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Everything posted by Blaze09

  1. To be fair, his O-Line gave him no help on that last play.
  2. Last time we were here, the Yankees relied on Jaret Wright to save their season. His stats that year in '06: 11-7, 4.49 ERA, 1.52 WHIP AJ Burnett's stats this year: 11-11, 5.15 ERA, 1.43 WHIP God don't blow this Porcello.
  3. Rick Porcello, this is your life. Just don't be as bad as AJ Burnett
  4. Holy shiy I'm black!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hobo
    3. gunnar hendershow

      gunnar hendershow

      What's a shiy and why is it holy?

    4. Blaze09


      A shiy is shit but 100x more vulgar, making it more shocking

  5. LOL Boston LOL Atlanta This was your great analysis by Blaze
  6. Getting my "LOL Boston"'s ready


  8. New name suggestions...and GO!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TEOL


      Suggestion: don't betray the King. :@

    3. Lineker


      Can't beat Alundra.

    4. Blaze09


      sucks I can't change my member title

  9. Grifter, when you see this, get in contact with me. I have a gift for you.

    1. Gazz
    2. Sousa


      Don't do it, Grift! It's a black guy trap!

  10. Marquez? Morales? Cotto? Clottey? Even though he's disgraced now, Margarito a few years ago was a guy that Mayweather didn't want. All these guys have/would have met Mayweather at his chosen weight for the money but it ended up with Pacquiao taking them all on first. Floyd's the one who keeps stacking the conditions, he's the one who retired instead of pursuing a Pacquiao fight. There's nobody left for him to really fight besides Pacquiao, so he ends up on PPV with a guy like Ortiz who's not at that level. To me it's simple: Floyd is the guy who has the '0' to lose and that's his whole rep right there. He wouldn't be shot as a draw but a loss would hurt him badly with the public. Pacquiao's been beaten before, has come back from it and his rep is made by being the guy who climbed the weights and collected belts, not on his record. When you think of it that way, it seems clear what side has been throwing the brakes on this for years. So before 2005, what was Floyd known for doing? Surely not climbing the weights and collecting belts? When Marquez fought Manny the first time, they were fighting at featherweight while Floyd was fighting at lightweight (in a WBC title tournament at that) and they weren't even on anyone's radar yet. Morales? Floyd was still in the middle of the WBC title tournament (2 months after fighting Henry Bruseles and 3 months from facing Gatti). Neither have faced Cotto and Clottey has never been worth Floyd's time (in terms of money or rankings). No one is ducking anyone. Manny won't take the test, Floyd doesn't want to lose. It's just two egos who won't just get in the ring and fight. I'm pretty sure this is Floyd's next fight, after he takes another 16-18 months off and blow this $50 million from last night.
  11. Like Floyd said he would. Call me when Pacquiao fights someone before Floyd does.
  12. Hey Meacon, Good job not making this reality for the 3rd straight week
  13. SMH I understand people will have different tastes in music (which why arguing this is pointless), but the fact that people think Eminem is better than Tupac is sad (and this is coming from someone who was born and rasied IN DETROIT). I don't even have to say "If Eminem was black..." because I can just point my finger to someone *points at Tyler, The Creator*
  14. No, no, no, no! Eminem is nowhere near the techinal level of a Tupac, Biggie, Nas, pre-Kingdom Come Jay-Z, KRS-One (and I don't even like him like that), or Kayne, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Em is a very good rapper, and a GREAT freestyler, but no he's not the most techinal rapper ever.
  15. I'm glad I got to see a Gazzpalm today

  16. Royce being on the list makes up for the fact that Tupac won't be in the top 5. I forgive you EWB.
  17. Every Miami fan needs to be shown this:
  18. Ashley Young is already good, but he will be scary good soon.
  19. I refuse to put my eyes under the strain that is Fox Soccer Channel's video feed, so I have to watch Fulham/Villa.
  20. This should start and end with Donald Sterling.
  21. Well, this has confirmed my belief that City is the NY Mets of Soccer
  22. I'm watching a soc..umm futbol match that doesn't involve USA...am I sick?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      Tristy, you couldn't get worser.

    3. tristy


      I love you guys. We're all a family here.

    4. Lineker


      We love you somewhat too.

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