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Everything posted by ROC

  1. It might be more for my cousin, who is above 18 and marks for Lohan. I think she's hot, too but she doesn't hold a candle to MONICA BELLUCCI!!! Ah well, at least Bellucci in Bram Stoker's Dracula.
  2. Just asking, is there a Lindsay Lohan countdown? That is the only one I care about. (though, technically after she turns 18, she would be off limits for me for the next 3 1/2 years)
  3. SimCopter (PC) 6.5/10 Very addictive but also very glitchy at times. Harvest Moon 64 (N64) 9/10 Possibly the most underrated game on the N64.
  4. Bound (1996) 8/10 Okay, movie-making lesson, kids. Take the Wachowski brothers. Add Gina Gershon and Jennifer Tilly. Add a steamy sex scene and a mob storyline. And finally, add Joe Pantiliano. That is Bound in a nutshell. This was the film that showed that the Wachowskis were ready to go Matrix on us.
  5. Uh-oh, that could be bad come the 7th of July when Anchorman comes out.
  6. They were up for two awards but I still think it's very good that they won NONE.
  7. I watched the Movie Awards a couple of nights ago. The skits were the best part about it especially Ferrell's Burgundy skits. Also, nice to see that You Got Served won zero awards.
  8. I would get Fight Night or the new Syphon Filter game unless of course, you are an Eveil Dead fan than you might get FFOB.
  9. National Lampoon's Van Wilder 6/10 Better than those sex comedies NL made in the past but most definitely not up to their comedic peak seen with films like Animal House and Vacation. SLC Punk! Only saw the first ten minutes but it looked good. Now I watched two other movies but one is a Shannon Tweed movie and the other is a Dolph Lundgren film so I don't really need to rate them.
  10. Not a specific artist's album but probably my sister's album with those crappy pop songs. If I have to hear another dang Britney Spears song, I gonna tear up that CD.
  11. Super Mario World (SNES) 9/10 A great game, and probably the only good SNES game I have. American Gladiators (SNES) 4.5/10 Has no replay value whatsoever, but is decent.
  12. I hope the Pistons win, though the way every one of these series always end, it'll be the Lakers on top.
  13. Kaneanite, I feel the same way. This makes me miss my own list. There's only two hot people left, and my chick my not one of them.
  14. NFL Football (SNES) 6/10 A decent attempt by Konami at a football game.
  15. Britney Spears vs. Rachel Stevens Kate Beckinsale (maybe, the hardest vote for me in the whole tourney) vs. Elisa Cutberth Keira Knightly vs. Christina Aguilera Mila Kunis vs. Mary-Kate Olson
  16. Beverly Hills Ninja 5/10 Meh, I liked it better as a kid. Mallrats 8/10 This combines three things I mark for: 1. Jason Lee movies 2. Kevin Smith movies 3. teen comedies This film combines it well, the way only Kevin Smith films fit.
  17. The In-Crowd 5/10 Reedemable, if only for the thing of beauty that is Susan Ward.
  18. We lost another great man. R.I.P. Ray
  19. From what mtv.com is saying, he probably will.
  20. It's a celebration! Dave Chappelle does have the best half-hour on TV and now he could have the best hour and a half on the big screen with these projects.
  21. The best episode of The Fairly Oddparents, IMO, is the Friday The 13th episode where the President launches the missile. I love this line from it the most: Secret Service Agent: Mr. President, you almost started a nuclear war. What are you going to do now? President: I'm going to Escalator Land! Just something about that reaction is just hilarious. Like many have said, Rocko's Modern Life>Ren & Stimpy but Beavis and Butthead beats them both easily.
  22. Because he was literally living out of a desk and he was getting made fun of a good bit by the other comedians.
  23. Nobody was voting in mine so I ended it. The topic should be buried in among pages on this board. Anyways, here's my votes: Britney Spears vs. Tara Reid Catherine Zeta-Jones vs. Rachel Stevens Beyonce Knowles vs. Kate Beckinsale Trish Stratus vs. Elisha Cuthbert Keira Knightley vs. Norah Jones Christina Aguilera vs. Heidi Klum Mila Kunis vs. Ashley Olson Michelle Rodriquez vs. Mary-Kate Olson If the anorexic chicks beat Mila Kunis and Michelle Rodriguez, I'm gonna have some board users to kill. EDIT: Okay, I won't kill anybody, but I'll be mad.
  24. Phan only won because of the sympathy vote. Me personally, my favorite of last season was Ralphie May.
  25. If I still have my inherited comic book collection than I should be able to read those. I don't think I do anymore, though.
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