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Everything posted by CQI13

  1. You might find this useful: http://arstechnica.com/journals/thumbs.ars...berium-wars-360 And if you don't want to click: I think he messed up with the acronym for the other EA Game (Battle for Middle Earth).
  2. Is the only way to Rivet City through the southern part of the city over the Jefferson Memorial Bridge? If that's the case, then fuck Rivet City and the horse it rode in on. And those fireants are bitches. Ugh!
  3. CQI13

    FIFA 09

    I guess I fall into that other 10%? Yay! I haven't played online against anyone, except that one game against you which turned out to be pretty good.
  4. CQI13

    FIFA 09

    I'll have to check if it's under "My Fifa 09" in the menu, or disconnect my ethernet cable to see what the result is when saving a replay. Sadly at work right now.
  5. CQI13

    FIFA 09

    I think if you watch the replay there's an option to save it and it uploads to the EA Servers.
  6. It's only about two weeks. I heard it was horrible before, but not anymore. And it's not bad until the last few days. At that point you're just thinking "It said it shipped...where is it?"
  7. Wow, I find this to be much better than Fable though I wasn't too fond of Oblivion. Trying to be good, but currently at neutral (despite leaving the vault as peacefully as possible) and saving Megaton. I will definitely do another playthrough and go the evil route. I have the save from the vault entrance (I'm assuming it auto saves there unlike Oblivion). If I use that save, and go the evil route, will that overwrite my current game (I'd hate it if that happened).
  8. I was referring to Mercs2 video, haven't seen the SR2 trailer. But this should give Mercs 2 even more replay value. LOL, the Yes We Cannon.
  9. The video looks hilarious. Will they be getting voice actors as well?
  10. Wait...what??? I'm confused. I haven't played it much since I got Saints Row, but I may have to go back. Somewhere past 50% after 50+ hours. Yeah, I roam around pretty much.
  11. CQI13

    FIFA 09

    I'll go ahead an join. How does it work exactly, club teams controlled by us, rounded out by the CPU?
  12. I can't wait for NFL Film's THE 2008 SF 49ERS SEASON. And what's the big deal? He didn't name names. They know who they are. And the only reason they mentioned Vernon was because that was an in-game incident. Seriously, they are getting paid great money. People go through worse for much less money.
  13. CQI13

    Fable 2

    The first mission before you get to Bowerstone? After you get the key from the cabin, and you walk back it should be to your left. Some dude will offer you money for the key. If it's not that, then I don't know. That's the only slave I've seen so far.
  14. Winning a division or conference title is still a big deal. And for a team like LA, that has been around for 40 years, they want to have something hanging in the rafters to show that they have done SOMETHING. I remember when Riley first came to the Heat, he didn't want to hang up the Atlantic Division Champions banner, but ended up caving in. I guess it's all relative though. Some teams have worked their way up to a division title after years of nothing, so it's ok to display. But after sustained success, you can't really put up lesser banners.
  15. HAHA, I saw that earlier today. Did it just get posted? So true, everything he says. And again I say "How did I not know about this game before!?!?"
  16. LOL. Grandpa Oden got hurt in the first game of the season. No one saw this coming I'm sure. He even sounds old compared to this year's number 1 pick.
  17. The game should never have been played to begin with. But whatever. In an interesting note, Vegas had to pay out on people who had money on the Phillies winning game 5. Since the game was stopped in the middle of an inning, Vegas goes back to the last full inning played, which had the Phillies winning 2-1. However, you wouldn't be able to collect if you had the Phillies winning the series, since the game isn't officially over. I found that interesting.
  18. So Miami could beat them then? They have a +7 TO margin, so they certainly play mistake free football for the most part. Whether they could or couldn't is immaterial until they play each other. I mean, the Dolphins SHOULD have and COULD have beaten the Jets. But they didn't, so it's a loss.
  19. As for records, people say so and so has beaten teams with a combined record of 10-17 (or whatever it happens to be). But they don't say anything about what those teams were at the time this team played them. Obviously the first game can't be taken into consideration, since they would be 0-0 at the time.
  20. Well in that case...in that case...I got nothing
  21. HttK, that would be understood if we were talking about Cam Cameron and last year's team. But Wannstach consistently got 10 win seasons with Miami, thanks to running Ricky Williams to death. And I think everyone is jumping on the Tech bandwagon because they're hoping for chaos in the BCS to bitch & complain about.
  22. I don't understand why everyone seems intent on taking things away from the winning team. "Oh it was the Chiefs" (who beat the Broncos). "Oh it was the turnovers" (which I'm sure the defense has no way of affecting). All I heard on the radio on Monday/Tuesday was a Steelers fan saying that Roethlisberger had a horrible game, but he didn't want to give credit to the Giants Defense. Seriously, win like a man, lose like a man. It's because injuries...it's because... What matters is the record. So they've beaten bad teams? Then they've beaten teams they were supposed to beat. Enjoy it while it's there, who knows how long it will last. Well, coming into this year, New England had the EASIEST schedule. So clearly they should be running the table. Even the second half of last year, with the anti-Patriots sentiment, I would hear people say "Well they have Brady AND Moss. They SHOULD be doing that" or "It won't last". Why not say "Damn, they're pretty good" or "They've been really good so far." And not disputing the above facts of their drives (not sure what weight they hold if not for that game), but if I get an INT and start at their 30, scoop up a fumble and run it in for a score, and get some other score, and I win 17-3, would people still say "Well, all their drives started in their opponent's side of the field." Because surely my defense wasn't out there preventing them from moving the ball.
  23. How is this any different than his days in Miami (NFL)? He's been at the right place at the right time, and god bless him for it. But what has he done?
  24. In the first one, if you keep failing Mayhem missions, does the computer make it easier? Because I kept failing because it kept giving me crappy districts to go to, and bonus on the pistol. But after I don't know how long, it gave me more populated districts and the rocket launcher. So finally beat the Insurance Fraud & the Mayhem activities. Close to finishing the hitman ones too. As for Missions themselves, I don't think I've done too many. What does the respect go up to? Currently at 63 I think. And finally, what exactly is the point of the loan shark activity?
  25. They would have the base for it on Fifa, would they not? Obviously different levels of detail, but if NCAA has over 100 stadiums, no reason why Madden can't have 34 (given they still have the Pro Bowl one).
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