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Everything posted by kale

  1. Personally, I don't think it will be as good as Devil May Cry 3.
  2. It seems as if there are more casual fighting game fans here then there are hardcore. The Mortal Kombat games have nothing on VF, SC or Tekken when it comes to depth.
  3. As good as Street Fighter Third Strike is, I must go with Tekken as my favorite fighting series. Especially now with Tekken 5 out:)
  4. Throwing is a key part of most fighting games. If they dont like being throw, tell them to learn how to break them. For example, in VF4 have them learn to do multiple throw escapes.
  5. so they are doing the Jay Garrick version and not Barry Allen or Wally West
  6. Tekken 5 owns so much. I'm going to regionals and if I place in the top3 at my regionals, I'm heading to the national tournament.
  7. I seriously can't wait until I get a chance to play Tekken 5. I'm looking to try and Feng Wei and Raven.
  8. All hail your lord and master, Foamy! My personal favorite is his first Rant.
  9. I just saw/heard it and it sucks ass.
  10. I get most of my cards that I need through trading rather then buying.
  11. As much as I don't like how George has changed the movies, he has the right to change them how he sees fit.
  12. and I have no idea how much 5 pounds is in dollars but if I remember correctly, a pound is worth more then a dollar so that's even more expensive.
  13. $5 a pack? That's insane. Most places I see packs about $3.50.
  14. Are you talking about packs or singles?
  15. bah you people suck. MTG is the best trading card game ever developed. There is a reason why it has been around for over a decade.
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