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Everything posted by Pooker

  1. The last time I watched NASCAR on a regular basis, Lagano was a rookie with lots of promise. I'm slowly getting back into, and have heard from quite a few fans that don't like Lagano. What happened to him? Or did he do something to piss everybody off?
  2. The NBA released the schedule for the return last night. Teams to start reporting to Orlando in a few weeks.
  3. George Jones is amazing. Great catalog of music.
  4. They're supposed to be doing the schedule based on what each teams next 8 games were supposed to be, unless its against a team not in Orlando, then it'll be whatever team you were going to be play. So, if that's Portlands main complaint, I'm not buying it.
  5. Oh, I'm sure they want to play but what other format could the NBA have done to make Portland happy? The choices were either to start the playoffs with the way things were, which leaves Portland out, or do it the way they did, which gives Portland a chance.
  6. They're really not that far ahead, tho. Them, New Orleans, Sacramento, San Antonio, and Phoenix are all within 3 games of each other. And Portland, New Orleans, and Sacramento are all 3 games back from the 8th seed in the playoffs.
  7. The Blazers were the only team against restarting the season on the vote yesterday. They shouldn't be allowed to travel to Orlando to play. Should let a team that actually wants to be there play.
  8. It's really not. Gives the teams that were close a chance to make it, let's everybody get back on game shape. One drawback is that 13 of the 22 teams are from the Western Conference, but oh well. That's just how the league is. My only question is who the NBA will screw over to get the Pelicans into the playoffs.
  9. The NBA is voting on a proposal tomorrow, sending 22 teams down to Orlando, each will play 8 regular season games to determine playoff standings. If the ninth seed is within four games of the eighth seed, they'll have a two game double elimination playin games to determine the eighth seed. If its approved by the owners, games will start on July 31st.
  10. I can't stand "You're So Vain." Its catchy, but after listening to it multiple times a week at my old job, it drives me crazy now.
  11. Would the Clevelanr Cavaliers count? Losing in the Finals for times, the Conference Finals once, in about a 15 year period. They at least have one championship to show for it.
  12. Yea, he's had Parkinson's and Lewy Body Dementia. Was a regular at Jazz games but hasn't been the last couple of seasons. Sad to see him go down hill, but grateful he is now out of pain.
  13. After reading a couple other replies, I should probably take out one of the wrestling games and throw in either one of the Madden games on the N64 or Knights of the Old Republic. Both games/series that I spent a ton of time playing.
  14. Civ II Diablo 2 WWF No Mercy WCW/NWO Revenge Fifth one is hard. I want to say Double Dribble on the NES, since it was the first basketball game I loved playing. Or it could be The Sims. Or one of the Extreme Warfare games.
  15. Jerry Sloan passed away this morning. Pretty crushed about it. RIP to one of the greatest coaches of all time.
  16. You're probably right. But the way they made it seemed, like the pizza workers purposely gave him food poisoning is a bit of a joke. Why didn't they order it under an assumed name? Or have somebody meet the pizza guy in the lobby? I told a coworker today that I went to a couple Finals games in 97 and 98 and he was amazed that I got to watch Jordan play live. Made me feel old.
  17. One of my all time favorite Jazz memories is Karl Malone elbowing Thomas in the face. I've seen very few Bad Boy Pistons games. I love the way they played the game. Hard-nosed, physical, and didn't give a shit about anybody. But I can't stand Thomas. I don't mind Laimbeer so much. But, Thomas is a piece of shit.
  18. I remember think that I was pretty good at Tony Hawk 2 when it first came out. Then my nephew, about five years younger then me, came to visit and totally kicked my ass.
  19. He needs to come home to San Francisco before he retires.
  20. And they've canceled the Journey tour. Guess I just needed to get in here to complain.
  21. At this point, I would rather go our Separate Ways.
  22. Anybody watch the ESPN show about Alex Smith? I haven't seen it yet, read an article released about it, and saw some pictures. If you don't like nasty pictures, do not seek these out. How he is alive and how they managed to save his leg is a testament to modern medicine. I hope he gets to play just one more game in the league, just to say he did it.
  23. Can I just mentioned how pissed off I'm getting that Journey hasn't said a word about their tour this year? Its supposed to start in two weeks, I'm supposed to see them in three weeks, and everybody knows its going to get canceled or postponed but the band has yet to say any word about it. Started to lose some respect for them.
  24. I love it. Go all in this year and next. I have complete faith in John Lynch and this team, which is not something I thought I would be able to say again a few years ago.
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