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RoyWill Rumble

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Everything posted by RoyWill Rumble

  1. To be fair, The Last of Us has a shitty, slow beginning and doesn't get going for a few hours.
  2. AH TITS just missed the beginning of thw game. I'll take wing back and eat a dick again for a bit.
  3. Ugggggghhhh hate those games when you play demonstrably better than the other side and they still win. My profuse apologies for just botching that open net.
  5. Not even mad about that free kick, to be honest. AND IT DON'T MATTER 'CAUSE WE TIED IT UP.
  6. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Arjen. Great finish. Sorry I was kinda shit in that game. And man, Second Wind is gonna be the best when I finally unlock it. Also unlocked Skilled Dribbling.
  7. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh two faked shots to unlock some accomplishments, wide open space, anddddd I crack it off the post from about 25 yards out.
  8. It did that with EddieG's friend request yesterday, got rid of said friend request, then it showed up fine today and I accepted it. Just a weird technical hiccup, I guess.
  9. I concur on the quitting to switch up positions. And my sincere apologies for being quite shit. Also, we're just trying too many fast counters/through balls without having much communication, and things kinda break down. A lot of dudes are just too slow at the moment to run onto said through balls.
  10. I like the idea of queuing up for the next match, but it can kinda suck not getting to pick a position when new people come in and you might wanna switch things up.
  11. You can change your position anytime. Oh, I'm aware. It's more so that I'm shit.
  12. Welp. Seven people on. I mean, I could go at LB or RB, but I don't exactly know if a striker at that position would be a good idea.
  13. I guarantee someone from here jacked that name.
  14. Right, I'm going out for lunch, but then I'll be on in a bit/will continue to be on for a bit. I'll be quite Canadian.
  15. Cautiously optimistic about FarCry 4's villain because god damn did they squander Vaas, but holy fuccckkkkkk does this game look beautiful.
  16. OlliOlli 2 got announced, and god damn do I hope that game is good. I played the original on the Vita and it was fantastic, but the controls just kinda felt off for the PC/PS4 version for some reason. I dunno why. But the idea is so rad and I really want the controls to feel good because fucccck the idea is so rad.
  17. Sorry I couldn't play earlier. The ladyfriend just got home after I had started up a game of FIFA and had quite a shit day at work, so I think me saying "Sorry, babe, but I just wanna play a few games of virtual footy with some internet dudes" wasn't gonna fly.
  18. Holy shit Vane looks beautiful.
  19. I decided to play a few drop-ins to try and at least get a bit of a bump in preparation for actual club games, and every single time, it didn't actually save the record of the game to the servers, so I lost any and all progress I made in said games. :/
  20. I'll go forward, then, until I am usurped by someone much better.
  21. FANCY BOOTS ALL DAY But seriously, I'd go for new boots first all the damned time. Also, sent my transfer request. It's rad to see that your player is also a 77 to begin with. I've set myself up as an attacking mid, but I'll gladly move to the wings or defensive mid. I'm fine as a forward, but I'll assume others can finish much better than I can.
  22. It's quite complicated, but it essentially boils down to "Fuck around with the orcs and influence how their incredibly regimented, hierarchal military society works." Your dude can come back from the dead, but it's kind of a big deal to orcs to kill you, so they can go up in rank if they kill you. You can start creating rifts in the orc rankings by influencing a dude to think he deserves to be higher in rank. So on, so forth. It's seemed really cool all the way along development and it seems like they've pulled it off, which is rad. Also, Ollie, get Guacamelee. And Fez. They're by no means exclusive to PS4, but they're incredible and Snowball will love them.
  23. I do not give a fuck about LOTR, but if I did, I feel like I would be quite offended by this game anyway. So that doesn't really matter. What worries me is "Unexciting campaign missions." Good combat can only carry a game so far if the mission design gets stale. I still wanna check it out eventually, I think, and it's damned good to see seemingly good games coming out, but I'm still kinda cautious. Hafta see more reviews. Offended? I've seen a lot of LOTR "purists" hate on this game because of its "flippant disregard for the fiction." I don't care about LOTR, so it's down to the game playing well/the nemesis system being pulled off well. And from some more reviews I've read, the nemesis system looks like it's everything it should be. I won't get it next week, but this game might have won me over.
  24. I do not give a fuck about LOTR, but if I did, I feel like I would be quite offended by this game anyway. So that doesn't really matter. What worries me is "Unexciting campaign missions." Good combat can only carry a game so far if the mission design gets stale. I still wanna check it out eventually, I think, and it's damned good to see seemingly good games coming out, but I'm still kinda cautious. Hafta see more reviews.
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