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Everything posted by Fudge

  1. Fudge

    WWE '12

    I knew it would be Kane, but it's still quite underwhelming.
  2. I was expecting it to be someone I'd heard of, but still this is horrible.
  3. Fudge

    WWE '12

    For the past few years the games have lasted me until about January and I'll be bored shitless of them and they'll slowly end up near the bottom of my pile, but this game is really good. I haven't touched Fifa, MW3 or Saint's Row since I got it. Only time I've took it out is to put music on my xbox for caws. If you can get it for about £20-25 it's well worth it.
  4. Fudge

    WWE '12

    Check the news section.
  5. Do Mexicans hire Mexicans to mow their lawn?

  6. I spent about £450 last year on buying that new black Xbox, and a PS3, so they can fucking wait at least 3-4 years until I buy a new console.
  7. Is the combat in this the same as the first game? I've got all three and just playing through the first one now and I really really hate the shooting. It's just tedious.
  8. Fudge

    WWE '12

    Michael McGillicutty is a monster once he gets going. He's tore through the likes of Cena, Ziggler, Truth and Kingston and has been US Champ for 6 months. I can't believe something made me care about McGillicutty. WWE could learn from playing their own game. Daniel Bryan just won the World Heavyweight Title at Summerslam after being built up really well and without MITB. Bad side is he also injured Sheamus who is the top face on Smackdown.
  9. Fudge

    WWE '12

    I love injuring Rey Mysterio it's so relieving 'cos it gets him out of the World Title scene.
  10. Fudge

    WWE '12

    Kofi Kingston keeps getting injured on mine, then coming back at the next Raw, still saying he's injured every week. He just attacked Brock Lesnar at the end of a PPV but apparently he's still injured so what the hell!
  11. Fudge

    WWE '12

    God I hate how Demolition and L.O.D never leave the tag team title scene., but I don't want to split them up.
  12. Fudge

    WWE '12

    Move them to Smackdown or Raw, give them the titles, move them back to NXT. That's all I did.
  13. Fudge

    WWE '12

    Oh God no, the final three in what would be the 2013 Royal Rumble were Arn Anderson, Jey Uso and The Great Muta. I only wanted Anderson and Muta in as surprise entrants, but now it looks like freakin' Muta's going to Wrestlemania!
  14. Fudge

    WWE '12

    That's the only one I've played and I got rather bored being Zack Ryder for too long. The dialogue was great though. Jim Ross is too good on this. Whooped Otunga and Cole which is fairly understandable, but then he just went and beat Rey Mysterio, who Mark Henry struggled to beat for a few months, in an Iron Man match!
  15. Fudge

    WWE '12

    Anyone got any good stories to recommend on Xbox?
  16. Fudge

    WWE '12

    I just had a brilliant match on the draft show. I was World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry, against Brock Lesnar. I kicked out of four F5's, and he kicked out of two World's Strongest Slams, but then Lesnar put me away with a fifth F5.
  17. Fudge

    WWE '12

    David Otunga must really suck. He just lost to Jim Ross in the main event of Superstars! Also the best feud I have going at the moment is Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton, John Cena, Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger, and Lesnar is still beating the shit out of everyone.
  18. Fudge

    WWE '12

    Yeah but how do I control them? Instead of just standing there. Also is there any way of getting out of the ring faster than walking to the ropes and really slowly getting on to the apron and down to the floor?
  19. Fudge

    WWE '12

    How the hell do you do moves like corner punches, or smacking someones head on the turnbuckle? I've tried fiddling with the right stick and pressing all the buttons but nothing happens and he just releases it before doing anything.
  20. Typing rich snob into google images brings up a picture of Tomko.

  21. Fudge

    WWE '12

    I had £13 on my game reward card, so just picked this up for a tenner, bargain.
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