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Drew Wheeler

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Status Updates posted by Drew Wheeler

  1. Guess what the best part about working for a newspaper is?

    1. IDOL


      Knowing its days are numbered?

    2. Benji


      Free wrapping for your fish and chips?

    3. Drew Wheeler

      Drew Wheeler

      Yes and yes. You both win.

  2. has to write a paper about the Best U.S. President...and you know who that is...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. DJ Ice

      DJ Ice

      Hillary Clinton?

    3. Rocketbusta


      Sticking with my choice of James FN Buchanan

    4. Syrjis


      David Palmer. Nuff' said.


  4. This Chuck Taylor compliation reminds me that I haven't bought indy wrestling DVDs since 2009. Suggestions for a lost CHIKARA fan?

    1. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      What was the last show you saw, and are you more interested in following the story as it progresses or just watching a show full of great matches?

  5. Emptiness is Lonlieness

    1. Gazz


      Cheer up chicken! :D

    2. LL!



    3. TEOL


      how did that e jump halfway across the word?

  6. Thank you, my good man! Made me smile!

  7. feels stupid and contagious.

    1. Josh


      I'm going back to Athens.

  8. I'll start this off without any words, I got so high, I scratched 'til I bled.

  9. Nobody likes Dollar General.

    1. Sousa


      You've never been unemployed with children, have you.

    2. C-MIL


      I haven't, but I like it. They have pretty good steak sauce.

    3. Drew Wheeler

      Drew Wheeler

      No, Sousa, I haven't. I am a twenty year old working in a store filled with old ladies.

      C-MIL, you're right. The steak sauce is actually good.

  10. is pissed he didn't set up Netflix sooner.

  11. really likes the Bret Hart - Hakushi match from In Your House May '95.

    1. El Principito

      El Principito

      Nice to know your profile button enjoys that.

    2. Drew Wheeler

      Drew Wheeler

      That damn profile button has taste.

    3. Rocketbusta


      Good old Hakushi Smith... awesome.

  12. Your avatar is cool as hell. I've got $10 on Sonnen.

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