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The Donators
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Status Replies posted by Maxx

  1. I am a better and more consistent @GingrichOfMars than Maxx is. <_<

  2. Rosa Mendez makes me feel funny in my pants.

  3. Well well well, look who's the first e-mail in Bill SImmons' mailbag

  4. "Road Dogg, honey, the cable bill is past due." "OH YOU DIDN'T KNOW? YOUR ASS BETTER CAAAAAAAAAAALL TIME WARNEEEEEEEEEEEEER."

  5. "QueedeBox" sounds like something Frankie would call Cory on Boy Meets World.

  6. how did you find out about this site in the first place?

  7. Want to feel like you've been posting here way too long? My daughter turned 8 the other day. Ponder that for a moment.

  8. Wing is the best singer.

  9. So about 40 minutes ago I went crashing through a glass door head first. I would have figured there'd be more pain and blood.

  10. GREEN COUNTY, V.A.--Police say a 5-year-old boy is in custody for stabbing three people in Virginia. Neighbors say the incident started over a juice box.

  11. Anyone have any Are You Afraid of the Dark episodes that they want to see reviewed?

  12. Showtime free preview weekend! I am going to marathon a season while I have a chance. If you were me would you choose Shameless or Homeland?

  13. Showtime free preview weekend! I am going to marathon a season while I have a chance. If you were me would you choose Shameless or Homeland?

  14. Showtime free preview weekend! I am going to marathon a season while I have a chance. If you were me would you choose Shameless or Homeland?

  15. Showtime free preview weekend! I am going to marathon a season while I have a chance. If you were me would you choose Shameless or Homeland?

  16. Weekend movie for us: Cowboys and Aliens, Contagion or Apollo 18. Any thoughts?


  18. How did I miss that Archer Season 3 started :(

  19. How did I miss that Archer Season 3 started :(

  20. Woo finally getting donator status on EWB :)

  21. Woo finally getting donator status on EWB :)

  22. Woo finally getting donator status on EWB :)

  23. Woo finally getting donator status on EWB :)

  24. Which Ron would you rather not step to: Simmons or Perlman? Discuss.

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