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Everything posted by munky

  1. The Bills aren't playing in Toronto next season, and Aaron Williams has re-signed long term. Finally something positive after the Byrd nonsense.
  2. The one that the in-game fans never vote for at that.
  3. Buffalo decides not to tag Jairus Byrd and let him hit the open market. Can't say as I'm surprised, really. He clearly wants to be somewhere else, which pretty much kills his trade value.
  4. I meant all the same colour, no the same colour as it was. Joke fail.
  5. At least the helmet's all the same colour, could be worse.
  6. I suggested he might wind up in Bellator not just because Nevada is banning TRT, UFC as a whole is. Regardless of where they run their shows, TRT isn't allowed. So it won't matter if the UFC runs a show in Alabama or Brazil where TRT is legal, they still ban its use. Bellator, to my knowledge, don't have such a rule. So when they run in other states their fighters can, theoretically, use TRT. So, if Belfort or another fighter who has come to rely on TRT can't compete at high level without it and winds up out of the UFC because of it, it stands to reason that they would be looking for another promotion to fight for.
  7. So, how long before Vitor winds up in Bellator then?
  8. Rob Ford is the only reason I'd want to live in Toronto.
  9. It's an expression, chill out. I hope he does well, he was great in Buffalo.
  10. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/10347662/buffalo-bills-hire-jim-schwartz-defensive-coordinator The Bills have hired Jim Schwartz to be their new DC after Pettine fucked off to Cleveland. I'm trying to be optimistic here but all I can think of is how incredibly undisciplined the Lions have been the last few years. We don't need that shit. They also signed Matthew Stafford's old QB coach. Seeing as we had a rookie OC last year with three rookie QBs and no actual QB coach, can only help.
  11. Even nice guys fuck up the date in January.
  12. What he said Also, people in the session were blatantly exploiting the bounty glitch to make money. That's how I knew. You mean the guys that glitch themselves a couple billion dollars, buy everything there is to buy and then bitch that the game isn't fun anymore? Fuck those guys.
  13. Kill him a few times, and pick up the case he drops and you offset the cost of his service in the first place. It's the fiscally responsible thing to do!
  14. Did the sawmill survival, when I spawned back onto the map the one lane dirt road leading to it had turned into the busiest street on the map for some reason. The picture doesn't do it justice.
  15. It's hard to fathom someone can die of a heart attack at 30 years old.
  16. 1. GTA V 2. GTA Online 3. Madden 25 4. NCAA 14 Those being the only new games I bought this year.
  17. Why do I continue to pay for Sunday ticket? I almost never watch the Bills games in December since they're always out of contention by then. I should try to get 30% off my bill or something. Fucking Bills. Fucking Toronto "home" game bullshit. Fuck.
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