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Everything posted by NM!

  1. I actually bought that game, thank you very much!
  2. I always get Taker vs Jake Roberts every year.
  3. Except that you can play as Nixon or Castro in zombie mode,
  4. So I finished reading Catcher in the Rye, and honestly, I don't see the big deal. Just a downright horrible book in my opinion. I've been reading sex, drugs, and cocoa puffs on my ipod recently, and its a decent read. Nothing spectacular but if you're in a slump of finding good books, its a good time consumer until you find a better book.
  5. Found a loophole with the whole title situation. It seems YOU CAN fight and win titles off of universe. The trick is that the champion has to have one of the titles not defended in Universe (hardcore, cruiserweight, etc.) And then when you choose to defend or fight for the title, hit the title button and then go to the main championship you want to fight for and you're set. RVD was my IC and cruiserweight champ and with Universe off, Morrison beat him to become IC champ. Also, when you turn Universe on again, they will be the new champ.
  6. If anyone is playing on PS3, check out sky-3809's finisher. BEST FINISHA EVAHHH!! [/People who rated it]
  7. Which titles would those be? From my experience all titles that are not auto defended in Universe can be defended whenever you please. Also, two things I noticed: The Rock automatically having Cena as an enemy made me laugh a bit. MITB can be cashed in on the US title. I just had Zack Rider cash it on Ziggler.
  8. Any title that is not in the universe ppvs can be fought for in exhibition mode whenever you please.
  9. I've only read the first two before I realized that my comic store was shit and stopped carrying them.
  10. And I said zombie show. IE a show about dead people coming back and fucking shit up. What's not to get excited about?
  11. It's like rain on your wedding day. Seriously though, its a show about zombies. To my knowledge, the past 5 or so years never did a zombie show. At least not over here in the U.S.
  12. I'm on PS3, so you'll be up against me if you get it on that. I'm not much of a challenge though..
  13. Amazing amazing premiere. If the series is up to the quality as the first episode was, then I just found my favorite show on tv currently.
  14. I swear I saw this the other day. I just can't remember where its from. I know that the show is old though since it was part of a flashback type of thing.
  15. NM!

    EWB's FearFest

    I feel like I should know what this movie is about.
  16. Just saw it today and I have to say at the moment, I'm thinking it would be placed as my second favorite. I loved the ending, which was really the only good way to end this movie, and while the acting seemed poor with the police, the suspense with the trap side of the movie was good enough to make up for it. *Major spoilers on main characters.
  17. NM!

    EWB's FearFest

    I actually was watching Dance of the Dead when I posted that. I'll check out Fido though.
  18. I never get someone to turn on anyone in my game.
  19. NM!

    EWB's FearFest

    Anyone know of a good indie zombie movie? I say indie because the bigger movies just seem to give the now generic virus ordeal, and I would like to see a nice gritty zombie flick. Humourous or straight out horror is fine.
  20. Just had a great match in the online rumble where I started as #1 and lasted all the way to 24 before getting thrown out. Came back as Shelton before getting triple teamed by the remaining three in the ring and getting thrown out again. I voted for Bourne to be out next and came back as Shad. I eliminated RVD and with that, it was down to me, Christian, and Kozlov. Kozlov was on the outside, and I went to grapple him, but Christian clotheslined me, threw me onto the apron and used his finisher. Right after that, Kozlov threw him out, and I laughed at how that turned out. Really fun though.
  21. NM!

    EWB's FearFest

    4 and 5 suck, but 6 is a step up.
  22. So how does one restart it back to year one?
  23. So I've been looking for some EWBers to play against on here. My PSN is Usbouncer.
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