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The Donators
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Everything posted by Walker

  1. I did that mission over the weekend! It's all about the C4. I wanted to do it before they reached their destination. I set C4 along the path but it was never enough to get rid of the both. I took out one tank with C4/Grenade Launcher, the truck with the Grenade Launcher, and had to call in an airstrike to finish off the second tank.
  2. I think I'm doing better now. Mainly doing the side missions so I have better equipment (battling two tanks with a grenade launcher is hard). Still, only 9% complete having played for about 15 hours, that is pretty bad right?
  3. I'll try to get on if we are mucking about but it probably won't be till late on. 10ish maybe? Don't let me interrupt your heist though.
  4. I played six and a half hours of it today. Got out of it when I saw the opportunity after unlocking the base customisation options. Done I think five of the missions so far, plus 3 or 4 Side Op missions. It has brought back terrible memories of every other MGS game where I'm stealthy right up until the end and then one person sees me and after a chain reaction of events everyone dies in a bloody gun battle. It took me an hour and a half to do the first rescue mission for fucks sake and I'm sure it wasn't supposed to take that long! I was a nervous wreck by the end. I love it! Can't wait until Sunday when I start a week's holiday and can dedicate an ungodly amount of time to it.
  5. Might be on tonight pending tiredness. I have Phantom Pain but I don't want to get into that tonight since I won't be back from the gym till about 9:30ish.
  6. Right now my favourite TV shows are Rick and Morty, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe and Star vs the Forces of Evil. I probably need to grow up.
  7. Me, Lenny and Joe are also about to heist. I don't suppose someone wants to be our fourth?
  8. Unfortunately I don't think the other two are showing up. I'm coming on now for a mess aboot. Hopefully they'll join soon.
  9. Need a fourth for a heist tonight. It'll be Prison Break because I haven't run any of them yet. Any takers?
  10. How long before one of Rousey's opponents says: "Look, just get it over with so I can get back to having competitive fights."
  11. Urgh, I hate that. Holm needed two or three more wins to make that fight in any way interesting.
  12. He also sleeps in a racing car, do you?
  13. Sorry guys, not ignoring you but me and Joe are helping Lenny build up his money so he can buy an apartment and heist, and the best way to do that is with the 4 player missions. Will do a race day late this week.
  14. I hate FIFA, but if we go with No U FC I'll buy it and will get Lenny to join also.
  15. Have you not played with Joe before?
  16. My favourite YouTube guys played this game ...
  17. Walker

    Fallout 4

    Most of these changes are hugely positive in my book.
  18. I haven't seen it myself but what the fuck did he do to cause that? Throw acid in his eyes?
  19. There were casting calls and one sounded similar to an Iron Born central figure. I think that is the only thing we're working from.
  20. For some reason my mind went to Mike McShane and I got really confused.
  21. I feel we went too far tonight.
  22. Yes please. Might be slightly later, 8ish maybe, because I do have to go to the gym after work. Please do Humane Labs as I've not done that one yet!
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