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The Donators
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Everything posted by Walker

  1. Is it agreed that Niner will become the VIP and leader of the EWB Nonces?
  2. 1. Fallout 4 2. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain 3. Mortal Kombat X 4. Rocket League 5. WWE 2K16 6. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 7. FIFA 16 Pretty sure that is all I've played.
  3. Uncharted and all the Telltale games. Maybe Tekken 7.
  4. 15 minutes on FIFA and my Internet shits the bed. I take this as a sign.
  5. Walker

    Fallout 4

    Best thing to do is send Preston to a settlement you don't go to then when the quest says "Talk to Preston" you just ignore it. Eventually the Completed notification comes up but you won't automatically be given a new one. Just watch out for people getting kidnapped.
  6. Walker

    Fallout 4

    Next time I see Niner I'm pickpocketing a live grenade into his trousers. I still need that trophy.
  7. Walker

    Fallout 4

    I was trying the 6 settler method because that apparently only takes 2 hours. WRONG! Well, I didn't follow it exactly because the guy specifies using Red Rocket but I already had stuff in there, plus supply lines that he also specifies you shouldn't have, so I used Sunshine Tidings because nothing in there but 2 settlers and some sleeping bags. I planted six Mutfruit, put down turrets to get my defense to 80, three water pumps and 5 level three clinics. Went to Starlight Drive-In and sent four settlers to Sunshine. At this point I'm at 40 happiness. Assigned one settler to the Mutfruit and the other five to the clinics. According to the method I should be able to sleep for 24 hours and be at 80 happiness. Nope. I think I was at 44. So walked around, talked to everyone slept for a few days and it shot up to 60. Started putting pictures up because apparently that helps and it did as I was up to 88 by 5PM (I had been working on this for just over an hour). From this point nothing I did mattered. It went up by 1 after about half an hour and I think it was because I was just running around in builder mode, so I thought just being around helped. Put a chair and bell down, kept ringing it, waited for everyone to arrive, waited for 12 hours, spoke to everyone, slept for 24 hours. This got it to 93 and then stopped working. I started ringing the bell and then switched my TV off to watch episodes of Bottom on Netflix before going back to Fallout to see if anything happened, waiting and sleeping before and after each time. I did this until about 10:30 when finally 100 happiness was hit. I spent seven hours on this shit! Now to revert back to my save before I started doing this.
  8. "I think MMA is for people who can't box ... I don't want to fight wrestlers." Usual bullshit.
  9. Walker

    Fallout 4

    Trying to grind out the Benevolent Leader trophy. It is not as fun as it sounds, and it doesn't sound fun at all. EDIT: 96 HAPPINESS! Nearly there.
  10. I should really watch a couple of things before I give a final list but this is where I stand now: 1. Better Call Saul 2. Steven Universe 3. Rick & Morty 4. Daredrvil 5. Game of Thrones 6. Last Week Tonight 7. Peep Show 8. Parks & Recreation 9. Mad Men 10. Gravity Falls 11. Bojack Horseman 12. Star vs. The Forces of Evil 13. Silicon Valley 14. Adam Ruins Everything 15. Fargo
  11. Walker

    Fallout 4

    Enemies are higher levels the further out you get from Sanctuary, but Behemoths are still quite close. I've had two pop up near the Corvega plant.
  12. Walker

    Fallout 4

    Radscorpions attack from underground and it gets me every time. Fuck them things.
  13. Walker

    Fallout 4

    1. !Me Shotgun 2. !Me Pistol 3. !Me Book Stick 4. !Me Bat 5. !Me Snipe That's what I've renamed them all. I think Me Pistol is Kellogg's. Snipe is a legendary weapon too.
  14. Walker

    Fallout 4

    Can you not do the weapon drop exploit on X Box?
  15. I like nunce though. It suggests inappropriate attraction to nuns.
  16. Walker

    Fallout 4

    Works best with Sanctuary because you've got quite a bit of water. Just spam water purifiers and any water not used by your residents gets put in your workbench. It doesn't keep piling it up so you have to empty your supply every day, but you can just put it in a safe or something until you are heading out to sell it. At the moment with only 3 purifiers I'm getting about 78-85 water a day which I can trade for 100 steel, 200 wood and 100 concrete and not spend a single cap (though I do have the Barter bobblehead and the perk that gives you better prices maxed out).
  17. Walker

    Fallout 4

    Building is my favourite thing. I have big ideas for about a third of my settlements. It is just a problem of a lack of materials. I do have a nice system of using surplus water from Sanctuary to trade for shipments of concrete, wood and steel so I don't have to spend any caps on it, and I could in theory do that every game day until I have a massive supply but I don't really want to grind. I've got the main quest line out of the way, just need to do some of the faction quests until the game makes me pick sides. Keep getting distracted though. Settlement quests are stupid, and you can get punished for not doing them! I've just stopped talking to Preston, haven't "failed" one yet so I think that works. USS Constitution is an amazing side quest!
  18. Yes. I don't have work this weekend so I'll see if it is possible. Pretty sure you can't select limos to race though.
  19. Walker

    Fallout 4

    I've been putting turrets at every settlement just so the defence is high enough to discourage attacks. I don't need to be constantly defending each area when I'm still trying to build Sanctuary as my main settlement.
  20. Looks like fun tbh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG8XEDfeJSo
  21. There is apparently a new Adversary mode involving a Panto. We should try it.
  22. I thought Mayweather was offering to fight her in boxing?
  23. Walker

    Fallout 4

    Not really, you don't get anything from them. I saw a landed one on my travels and blew it up with a mini nuke. Destroying things is fun.
  24. Walker

    Fallout 4

    If you go to Wood > Floors there are two options; concrete foundations and wooden foundations. I've been using the wooden foundations to make a scaffold as the basis of my builds to stop them looking like they are floating.
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