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Everything posted by NM!

  1. NM!

    Free Music Archive

    Fuse.tv has a couple song downloads because of Lollapalooza. Here's the link. http://fuse.tv/tours/lollapalooza2009/downloads.html
  2. Sorry for the double post, but I figured I'd post it in here than make another thread. In fact, I might make a thread where I just post my stuff like Nufan does...anyways, here are some new stuff. V1 V2 Original Picture
  3. Mhmm. I'm getting newer fonts as I type. Thanks for the comments guys.
  4. I like the picture. But anyways, thanks for the comments guys. I tried not going with too much, since I wanted it to be simple, but still somewhat difficult with lighting.
  5. Yeah, V4's my favorite because it gives me a retro feel with the colors and cartoon thing I did. Thanks for the comments Docpepper.
  6. Thanks for the comment man. Now that you mention it, the second one really needs something else, like contrast, and I'm getting annoyed about the fact that the text is hardly there in the second one.
  7. Just felt like doing something else tonight. Here's two versions, focusing mainly on lighting work. V1 V2 EDIT: Here's another version. Original Picture.
  8. I figured I'd make a new sig for the newly updated EWB site, and I decided on an abstract piece. However, it came out kinda messy, but I figured I would use it for a while since I'm getting tired of Naruto in the sig and avatar section. So if you could, could you give me comments as usual and vote for your favorite up in the poll above? Which ever gets to five first will be placed in my sig and avatar section for the time being. V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
  9. Lashley's picture was the only one I could get. You had to get it one by one and it took forever to download. But let me ask around the other forum and see if someone else got some pics and what not.
  10. While it may look like I'm being a dick and not giving it to you, they actually locked it because too many people, I suppose the other forum, went onto it and they got tons of themes and titantrons and what not. It's like their storage thing, so with everyone getting stuff, they closed it. I tried getting a new Daffney one with the green screen in the back, but I was too late.
  11. Someone from another forum found a TNA Server and had the pic. I just cut it out into the avatar size.
  12. Well, something they could also do is make one for an upper-midcarder or a main eventer who missed out on the storyline. Don't see what the problem, besides time, would be from this. Get maybe 7 bucks for a small pack of two storylines for that and gain some extra cash.
  13. Thanks for the comment man.
  14. Well, I'm new to smudging and was wondering on tips to do it well. From how I've done it, I only manage to get a cloud of it, while I see like paint scrubbings on other ones, that of course will be used in an effect. So, I was wondering if some of you EWB'sters would kindly help me? I'm using GIMP btw, which is almost like Photoshop.
  15. Comments? I saved it as a .xcf so I can still go back and make changes. V2 V3
  16. Ahh! Looks seriously great. Kinda reminds me of those 70's alien posters or something like that. Thanks for posting it up.
  17. Exactly the same way I feel. Charlie was great, then he got with Claire, and I got bored with him since nothing really happened, and then he got a great story only to die. I miss Charlie.
  18. I saw this logo on Kupy's wrestling wallpaper site and felt like making one with this as the text, so I guess you could say that I stole the logo. But anyways, I worked a bit with the lighting and a bit with the texture, so yeah. Here it is. Comments?
  19. I still haven't tried it out, will try to on Friday though, so I'm just wondering, does it take tons of space where it's nearly impossible to have it running smoothly? I mean, right now I need to clean out my Hard Drive since it's infested with a virus that killed tons of space, so taking unused items seems like the way to go, but sometimes it still seems to be slow when using things like this. Take note that this was last year when my computer had minimal problems.
  20. I actually didn't see it, and didn't find a report as to how Brock won. From the reactions, I'm guessing TKO, with Brock beating the hell out of Mir?
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