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Everything posted by ROC

  1. ROC

    ESPN or Madden

    Though I can't play it (I just have GCN), get ESPN. It's bargain binning itself this year by coming out for just $20. Not the smartest move for sales, budget wise, but definitely a good thing for the fans who want cheap games. btw, I'm getting NCAA 2005 sooner or later because IMO, last year's NCAA was better than Madden.
  2. Wrong Turn 5/10 For a film like this, I'd like to bring out the ol' pros and cons system. Pros: Eliza Dushku *drools* Well, it's short The other chick was kinda hot too Cons: No nudity for Dushku ARRGHHH! The film wasn't really scary, IMO depicting Southerners as people that apparently have only three teeth (and that's not mentioning the mutated Southerners) Femme Fatale 7/10 A decent flick, watchable because of Rebecca Romijn.
  3. Well, I'll contribute. *SPOILERS* - Just in case I give away too much. The Rules of Attraction - If you learned anything from most teen films about college, it's that they don't take it seriously. This flick is different in that it shows college in a very dark way especially with the opening/closing party scene (btw, it's the same scene). This is a college lifestyle portrayed as devoted entirely to sex, drugs, and partying. The film itself follows three characters. One a virginal skate chick that is loyal to her boyfriend who is in Europe. Another a closet gay guy whose gayness unravels throughout the entire picture. And the last one a guy who considers himself an emotional vampire and seems to have no emotion or feelings. The film's first and second acts seem almost devoted to shock, scenes in the film show characters snorting coke, smoking pot, masturbating, and one even commiting suicide. Despite its shocking manner, ultimately the film is a depiction of the relationships collegians go through. Also, the directing by Roger Avary (who was the screenwriter for Pulp Fiction and also wrote this movie's script) is superb. He also tips its hat a little at the book's ending. The cast does a great job as well (especially Van Der Beek, who rose from crappy teen movie volour to make this his best performance). The film is just brilliance and certainly better than your average teen movie.
  4. Have you played Grand Theft Auto III or Vice City. If not, I recommend those. I would also recommend True Crime, but it's more satirical and is basically a parody of action flicks.
  5. 10 Favorites? That's gonna be hard for me. Well, here goes. 1. Goldeneye 007 (N64) 10/10 2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) 10/10 3. Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Genesis) 10/10 4. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES) 10/10 5. Metal Gear Solid (Playstation) 9.5/10 6. Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (Genesis) 9/10 7. Virtua Tennis (Arcade) 9/10 8. Sonic & Knuckles (Genesis) 9/10 9. Super Mario World (Genesis) 9/10 10. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2) 9/10 I omitted a lot of recent entries I've reviewed (excluding Vice City) but this is truly my list. A list that sucks up to Nintendo and Sega and rightfully so.
  6. Yep, H.G. Wells. I just reminded myself of another book I read, Around The World In 80 Days by Jules Verne. It was pretty decent, too.
  7. The Time Machine. Decent book to read through, really.
  8. I watched Bruce Almighty again (8.5/10), however, my cousin watched Kill Bill Vol. 1 and said many things about it. 1. That it was the most violent film he ever seen (and he has watched plenty of horror movies, too). 2. That he loved it. 3. That I would love it if I loved revenge stories, etc. 4. That he would watch it again.
  9. I'll add an additional article from today: So we might not be losing him after all.
  10. Well, it's one day until the release, so I'll put this up again so reviews for it and such can go here. EDIT: Also, did anybody watch the MTV special of this the other night?
  11. Sim Tower (PC) 7/10 Solid addictive game that you could find for free at the-underdogs.org. It's a solid game, plus, it's the only place where Kou has his own restaurants.
  12. ROC


    I could get away with saying she's hot especially because I'm 14. So, she's hot but her song is meh.
  13. Come to think of it, she learned a little bit about stripping on the show.
  14. You have a point. AoD is more comedy and They Live is sci-fi.
  15. It's sad to see this happen to such a great band as the Ramones.
  16. I have two suggestions for you. Army of Darkness and They Live.
  17. I thought it was meant to be like this. Jessie tried entering college and dropped out by '95. She then assumed a new identity (Nomi) and moved to Las Vegas where she became a stripper. Thus begins the cinematic classic known only as SHOWGIRLS!
  18. Quoted for emphasis and for the fact that I voted for Hilton.
  19. I like Launch though I played my months limit in two days.
  20. ROC


    The onlyline I've really liked from Reno 911 was the line made in this week's episode. "He said he would cut my head off and eat it for me. I'm sorry but that's love right there."
  21. Soul Survivors 3.5/10 The film started terrible, then the film got decent around the middle and showed that the film had massive potential. However, the movie had to end with a cheap ending. I won't spoil it here, but the ending is too Hollywood and feel-good. Just Married 6.5/10 I thought the movie was good because there was actually some funny stuff here. The movie itself is enjoyable and fits the job of an hour and a half viewing well.
  22. Yeah, like Monica Bellucci. I could agree with a lot of those picks though.
  23. I liked the original Toy Story the best. TS2 was good but I still like the original the best.
  24. ROC

    Blade: Trinity

    Or...maybe somebody will kill him. That will probably be what happens.
  25. He should've given the kid the ball. The kid clearly was going to get it and dang it, it's a kid for God's sake. He is an a**hole. Nice to see the team showered the kid with gifts. Also, this has to be the biggest news involving the Rangers since they traded A-Rod.
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