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Everything posted by tenaciousg

  1. Sorry 'bout that. >_> Anyway, it was an awesome match.
  2. The Scramble is obscenely tough. I've played three 20-minute Scrambles so far and they've all ended in a draw because no one can score a fall. It gets especially tough when there are three or five men in the ring, because there's always an odd man out who can easily run and break up a pin. Oh and the Royal Rumble on Legend is pretty much impossible. I find the best way to do the Scramble is just to be one of the first entrants, try and score a win in the first five minutes, and just make sure that nobody gets a fall. I had a pretty decent one last night (Orton vs. Cena vs. Bourne vs. Batista vs. Swagger for the WWE Championship) where I was able to pin Orton in the first five minutes (playing as Bourne, mind you), but Batista eventually submitted him with a bearhug, and then Cena managed to score a fall somewhere, and it ended up with him winning. I also did a Diva Scramble (Melina vs. Kelly vs. Maryse vs. Brie Bella vs. Gail Kim), set for five minutes. Didn't know that the match starts with no designated champion, so it ended in a draw.
  3. i suggest you running and slamming people down with your run attack. if you got hammer throw use it and throw em outside. just keep 1 with you in the ring wail on him and when you got a finisher use it on the poor sod and hammer throw the rest out the ring. I just kicked the crap out of everyone, and ended up winning after whipping Kane/Santino into one corner, and JoMo/Kofi into the other. Then again, I had relatively little trouble with the Kozlov/Jackson Backstage Brawl before that match, while my cousins had to retry it at least three times. Anyone else go through the Superstar Management section and fit everything to be current (like putting released/endeavored workers in Free Agents, fixing up the brand affiliation for guys like Batista, making Austin a Legend, etc.)
  4. Today, Thursday. Anyway, the magazine reviews are coming in. OXM gave it a 7.5 (due mainly to the reviewer feeling that they hadn't advanced enough (and then saying the developers needed to learn a lesson from No Mercy)), while PSM gave it a 9.0. (Technically, they gave it 4 and a half stars, but that's the equivalent of a 9.)
  5. Just thought people would like to know that IGN's posting their review tomorrow.
  6. Damn. I thought you guys had adapted this off of the official mod. I won't be D/L'ing this (since I don't use 05), but still, good work.
  7. I wonder if three months is good time or bad for the creation of a scenario...
  8. And wow, second episode of the Cleveland Show and I'm already off of it for good. I figure that since there hasn't been a post in this topic since last the 27th, that nobody really cares if I spoil it. I wasn't in the room for much of the show, but when I was in, Cleveland was telling the family that he had run over their dog. In graphic detail. Having lost my 14-year-old dog less than 2 months ago, the fact that it was made light of sickened and offended me to the point where I don't care if next week's episode is a 30-minute ad for the ASPCA, I'm not watching another episode of this show.
  9. I haven't watched the trailer yet, but if Sazh is voiced by either Phil LaMarr or Keith David, I'll be laughing my ass off. EDIT: Okay, having watched the trailer, I'm so hyped for the game now. Hopefully it does come out sometime in Spring 2010, without being 'technically' Spring in June or something. And I think that Sazh was Phil LaMarr; I didn't really place too much time into registering the voices as I watched.
  10. Judging by how long it took them to release VII over here on the PSN (April 2009 for Japan, June 2009 for US), hopefully that prediction's a little off. It's always the same thing - you might have the games on the PS1 (in fact, I have my copies of FFVII, VIII, and IX on my desk right now), but there's always that added factor of awesomeness in the idea that 'I can play this anywhere now...' On the subject of Square-Enix rereleasing games, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Parasite Eve series get PSN releases as we get closer to The 3rd Birthday getting released. It's pretty much needed, too, since a new copy of PE2 goes for $125 on Amazon.
  11. At the very least, American Dad and Family Guy are good. Family Guy is the random cutaway show while American Dad is just the regular Simpsonsesque show. The Cleveland Show hasn't come on yet here, but I can only assume it's similar to Family Guy (considering it uses one of its characters). And if McFarlane didn't seem spread-thin-enough, he's reportedly in talks for a fourth show... meaning either Animation Domination is being extended to 7PM or they're taking off a show.
