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Everything posted by NM!

  1. I swear, everytime I see him, I think Mr. Anderson and Jerry Lawler had a love child..
  2. Three Movies I can't wait for: Captain America The Avengers Super 8
  3. NM!

    Schindler's Playlist #6

    Thanks for this YI I tend to love all the albums you put out, with of course the couple 3 or 4 that I don't listen to >_< But either way, seeing a new album up makes my day much better
  4. I completely forgot how great Big Fat Liar was..

  5. Anyone else having trouble downloading the Free Portal Game? I keep trying to download it but it keeps saying that Steam is too busy to finish my request.
  6. He already died once, how many drawn out death sceenes dos he need? As many as he needs to have the perfect one dammit!
  7. This one was on MEW's MySpace... It may be the one.?.? Nahh, it was some silver MEW logo, but this'll do for the moment until I could find it. Thanks Rocky! I'm guessing you mean this one..? It's from the iDOMINATION 1990 scenario. I never thought I could love powerhart like I do now! Thank you!
  8. Does anyone have a better quality Nate Bash picture? I liked the second one posted up there, but wasn't a fan of the "battle cry" looking one as he looks like a good face for my company.
  9. Hate to bump this, but does someone have it and could re-up it? Savefile seems to have become an ad site now..
  10. This one was on MEW's MySpace... It may be the one.?.? Nahh, it was some silver MEW logo, but this'll do for the moment until I could find it. Thanks Rocky! (Y)
  11. NM!


    Actually I think that's how the actual comic ends, so they probably didn't want to change it or kept it because they liked the chance to open it up more with some sort of sequel after that.
  12. I believe I got it here but I can't find it. Does someone have that "MEW logo"? I remember having it and I started up a promotion with the name Main Event Wrestling. Much appreciated to whoever has it.
  13. I can't remember what the name of the game was but I'd always play it with my dad. It was on the PS1 and had a green cover with some guys with guns looking forward. It was rated M I believe. EDIT: Ahh it was Syphon Filter 2 or 3.
  14. I love you for reminding me of A Scanner Darkly. I've been dieing to see it, but never got the chance to.
  15. Oh god that would be amazing.
  17. NM!

    Schindler's Playlist #3

    I actually like most of the songs on here. It's been a while since I've gotten one of your "Collection". I've missed having random music from bands I never heard of..
  18. I'm still waiting for a room of tvs like in Fahrenheit 451 to be released. That would be the ultimate 3-D experience.
  19. Here's the video of it. Sadly, no holograms, but by 3-D without the glasses, I assume this isn't horrible. EDIT: Ahh, nevermind, I didn't have that caption thing on and apparently it isn't the Nintendo 3DSi
  20. edvis500 any chance you could give me the Punk "Mugshot" one with the original background?
  21. I didn't want my page to fall off the map, so I made a new sig. It's on my signature right now.
  22. Not to be an ass, because some of you guys DO post pictures up, but this is really for pictures. If you need help making them, there's a new invention called the PM System. I Know. Crazy Stuff.
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