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RoHitman Reigns

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Everything posted by RoHitman Reigns

  1. xGRKx HITMAN if wanna play dragsy. I'll be on all night.
  2. I highly suggest getting a team of people who know how to blockade with shields and do Memorial and Nowhere this weekend. If you do nowhere, camp in the lower half of the building in the center of the map and spread people out. Pistols work effectively albeit longer to kill, but its easier beating the later waves there rather than camping up top.
  3. Until 9 am eastern on Monday, Gears 2 has a 20x xp weekend going on with a boom shot bonus to help you level up quicker and better.
  4. Did anyone else know that Gears was getting extra XP weekends this past weekend and now for next two weekends until Gears 3 releases? Perfect time to get that level 100 via multi player if haven't already
  5. One must love when neither McDonald's or Wendy's knows how to operate their drive thru services properly and screw up your order within an estimated ten minutes time of each other.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      Hey, if you guys know a better way to have Apple Fries covered with Chili, I'd like to hear it.

    3. Lineker


      That sounds horrendous.

    4. EWB's Best Poster.

      EWB's Best Poster.

      Have you thought the reason they both screwed up your order is because you forgot which one you were at first? Trying to make a bigmac with square patties...

  6. Ok, I don't know about yall but every time I go to xbox.com and I log in, when I try to go to the forums I get this as my address.... http://forums.xbox.com/?xr=shellnav and I get a bad request popping up at me to where I can't ever access them. Same issues anyone else?
  7. Morgan is making herself a well known after the past game and now this.
  8. Big break for the US with bad offsides call. I got a feeling thid is a 1-0 or penalty kick game at the end
  9. On the same note, us is playing smart and disrupting Japan a lot to stall any gains of momentum.
  10. No matter how much pride I have for the USA, I wouldn't be lad really if Japan won for the simple fact they are sentimental favorites from the whole quake stuff.
  11. Anyone having issues with the Xbox.com forums working properly?

    1. Matt
    2. New Damage

      New Damage

      It probably red ringed. Probably.

    3. RoHitman Reigns

      RoHitman Reigns

      Theres times it will time out when I visit with a bad request, other times I might actually get to access the base page of the forums or even the list, but otherwise I cant even go into a specific game to chat about it if I want to :(

  12. 2 goals were scored somewhat close, but wrong team. Guess were looking at USA vs. Japan for the finals unless Sweden gets a miracle soon.
  13. Damn it, France scored making it 1 all. Were on the 55th minute now so time left.
  14. Oblivions ten dollar rebate is only if you buy Skyrim for sixty plus and you get the guide on the same receipt.
  15. Its not really just PS3 struggling to share exclusive, blame Micro$oft for not getting what they wished to have extras and such. Mortal Kombat for example, M$ is the reason 360 had no exclusive charachter.
  16. Honestly, I understand what yall are saying about entertainment and everything and I understand why many feel the superiority of 360 over PS3. The one thing that gets me though is the amount of exclusives. When I got my system, I bought it cause I felt 360 had the better gaming library to go off of, and lately MS has basically shown less and less exclusives, going more off the cross platforming and reeling in people who willingly want AND use Zune, Netflix, ESPN, Hulu, the soon to be Bing and Youtbue, possibly Skype when they get it reconfigured, and all the Kinect stuff. I'm wishing to buy a PS3 specifically because there is a shit tonne of good games I see for it possibly and MS hasn't kept my interest with big choices since I don't dish out extra money for these extra features they are always releasing.
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