  12. Well, a 2005 version of iDom 08 was recently released... you could just update that.
  13. I'm wondering... did you and Idol keep the big twists that were supposed to happen in iDOM 09? (IIRC, an extremely popular iDOM worker retired, another was blackballed, a beloved promotion shut down, etc.) I haven't started a full game with this yet, though I'll try and fix whatever I can so a full TEW08 version can be released.
  14. I remember a game that was basically an LED marquee... it wasn't 80 MSP. Can someone say 'ripoff'? >_>
  15. Personally, I think all Rock Band/Guitar Hero DLC should be unrated. They're superfluous tracks that don't have to be in the game, so people under the age limit won't be forced to hear them. My view on this mainly stems from when they released Blood Sugar Sex Magik in the Rock Band Music Store; I bought a few songs, one of which was Sir Psycho Sexy. It's practically a wasted download, however, because they took out about 50% of the words. Yes, it IS a very vulgar song, but that's the point of it. Are kids going to download a song with that title, let alone an album with its title, in the first place? Not likely. Anyway, on a happier note, I got The Beatles: Rock Band today as a birthday present. It's been pretty awesome so far... but oh my god, the background performances to the songs after they stop touring are so trippy it's ridiculous.
  16. I meant for Edge to look far from the chains for a reason - unlike Kozlov, who will kick the ever-loving crap out of you, Edge is more reserved, more precise with his actions so they have the most effect... the Ultimate Opportunist. Thus, he would be lurking in the back of the cell, waiting to strike until it benefits him, so he wouldn't be at the door ready to wail on the others when it opened. I meant to keep it close to what it was in real life, but different. And hopefully, I'll find a better pic of whoever the next person is. Thanks for the comments, anyway.
  17. I decided to watch the last episode to see if I liked it. It was pretty good - I'm pretty much in agreement with everything GoGo said. The characters that are focused on are well-built (and Jane Lynch is beyond awesome), but everyone else just seems to be a stereotype.
  18. What, exactly, isn't to get? I haven't beaten it in a few years, but I remember the basics of it. The only part of the endgame I saw as a downside was that where was almost no explanation about where Necron came from.
  19. Long story short, I decided to do PPV posters for a game of TEW I'm doing. First PPV up is No Way Out. I decided to keep the same kind of poster style they had in real life, just with a different superstar. (made in GIMP 2, if you're wondering.) All I did was enlarge the Edge pic (though that made it kind of blurry and pixelated), so that gave me the idea to put in a lighting effect. The logo, to me, didn't really fit with the way the bars looked, so I hiked up the contrast a little. I also did that after I finished the placement, to make things stand out a little more. I didn't put any text in because all the fonts I have look hopelessly generic and didn't really fit with the poster anyway; which pretty much means I just took three PSDs and made everything a little darker. So, I'm just wondering what some of the graphic vets here think.
  20. Agreed, flying around in the Ragnarok in VIII is a very fond FF memory for me. Hopefully they'll have a non-autopilot airship in XIII, the improved graphics would make it even cooler I bet. Anybody know if there's going to be anything like that in the game? I think that improved graphics is the reason why we lost the ability to drive airships. It would take a lot more to create and render a world map now compared to back in the PS1 era. But yeah, the airships were all awesome, even before the PS1 games. Part of me wishes they would've included something with the airships in Dissidia.
  21. So, anyone else have Dissidia? It's extremely fun so far - I'm playing through the Destiny Odysseys in order (1, then 2, then 3, et al). I'm 4/5 of the way through Cecil's. Edit: Two days later, and I've finished up all ten DOs. I started Shade Impulse with Cloud, but didn't really get too far.
  22. VI as in Vivi, a main character of FFIX, you mean.
  23. The biggest thing that keeps me from playing is the difficulty curve. There are always parts in the other games that give me a hard time - but XII is the only one where I have a hard time in nearly every boss fight. Aside from that, the game seems good. From the furthest point I ever got stuck at, I already always used Balthier, Ashe, and Basch.
  24. Anyone else getting Dissidia? The demo's pretty good for just using Lv. 1 characters and skills. I'm probably always gonna hate facing Kefka and Cloud of Darkness.
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