fan that would have been absurd just a couple of years ago" contest.
  3. While I won't be getting any of them straight away, there are a fair few games releasing this month that I'm keeping a keen eye on. Other than Baldur's Gate 3, there's Wrestlequest, Shadow Gambit, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Sea of Stars. I'm sure a significant number of people will be interested in Armored Core VI as well. August is traditionally considered part of the summer games drought period, but lineups like these show that there's plenty out there if you're willing to apply the smallest effort to look beyond the massive publishers.
  4. BBC1 will presumably be able to start showing Final Score a full ten minutes later now.
  5. The difference between Verstappen and Perez continues to be shocking.
  6. Final Fantasy XIV is coming to Xbox. I assumed it would never happen because it's been so long since it initially launched.
  7. They probably consider the Conference League to be a trinket far beneath them.
  8. It does look like a step sideways, rather than forward. What surprises me is that the My Team mode in the regular F1 games has more in-depth personnel management than a game that's entirely centred around management. I can't imagine that Verstappen would be pleased if you made him let Perez pass him in real life, but there are no consequences whatsoever in this game.
  9. Early user and critical reviews aren't very positive. Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark and Triangle Strategy are two good games in the tactical strategy genre.
  10. The game will receive some updates when the expansion pack comes out in September. The consensus seems to be that it's best to wait until then to play it.
  11. Any ideas on how well he might do at a lower Premier League team?
  12. He has a perk that allows him to play dead and recover all his health. It's the sort of thing that usually doesn't work.
  13. I've read that Baldur's Gate 3 is really hard. That puts me off. I had to abandon Divinity: Original Sin 2 because I was finding it too difficult on even the lowest difficulty setting.
  14. And now Chris Bart-Williams has died as well. Terrible day for ex-Forest players.
  15. Trevor Francis has died. I'm not sure if this is the right thread, but he did play and manage for a short while in the Premier League era. He was best known as the first million pound player, but he was also a European Cup winner with Forest and a bona fide legend among Birmingham City fans.
  16. I thought Mafia was Mafia as a video game. I joke. I know what you're saying really.
  17. You're both making me want to buy a game I probably shouldn't.
  18. I wouldn't believe anyone who says they didn't see that coming.
  19. Is the combat similar to that of Divinity? I liked that tactical style of fighting.
  20. Its size is quite intimidating to me. I just hope it's all good content, rather than tedious filler.
  21. 10 gil was worth a lot back in my day.
  22. I could perhaps understand someone living below the poverty line feeling the need to take money from unpleasant sources, but definitely not millionaires. All these top flight footballers don't need Saudi money. They just want it. What difference will these additional riches bring to their lives? Certainly nothing that any normal person could empathise with. They could easily just not abandon their supposed principles and stick with fortunes the likes of which most will never see.
  23. You can see the regret on his face already.
  24. It was only a matter of time before this happened. Having services with different names confuses customers and this consolidates the Game Pass brand. That's a very solid lineup of games as well.
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