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Everything posted by tenaciousg

  1. I'd be too busy leveling up my Butterfree and my Mankey to focus entirely on Charmander. I don't play these games slow!
  2. Squirtle would like to give you a great big fuck you. Charmander says fuck you too, buddy! Seriously - raising a Charmander is the hardest of the three in the beginning. You need to either capture a Caterpie or a Weedle in Viridian Forest and evolve it to a Butterfree/Beedrill, OR, if you're lucky and patient, capture a Mankey in the grass outside Pewter City and use it until it learns its first Fighting-type move, in which case you'll own Brock's ass. And on that note, Misty can go fuck herself on her goddamn Starmie.
  3. I don't think there's any doubt that Edge is a face now, but honestly? A ridiculously shaky vid from the developmental territory?
  4. The only time I hated Esthar was during the mission to get onto Lunatic Pandora, and that's only because I've got no fucking clue as to the city's layout. You don't, but most bosses give you at least 20+ AP in exchange (as a comparison, the highest regular enemy AP drop is 20, from Cactuars, which can only be found on Cactuar Island, which is only accessible from Disc 3 on.)
  5. The only part of the game that irks me as bad as the prison does is when you go to space on the third disc, but that's not any fault of the game; it's because for almost four years, my game would always freeze up at that point and I'd never be able to get through it. Then, eventually, one Saturday, my mom had gone to a yard sale and picked up five or six games, all of which were being sold for like, a quarter each. Two of the games were practically pristine copies of VII and VIII.
  6. I've actually got a good game going on my PSP right now; but I'm stuck at the goddamn prison. Not because it's too difficult, but it's just so goddamn boring.
  7. I really shouldn't be listening to the soundtracks of the PSX games... It makes me really wanna play through them, X, and XII.
  8. God, I'd better stop procrastinating and actually get to beating FFXII in the next five weeks, then.
  9. Mordin is awesome yes, he is definetely one of my favorite team members. Also, I read somewhere that ME3 is supposed to be released sometime next year. Finally, I'll never try the default Shepard, the whole point of the game is to use an imported character so whenever I am going to start a new game, I'll run through ME1 first. It is going to take a long time but it is going to be much more satisfying in the end. Well, assuming you do only the sidequests that will actually be mentioned in ME2 and 3 (like getting interviewed by Khalisah al-Jilani, talking to Conrad Verner, the Cerberus quest (sort-of >_>), etc.), you're decent with any of the classes, and you know EXACTLY where to go, who to talk to, what to pick, and what to do, you could probably blow through ME1 in about four or five hours, tops.
  10. I don't think it'll be the three year wait we had between ME1 and 2, though. IIRC, the guys at BioWare are already working on 3, and actually have been since before ME2 was finished. Regardless, I've already imported my ME2 Shepard back into the game, this time as a Renegade, and will probably go through with him one more time before I decide to either go back through the first game as a completely different character/class or just bite the bullet and play with the default Shepard...
  11. I love the game, but I'm a little sad that I was ONE character away from getting the "No One Left Behind" achievement.
  12. You download the fonts, then install the fonts themselves to your computer - then they'll show up in GIMP, Word, OpenOffice, etc.
  13. I think the basis of the "ps1 ff remakes plzzzz" movement comes from people just wanting to see VII, VIII, and IX remade with the advanced graphics and audio improvements brought to the series by X - XIII. Square has shown that with enough time and effort, they could conceivably remake the first two PSX games at least; as seen here for FF7 and here for FF8. I think in the end, it's all about whether or not SE sees it as worth their time; if, in fact, they're aiming to have FFXIII last gamers a decade, perhaps that would be the perfect time to focus on the possibility of remaking them?
  14. Er... fuck you Europe you'll get it when you've begged enough? >_> I think there's a licensing issue or something there. I think it's the same reason that there was like a year's wait for Capcom to release Resident Evil 2 on PSN in America after Japan had gotten it on theirs. Besides, I only really see the time difference between game releases as a problem when they're new games - like having to avoid anything about FFXIII right now because it was released in Japan last month, but won't come out in America until March.
  15. At this point, I'm all for Conan jumping to Fox or ABC on a $1 contract... but thinking about it, what if this is all just a huge ratings stunt for NBC?
  16. The SA tour finished up in mid-07, I think. Anyway, Frusciante's solo stuff is good, though it'll be interesting to hear how different the next RHCP album may be without him.
  17. 1. Dexter 2. House 3. Glee 4. Monk 5. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia 6. The Office 7. Nip/Tuck 8. Community 9. Supernatural 10. Wipeout I'm all about the shows where the title is one word. EDIT: Read Slogger's post, remembered Wipeout.
  18. Pfft. I hope to God that the US sales are just as good, just to prove some Microsoft douche (who said Halo Reach would be the biggest game of 2010) wrong. I mean, I own a 360, but the Halo series is so goddamn overrated it's ridiculous. And to any FFVIII fans who don't have the game but have a PSP or PS3, they released it on PSN yesterday.
  19. So, a fan-made movie based off Ocarina of Time? Depending on how big their budget was, it could either be passable, or so-bad-it's-hilarious.
  20. Exactly my feelings. The only bad thing about tonight's episode was that we've gotta wait 'til next September for the next season.
  21. Oh my god, oh my god, that was awesome, oh my god. I just finished watching the finale, and I can't even begin to describe its awesomeness right now.
  22. Are you sure it was an optional goal? Sometimes when the superstars announce their plans before you start the match, it ends up being a mandatory goal, kind of like: SHAWN MICHAELS RTWM SPOILERS Keeping myself in check this time.
  23. You only have to play through once. Just save every chance you get, just incase you have to make a choice. Actually, I believe that the choice in question is just two ways to get the same alternate attire.
  24. Anyone else mess with the Jukebox in the first part of the Parish level until it plays "Re: Your Brains"? Two times I've done that, and twice, when Coulton gets to the line "You're all gonna die, screaming", I'm ambushed by shitloads of Infected.
  25. Or just up his Power, Looks, and Intensity so that he CAN pull it off? He's Hulk fucking Hogan, the Hulkamania gimmick is his.
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